The sword rises

Chapter 1133 Emperor's arrival, shocking the world

Chapter 1133 Emperor's arrival, shocking the world
The first thousand and 130 chapters and three chapters of the emperor's arrival, shocking the world
The arrival of Emperor Nangong directly suffocated the taboo of the dark sea in the first layer of the emperor's road, and the ghostly air of the dark sea in all directions seemed to recede as a result, not daring to approach Nangong Great's body.

"Why did Emperor Nangong appear? Isn't the gate of the Emperor's Road closed?"

Many taboos of the dark sea were immediately hidden in the dark, for fear of being discovered.

"At the time, Emperor Jiujun's Cannian appeared, and now Emperor Nangong is here, so it's better for us not to go out during this time."

Some Minghai taboos are hiding in the dark, shivering.

"Dijun didn't come alone, there are many strong people. Are you planning to fight again?"

Some beings couldn't help but use their divine sense to inquire, almost scared themselves to death, and quickly shrank back.The divine sense that was probed out just now must have been discovered by Emperor Nangong and others, I hope it will not come to the door.

Suddenly, there was another storm on the Emperor Road, and Emperor Nangong waved his troops to order.

"Clean up all the remnants of the sea of ​​darkness in the first heaven, and don't let any one go."

Emperor Nangong spoke majestically to the generals under his command and the powerful men of the world.


The generals took the lead and fought fiercely.

Now that the matter has come to this point, the powerful in the world dare not have any thoughts of violating the emperor's order, and can only obey the emperor's orders.

"Gu Nai Nangong Han, if you dare to protect the remaining soldiers of Minghai, no matter what price you pay, Gu will personally destroy your family."

Immediately afterwards, Emperor Nangong circulated his profound energy, and his voice spread like a wave across the heavens.He didn't want some ancient existences on the Emperor's Road to extend their hands to help Minghai when he was eradicating the taboos of Minghai.

If this is the case, Emperor Nangong doesn't mind using any means to destroy it.

Following this warning from Emperor Nangong, the creatures on the Emperor's Road did not dare to have any contact with the remnants of the Underworld, lest they cause trouble.

The existence of the Emperor's Road still remembers the scene of Emperor Nangong fighting against the Emperor's Road thousands of years ago. No one wants to offend a lunatic, and he is still a great emperor who is at the peak of his blood.

Thus, Emperor Nangong started the road of slaughtering the taboos of Minghai, with a murderous intent.

All the generals and the powerful men of the world acted separately, using their supernatural powers to find the traces of the remnants of Minghai, and mercilessly killed them.

"The emperor and the Zhongzhou powerhouse are here, we finally don't need to hide from XZ."

"I seem to see the figure of my old man. Could it be that he also left the sect and came to the Emperor's Road?"

"With the emperor's action, the remnants of Minghai's arrogance will not be long. It's just a pity for those great talents who died in the taboo of Minghai. They should have been fighting against their peers, and the future can be expected, but unexpectedly this kind of matter."

Many arrogances in the first heaven are very fortunate. They know that they don't have to worry about being swallowed by the remnants of the underworld, and they have saved their lives for the time being.

With Emperor Nangong's move, the battle began from the first heaven of the Emperor's Road.


No.18 Zhongtian, the top of Yunjie Mountain.

The imperial prestige of Emperor Nangong swept across the heavens, which naturally made Gu Hengsheng and others feel it.

"Dijun, it's time to do something."

Of course, Gu Hengsheng was very familiar with the aura of Emperor Nangong.

"The emperor is probably aware of the plans of the remnants of the underworld, so he can't wait any longer, or the entire emperor's road will fall."

In front of everyone, Li Qiurou has always been icy, making people afraid to get close.

"Now our pressure will be reduced a lot, and the remnants of the dark sea hiding around are probably going to hide XZ, and they won't hit us anymore."

Lihuo Jianzi Zhang Hanye slowly walked over with a long sword in his arms.

"Don't be too happy, don't forget, there is a Forbidden Emperor in the depths of the Emperor's Road. Moreover, this Forbidden Emperor is not a simple person who can cover the entire Emperor's Road with the ghostly air of the dark sea."

Back then, Emperor Nine Sovereigns' remnants and wills were not able to defeat Emperor Taboo, so it was by no means easy.What's more, the entire emperor's road can be laid out, and this taboo emperor of Minghai must still be hiding a big unknown trick.

"Indeed, although we can't help this battle, it will definitely affect the entire Emperor's Road. We don't think it will be safe, but it will be even more dangerous."

Bai Elegy of the Young Qing Imperial Clan said seriously.She thought in her heart that her elders didn't know if they had stepped on the road of God, and she couldn't hold on anymore.

"At present, I can only wait and see the changes. I hope that the emperor can turn the tide!"

Everyone was discussing this matter and expressing their views.

But Dugu Shang kept silent the whole time, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Perhaps it was because of Emperor Nangong that Dugu Shang felt a little stressed!

Suddenly, there was a loud "bang", and a dozen black shadows appeared in Yunjie Mountain.

Gu Hengsheng and the others immediately rose into the air with solemn expressions.

All the arrogances in Yunjie Mountain held their breath, ready to fight at any time.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

A dozen or so figures walked out of the black mist. Their cultivation was much higher than the others, and their laughter was a bit sinister.

"The remnants of the dark sea!"

Everyone smelled the aura of these thirteen people, and they couldn't help but took half a step back.

Why are there so many taboos from the underworld coming to Yunjie Mountain?What are they up to?
Even Gu Hengsheng's heart tightened when he saw Minghai's taboo battle.

This matter has far exceeded Gu Hengsheng's expectations. Minghai Taboo is probably trying to eat everyone in Yunjie Mountain.

Now that Emperor Nangong is wielding his troops on the road to the emperor, shouldn't the taboos of Minghai be hidden and figured out slowly?

"For the sake of safety, I waited and observed for a long time."

Yi Minghai Taboo looked at the people in Yunjie Mountain and said in a cold voice.

They have been lurking in the dark all the time, just worried that Gu Hengsheng is still hiding his strength, afraid that Gu Hengsheng still has the powerful cultivation to suppress and obliterate them.

However, after some inquiring, Ming Hai Taboo confirmed that Gu Hengsheng no longer possessed the all-powerful combat power he had during the Battle of Diyun.

With so many arrogance gathered here, Minghai Taboo will certainly not let it go.

"I don't know if the blood of Hentian Sword Immortal is different from other people's blood?"

Now that it is confirmed that Gu Hengsheng is not as good as before, Minghai taboo is not so afraid of Gu Hengsheng, at most it is just a little jealous.

"The Heantian Sword Immortal was so powerful back then, but now he can only be slaughtered by me."

There are a total of thirteen taboos in the dark sea, all of whom are of the four forbidden cultivation bases of Sendai. Just standing here makes the Tianjiao feel great pressure.

Gu Hengsheng looked stern, and the Sword of Everlasting Hate appeared in his hand, with a sharp sword intent.

When they saw Gu Hengsheng's Sword of Eternal Regret, all the taboos in the dark sea subconsciously took half a step back, and fear emerged from the depths of their souls.

However, Ming Hai Taboo and the others quickly returned to their gloomy and cold appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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