The sword rises

Chapter 1135 Wait for me

Chapter 1135 Wait for me to come back
The first thousand and 130 chapters wait for me to come back
The mirror of the emperor of the extreme way covers the sky, and the taboos of the dark sea welcome him fearlessly.


Li Qiurou made out a magic formula, intending to use the polar mirror to block the thirteen ghosts from all directions.

Gu Hengsheng and the others formed an formation to fight each other, each displaying the strongest supernatural powers and secret methods, so there is no need to hold back.

It's a pity that Li Qiurou's Jidao Emperor Mirror can temporarily block three or five Minghai taboos, but there is no way to deal with other taboos.

"Nine poles of the world of mortals, youth cut!"

Gu Hengsheng drew his sword and slashed, and the sword came out of the shocking cloud, crossing the countless boulders on the top of Yunjie Mountain, and the glow of the sword was dazzling.


All the arrogances have sacrificed their own Taoist tools and spells, hoping to withstand the taboo ultimate move of Minghai!

The entire Yunjie Mountain seemed to be shaking under the aftermath of the war. More than 500 Tianjiao on the mountainside were running away in a hurry, fighting against the taboo of the sea, just hoping to win a chance for themselves.

"The Heaven-hating Sword Immortal in the past is now hiding and fleeing like an ant, hahaha..."

As soon as he thought of the tragedy of the Emperor's War, Minghai Taboo would feel terrified for a while, and he could not help but remember that figure standing above the Minghai in a white long gown holding the Sword of Eternal Hate, which became a nightmare in the depths of his soul.

Now, Zhong Minghai taboo looked at Gu Hengsheng struggling, showing a ferocious expression.

"Back to the south!"

Gu Hengsheng sent a voice transmission to every Tianjiao in the killing formation.

Everyone took out their hole cards and kept smashing towards the taboo of Minghai, regardless of any losses, just hoping to win the hope of living.

In any case, they couldn't let the taboo of Minghai break the formation, otherwise no one would be able to survive.

Therefore, even if someone in the formation couldn't hold on anymore, they wouldn't take half a step back and hold on firmly.

There are more than 500 Tianjiao on the halfway of Yunjie Mountain. They came here after seeking Gu Hengsheng's protection not long ago.It's a pity that they are now facing a catastrophe, and their lives are hanging by a thread.

Several Minghai taboos did not go after Gu Hengsheng and others, but obliterated this group of arrogances on the mountainside.In this way, the pressure on Gu Hengsheng and the others was reduced a lot.

In the killing formation, Li Qiurou controlled the Jidao Emperor Mirror, and under more than half of the pressure, his face was pale.

If Li Qiurou can step into the four forbidden places in Sendai, she believes that she can suppress these taboos in the dark sea with a single hand.However, after all, her cultivation was far behind, and she was unable to display the true power of the Jidao Emperor Mirror.


Gu Hengsheng was very worried that Li Qiurou would not be able to hold on, so he called out worriedly.

"I'm fine, you must always pay attention to every corner of the formation, so as not to be breached."

Li Qiurou turned her head and glanced at Gu Hengsheng, with a soft look in her eyes.

"Okay." Gu Hengsheng knew that Li Qiurou was holding on, but there was nothing he could do, so he clenched the Sword of Everlasting Hate tightly.

If I am stronger, why let her stand in front of me?

Gu Hengsheng hated his low strength, and gritted his teeth: "Don't mess up the formation."

Relying on their combat power, they are confident enough to deal with five or six Dark Sea Taboos.However, this time the Minghai taboo was premeditated, and it seemed that it would not give Gu Hengsheng and others a way out.

It is also fortunate that there are not too many taboos in the sea of ​​​​underworld in the eighteenth heaven of the emperor's road, and his strength has not reached the five prohibitions of Xiantai.Otherwise, even if all of them were tied together, they would not be able to defeat the blow of the Sendai Five Forbidden Powerhouse.

At that level, talent can no longer make up for it.

"Sir, I can't take it anymore."

In the formation, there was a Tianjiao who was banned from Sendai, bleeding from seven holes and poured into the void.


Gu Hengsheng immediately went to support the foundation of the formation, so as not to be found by Minghai taboo.And that Tianjiao was supported by Gu Hengsheng and others, and placed in the center of the formation.

"Damn it! Why is the Jidao Mirror so weird? It's beyond common sense."

There are several taboos of the dark sea who are temporarily trapped in the mirror of the emperor of the extreme way, and it is difficult to break out of the mirror.

Li Qiurou stood at the forefront of the Tianjiao, bearing most of the pressure.Even so, many Tianjiao couldn't hold on any longer. They faced all kinds of ultimate moves and supernatural powers tabooed by Minghai, and their bodies were already scarred.

"Sir, we really can't hold on anymore."

More and more Tianjiao died due to exhaustion, or couldn't hold back the supernatural powers forbidden by Minghai, and died directly.

Li Qiurou's long white dress was a little bright red, which made people feel pity.Her red lips turned white, and a pair of pure white jade hands trembled slightly.

Dugu Shang, Mingwu Buddha, Lihuo Jianzi Zhang Hanye, Bailichen...

These people are doing their best to resist the taboo of Minghai, and they are under much more pressure than ordinary Tianjiao.They may have been seriously injured, but they still stood in the most critical corner of the formation and did not take half a step back.

"Compared to senior brother, I'm really weak!"

Gu Hengsheng looked at this scene, the corners of his eyes were blood red, and the fingers holding the sword of eternal hatred turned blue.

Slowly, Gu Hengsheng didn't swing his sword light, but looked down at his hands, lost in thought.

If it continues like this, it will not last for a few hours, let alone retreat to the abyss of the Golden Ridge Valley in the south.By that time, Gu Hengsheng and his gang were all dead.

Relying on Li Qiurou's own strength and Ji Dao Emperor Mirror, if she wants to leave wholeheartedly, these Minghai taboos can't stop her.However, she will not leave because Gu Hengsheng is here.

Because of this, Li Qiurou never left the formation, holding up half the sky of the formation by herself.

"Do you really want to go down this road?"

Gu Hengsheng didn't want to take this path, it was very difficult and dangerous.Even for a long time in the future, he will be a loner and will not be able to reveal his true identity.

However, at present, Gu Hengsheng has no other choice.

"Perhaps, this is my fate!"

Gu Hengsheng slowly closed his eyes, and the other tip of the Sword of Everlasting Hate appeared in his left hand, showing a sharp edge.

The Sword of Eternal Regret was broken into two pieces, and the power of the emperor's weapon was not one in ten.If not, Gu Hengsheng could rely on the power of the emperor's sword to share most of the pressure for Li Qiurou, so that he would not be caught in a life-and-death situation.

"Sir, what are you going to do?"

Seeing Gu Hengsheng cut his palm with the sword of Everlasting Regret, Fozi said in surprise.

Gu Hengsheng ignored Fozi, he glanced at the beautiful figure in front of him who was struggling to resist, and said via voice transmission: "Rou'er, go all the way south, as long as you enter the secret realm of the abyss and mention my name, everything will be fine."

Hearing Gu Hengsheng's voice transmission suddenly, Li Qiurou's heart tightened suddenly, feeling uneasy, and echoed: "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry when I get back."

Gu Hengsheng replied with a sentence, which deeply engraved Li Qiurou's beautiful image in his soul.

(End of this chapter)

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