The sword rises

Chapter 1145: Great array rises, heroes appear

Chapter 1145: Great array rises, heroes appear

The first thousand and 140 chapters of the five great formations, the heroes are now

"I would like to advise you all, it is better to leave."

The old man in the peach blossom grove faced all the powers alone, and said indifferently.


Now that the treasure of the world is right in front of them, how could they just leave?

Especially the old immortals who have lived for tens of thousands of years. They have exhausted all means to survive until today, and even refined the great medicine.

Now, his lifespan is approaching, if he wants to live any longer, he can only rely on the magical effect of a clear spiritual liquid.

The longer you live, the more you fear death.They don't want to lose the status and power they have worked so hard to gain all their lives.Therefore, in order to live a new life, they are willing to pay any price.

"Pretend to be a ghost."

There was a cold snort from an ancient being, and he couldn't help but slap it down, to see why the old man was making such nonsense.


The earth trembled, and the terrifying waves seemed to surge into the sky.

The old man remained motionless, letting the palm hit the top of his head.

With a sound of "shua", when the palm of the ancient existence was about to hit the top of the old man's head, it disappeared suddenly, and there was silence.


The ancient being who made the strike was shocked. He used almost [-]% of his power in that palm just now, and it disappeared completely without even touching a single hair of the old man. It was strange and unpredictable.

"This is Emperor Lin's Great Yantian Burning Formation!"

Zhu Qiang recognized the means the old man used invisibly and was very surprised.

"How did he cast the secret technique of the great formation just now? Why didn't I perceive it?"

Silently laying down a large formation, wiping out an ancient existence's full-power palm in an instant, this method shocked all the strong.

The old man has lived in the Peach Blossom Forest for tens of thousands of years, he is familiar with every inch of land here, and he has studied for so many years, and he has already mastered the method of formation.

"As expected of the descendants of Emperor Lin, this hand alone is enough to amaze me. However, even if you are capable, you must hand it over to Sword Immortal Hateful Heaven."

An old man came slowly, holding a black jade cane, he was dying, his face was dry and yellow.

"Everyone, if you force Mr. Jiu so much, aren't you afraid that the Fusheng Tomb will settle the score?"

The old man stood with his back on his back, and Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

"Fusheng's tomb has already been overturned, so why worry?"

Someone sneered.

As we all know, except for Gu Hengsheng, everyone in the Tomb of Floating Life was buried at the end of the starry sky.

"The glory of Dust Dao Sect has already become history, why don't you dare to kill Taoist nun?"

If you can force these people back without any action, that would be the best: "The karma of Daoist Daoist sect can be traced back millions of years ago, and how many people in the world have owed favors. Once you really dare to endanger the life of the Taoist nun, I believe that there will always be some hidden beings who are willing to suppress you and so on, in order to repay the kindness of karma."

"Although the Floating Life Tomb is overturned, it doesn't mean that you can really ignore it. Unless, you are ready to die."

The cause and effect of the Fusheng Tomb will not be weaker than that of Dust Dao Sect, and even more terrifying.For example, all emperors need to call the disciples of Fusheng Tomb as "Mr."How many people in the world can understand the secrets in it.

Hearing the sound, Zhu Qiang fell silent.

How could Zhu Qiang not know these things?

However, the most precious treasure in the world, Yiqing Spiritual Liquid, was too tempting, and they could not remain calm and indifferent.

"so what?"

A hoarse voice fell: "This old man is alone, with no relatives and no reason, half of his foot has stepped into the tomb. Even if the karma of the floating tomb is great, it is only a death. If the old man uses the psychic liquid to live again, wouldn't it be a big profit?" gone."

The old man in Peach Blossom Forest subconsciously clenched his hands. What he was worried about was this kind of desperate lunatic.

Some of them have influence behind them, and they are more or less caring.But for these lonely people who are not afraid of death, they are not afraid of the so-called cause and effect at all, which makes the old man feel a headache.

"You have to pay today if you don't!"

Finally, Zhu Qiang couldn't help but want to do it together.

Yiqing Lingye is right in front of his eyes, and no one will give up.

The Taoist nun sat cross-legged in the peach blossom grove, her pale complexion turned rosy, she slowly stood up, walked to the side of the old man, and planned to carry it down together: "Old boy, are you sure?"

"Taoist, don't worry, this peach blossom forest is my place, even if the emperor comes in person, there is no need to be afraid."

The words of the old man fell into the ears of others, and they sounded extremely arrogant.But Taoist nun nodded seriously, very trusting.

The Peach Blossom Forest already had Emperor Lin's formation restriction, coupled with the old man's perception and use of the formation, it is estimated that a great emperor really came here, and he would probably be trapped by the Dayantian Burning Formation.

"Seniors, I'm sorry."

Gu Hengsheng would not say stupid things that one person should bear, he just kept this kindness silently in his heart.

"Little guy, let's see if you can leave this peach blossom forest alive! In the future, it still depends on yourself."

The Taoist nun is very cold, giving people a feeling that strangers should not get close.

Gu Hengsheng's heart tightened, he might be able to escape in Peach Blossom Forest.But he can't stay in the peach blossom forest all his life!There is still a long way to go, what should Gu Hengsheng do?

I thought that Yiqing Lingye would cause a sensation, but I never thought that it would make the powers of Dilu so crazy.

"Fellow daoists, let's fight together!"

Dozens of people stood on the clouds outside the peach blossom forest. After discussing it, they all took out their trump cards and blasted towards the peach blossom forest without hesitation.

Flowers bloom, flowers fail.Array rises, array falls.

With a wave of the old man's right hand, the sky full of peach blossoms swept in all directions, covering the sky and covering the earth, such a magnificent scene that all the flowers in the sky and the earth lost their color.

Dayantian Burning Formation, the most powerful formation in the world.

In the past, when Emperor Lin proved the Dao, he could laugh at the world with just this emperor technique, and penetrated into the Nine Netherworld Sea without any damage.

The old man has all the true inheritance of the emperor's art, and his means are as good as the sky.

Together with the imperial formation, the sky, the ground, and oneself are trapped.

When one day the old man can walk out of the peach blossom grove, then it will be the day when he will truly achieve great success.At that time, where in the world can't we go?
"Is the sky falling?"

The No. 13 Heaven's Chosen One and the creatures looked at this dark and chilling sky, trembling all over their bodies.

Peach Blossom Forest, a big formation.

All the powerful supernatural powers were swallowed up one by one by the formation, continuously decomposed, and finally annihilated and turned into a breeze, gently blowing away every petal of peach blossoms floating in the sky.

"What a weird method."

Zhu Qiang showed a dignified look.

Is the legendary Dayantian Burning Formation really that powerful?

"I don't believe it, I'm willing to try it myself and see the power of the imperial formation."

Seeing that all kinds of magical powers had failed, a strong man turned into a streamer and rushed into the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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