The sword rises

Chapter 1149 Lost all dignity, the sky collapsed

Chapter 1149 Lost all dignity, the sky collapsed
The first thousand and 140 nine chapters lost all dignity, the sky collapsed
The sky of Fusheng Tomb has completely collapsed!
This is the idea born by countless people on the Emperor's Road.

Back then, how domineering the Floating Life Tomb was, who would dare to attack the disciples of the Floating Life Tomb?Who has the courage to challenge the majesty of the Fusheng Tomb?
Even if the Battle of Diyun is over and the Floating Life Tomb is overturned, no one dares to be the first bird, so as not to be involved in the big karma.

But today, Mr. Jiu from the Fusheng Tomb was forced to a dead end, cutting his own flesh and blood, extracting the marrow and tearing apart the bones.

In other words, the dignity of the Fusheng Tomb and the only Heaven-Hating Sword Immortal in ancient times was completely lost at this moment, and was trampled underfoot by Zhu Qiang.

Dignity was trampled on without a trace of reservation.

time -

Gu Hengsheng pulled out a wisp of psychic liquid from his heart, and the veins on his neck bulged, which seemed to be caused by pain, or because of unwillingness in his heart.

Every time Gu Hengsheng's sword landed on his body, he would remember an ancient existence in the formation and imprint it deep in his soul.

His eyes were so red that it made one's heart tremble, making one dare not look directly at him.

"Myth, withered."

I don't know who said it leisurely.

After countless people heard it, their bodies trembled subconsciously.


The legend that has been passed down for more than [-] years has been shattered today.

The only Heaven-hating Sword Immortal in ancient times, the peerless existence who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Great Emperor, is no longer elusive.He was gouging out his heart, cutting his flesh, and lost all his dignity.

"Stop! No!"

The nun wanted to rush out of the formation to stop Gu Hengsheng's actions.However, once entering the Dayantian Burning Formation, how could it be so easy to get out.

The old man in Peach Blossom Forest and Gu Hengsheng looked at each other, he understood Gu Hengsheng's will, his old and yellowed hands were trembling, tears welled up in his eyes.

"Old boy, let me out!"

Taoist nun does not want to see the next scene, she wants to stop it all.She believed that even if she didn't hand over Yiqing Lingjiu, there would be a way to solve the current problem.

The old man was silent, he did not release Taoist nun from the formation.Because the old man saw the firm belief in Gu Hengsheng's eyes, today is a dead end, there is no other way but this way.

Just as Gu Hengsheng said, all the powerful people in the world put their ideas on Gu Hengsheng. The peach blossom forest can protect Gu Hengsheng for a while, but it cannot protect him forever.

If Gu Hengsheng wanted to become stronger, he had to get out of the Peach Blossom Forest, it was impossible to stay in the Peach Blossom Forest for a lifetime.

"Looking at the world, the Tomb of Floating Life has given Dilu many existences of kindness. Now the disciples of the Tomb of Floating Life are being bullied. Why don't you come forward?"

The Taoist nun looked at Gu Hengsheng's bloody appearance, and her body trembled slightly, as if seeing the shadow of Xiao Xiaoyao back then.Her heart tightened inexplicably, with a hint of pain.

The Fusheng tomb has survived for many years, and I don't know how much love and karma has been done.

However, Gu Hengsheng has been coerced to this day, but only the old man and the Taoist nun have come forward, and no other people have been seen anymore.

Perhaps, those people think that the experts in the Floating Life Tomb have all fallen, so there is no need to repay that kindness.

Or to put it another way, some people don't want to risk their own lives for the sake of being an enemy of Zhu Qiang.

All in all, the Floating Life Tomb has fallen.

If there are still strong people alive in the Fusheng Tomb, who would dare to act presumptuously?
Everything is because of strength.

The cause and effect of kindness seems to have become a joke at this moment.

After fighting for so long, no one came to help, desolate and sad.

It was precisely because of this that Gu Hengsheng had to cut out the heart and extract the marrow himself, he wanted to live.Only by living can we have an infinite future.


Gu Hengsheng raised his head and yelled, not knowing whether it was because of the pain, or because he had lost his dignity.

Straw after strand of clear spiritual liquid flowed out of Gu Hengsheng's body, making countless people jealous.

No matter how the Taoist nun scolded, no one came forward to help.

"Will the Tomb of Floating Life become history today?"

Everyone remembered Gu Hengsheng's bloody figure deeply in their hearts, and sighed repeatedly.

The dignity I lost today will be taken back by myself one day!
Gu Hengsheng's pupils were red, and drops of blood dripped from the tip of the Sword of Everlasting Hate, soaking the ground under his feet in red.

The Hundred Clans were silent, watching this scene quietly.

Everyone is coveting a sip of spiritual liquid, even if they know they may not get a sip, they don't want anyone to monopolize it.

Now when the world sees Gu Hengsheng gouging out his heart and extracting the marrow on his own, there is a sense of exhilaration that "if I can't get it, you can't get it either".However, there was an inexplicable panic in the bottom of my heart.

"I will give you all the spiritual liquid!"

With the last sword strike, Gu Hengsheng stabbed in the chest, forcefully forcing out the spiritual fluid in the blood in his body.


When the last ray of spiritual liquid floated in the void, Gu Hengsheng's body was swaying, his whole body was trembling, cold sweat and blood were intertwined, and his robe was bright red.

Gu Hengsheng gritted his teeth tightly, and said in a low voice like a wild beast: "Please trouble me, senior, to send out the spiritual liquid!"

The old man in Peach Blossom Forest shook his hands and said in a trembling voice, "Okay."

Then, tremblingly, the old man sent wisps of spirit liquid outside the peach blossom forest.

"Senior, please withdraw from the formation."

Gu Hengsheng said again.

The old man withdrew the Dayantian Burning Formation and released all the strong ones.He was always vigilant, as long as Zhu Qiang wanted to rush to the peach blossom forest, he would re-arrange the formation immediately and try his best to protect Gu Hengsheng.

"Yiqing Spiritual Liquid is really an incomparable treasure that was born at the beginning of the creation of the world."

Wisps of spiritual liquid were suspended in the clouds, and there was also a trace of bloody smell.

When Zhu Qiang saw Yiqing spiritual liquid in front of his eyes, how could he care about Gu Hengsheng?

Everyone held their breath, looking at Yiqing Lingye's eyes gradually becoming fiery.

The formation was withdrawn, and the Taoist nun naturally walked out of it. She glanced at Gu Hengsheng, opened her red lips, but found that she didn't know what to say.

After a long time, the Taoist nun turned to look at the old man: "I'm tired, let's go first."

The Taoist nun knew that today's matter had come to an end, and she wanted to leave here.Otherwise, she was afraid that she couldn't help but slaughtering these old antiques, which would make things even more messy.In that case, it would be Gu Hengsheng who would suffer.

As long as Gu Hengsheng is in the peach blossom forest, nothing will happen for a while.

Zhu Qiang probably wouldn't be planning Gu Hengsheng's idea anymore, but concentrated all his mind into the clear spirit liquid.

Gu Hengsheng looked at each of the old antiques above the clouds, and remembered their faces and breaths, not one of them left.

Finally, Gu Hengsheng collapsed and had no strength left.


When Gu Hengsheng fell down, he vaguely heard the old man calling him anxiously.

The dignity lost today, I will definitely take it back with my own hands!
(End of this chapter)

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