The sword rises

Chapter 1124 Suppression of the Underworld Taboo

Chapter 1124 Suppression of the Underworld Taboo
The first thousand and 120 chapters suppress the taboos of the dark sea
Li Qiurou sacrificed and refined the Emperor Mirror of the Extreme Dao, in order not to let the taboo of Minghai escape into the void and escape.

Since Ming Hai Taboo wants to see her true strength, she doesn't mind using a pair of bare hands to teach Ming Hai Taboo a lesson, and let Ming Hai Taboo know the price of insulting Gu Hengsheng.

Li Qiurou's pair of jade hands contain enormous energy, and the movement of her hands and feet can shatter the void.

"What is Palace Master Guyou doing? Why didn't you just use the Jidao Emperor Mirror to suppress him?"

Many Tianjiao were puzzled and secretly transmitted voices.

"Palace Master wants to show his style in battle for Mister, and no one is allowed to insult Mister's prestige."

Some women saw Li Qiurou's original intention, and they both admired and envied her.

"Don't forget that the Palace Master Guyou back then was an existence comparable to Emperor Nangong, the true proud daughter of heaven."

Once upon a time, Palace Master Gu You fought undefeated with the unenlightened Emperor Nangong, and his fame spread throughout the world, how domineering.

Li Qiurou was wearing silver silk gloves, and she slapped her hands.

The palm wind was like thunder, and the momentum caused the sea of ​​clouds to roll, and the dark and heavy sky was shaken by it.

Minghai Taboo didn't dare to underestimate Li Qiurou anymore, and used all his strength to fight, tearing off Li Qiurou's palm with supernatural powers, and turned into a streamer to kill him.

Minghai Taboo just wanted to break the restriction of the void, but found that he could not escape because of the Jidao Emperor Mirror.

Therefore, Minghai Taboo had no choice but to fight Li Qiurou to the end.

"There is such a figure in the world. Am I really abandoned by the times? Can't even a woman win?"

Involuntarily, a hint of sadness arose in Ming Hai Taboo's heart, and the killing intent in his eyes became more intense.

Li Qiurou didn't take half a step back, and went head-to-head with Ming Hai Taboo.

Even though the taboo of Minghai has all kinds of means, Li Qiurou can resolve it with a pair of jade hands.

The silver silk glove she was wearing in her hand was a rare and ultimate Taoist weapon. The spiritual fire could not be burned, the spiritual water could not be soaked, and the sword could not leave traces on it.

The two fought fiercely, and the fight was inseparable, and the sky fell apart.

After a hundred moves, Ming Hai Taboo gradually fell into a disadvantage, becoming more and more unable to support Li Qiurou's ultimate move.

"how is this possible?"

Ming Hai Taboo is an evildoer. He thinks that he has few opponents in the same realm, let alone Li Qiurou, who is far behind him in realm.

Li Qiurou refused to let go, and still threw out several punches.

Minghai Taboo was directly knocked back for countless miles. At this moment, he finally knew the difference in strength between himself and Li Qiurou.If this continues, he will definitely die.

If he wants to escape, the farther away from Li Qiurou the better.

However, there is the Jidao Emperor Mirror on the sky, no matter how much the Minghai taboo struggles, it is impossible to leave the range covered by the Jidao Emperor Mirror, and is completely trapped in this piece of heaven and earth.

"No!" Ming Hai taboo panicked, he roared in his heart: "How can I die here? I still have a lot of unfinished things, I can't fall down."

From the moment he sold his soul and became the taboo of the Nine Nether Seas, he had no choice but to go all the way to darkness.

Li Qiurou will not be soft when dealing with enemies.


Li Qiurou raised his right hand, and pressed down on the taboo cover of Minghai from the air.


A huge palm print formed on the cloud and landed on top of Ming Hai Taboo's head.

"If you don't let me go, I won't let you go."

Minghai Taboo couldn't break free from the restraint of Jidao Emperor Mirror, and rushed towards Li Qiurou like crazy, intending to risk his life.

Seeing this, Li Qiurou gave a cold snort, lightly clenched his left hand, and the Jidao Emperor Mirror on the sky shrank at an extreme speed.


Li Qiurou won't make fun of her own life, she runs the Jidao Emperor Mirror, suppressing the madman's taboo of the underworld under the Jidao Mirror.

"Ever since you chose to step into the sea of ​​darkness, you have become enemies with the living beings of the great world. After the death of Mr. Yanlang back then, there is only a shell left."

Li Qiurou pressed his left hand on the top of the Jidao Emperor's mirror, suppressing the taboo of Minghai to the vast land.

In an instant, the ground centered on the taboo of the sea of ​​darkness, rapidly cracked and spread in all directions, and collapsed into ruins.

Minghai Taboo used to be a monster of the great world, and the world respectfully called him Mr. Yanlang.It's a pity that he made a wrong choice and there is no turning back.

"Your life journey, end here!"

Li Qiurou glanced at Minghai Taboo who was still struggling to resist, and muttered to himself.

Immediately, Li Qiurou circulated the profound energy in her whole body, exerted force with her left hand, and the Jidao Emperor Mirror erupted with a frightening aura.

Under the Jidao Emperor's mirror, Minghai Taboo's face was ferocious, and his soul was shattered by the Jidao Emperor's mirror in an instant.When he was dying, there was endless regret in his eyes, as well as a hint of relief.

Then, Li Qiurou took back the Jidao Emperor Mirror.

With a light wave of her right hand, the ground trembled non-stop, countless boulders soared up and landed on the bloody corpse of Nether Sea Taboo.

The next moment, Ming Hai Taboo's body was buried by boulders and mud, at least after death, he still retained a dignity and would not be insulted by others.

This is the only pardon that Li Qiurou can give to Ming Hai's taboo.

As for releasing the taboo of Minghai to find a way out, Li Qiurou never thought about it.Because, to be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself, and in the end the person who dies may be himself.

Li Qiurou exhaled a breath of fragrance secretly, the battle with Minghai taboo just now had consumed too much energy and energy, she was a little tired.


Li Qiurou turned around, looked at Gu Hengsheng and the others, and walked lightly with lotus steps.

Not to mention that the Tianjiao are stupid, even Gu Hengsheng didn't expect Li Qiurou to become so strong, and his eyes were surprised.

"The palace lord suppressed the taboo of Minghai with the power of one person."

When they saw the huge stone tomb not far from Yunjie Mountain, the Tianjiao finally came back to their senses, and talked to themselves stupidly.

"If I can be like Palace Master Guyou in the future, this life is enough."

All the female geniuses had hope in their eyes, and looked at Li Qiurou with awe.

"The Palace Master is even more terrifying than Mr. Jiu, and he cannot be offended no matter what."

This is the voice of many people. They may understand the origin of the prestige of the ancient palace master thousands of years ago.

Domineering, the best in the world.

It is difficult for people in the world to describe Li Qiurou's peerless demeanor, and they are extremely awed.

Li Qiurou put away the Jidao Emperor Mirror and the silver silk gloves, and landed on the top of Yunjie Mountain like a fairy.

"It's okay!"

Gu Hengsheng suppressed the shock in his heart, stepped forward and exchanged a glance with Li Qiurou.


Li Qiurou shook her head lightly, pursed her red lips, and her smile made the world pale.

Perhaps, the Palace Mistress will have a gentle side only when she is in front of her husband!

(End of this chapter)

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