The sword rises

Chapter 1152

Chapter 1152

The first thousand and 150 second chapters pay the price of blood

The Taoist nun fought with the great powers of Changkong Mountain for more than ten days, most of the entire Changkong Mountain fell down, and the most solemn palace was also broken and turned into ruins.

In the end, under the siege of Zhuqiang, the Taoist nun was seriously injured and fled far away.

Changkong Mountain has united with many ancient existences, intending to suppress Taoist nuns at all costs.

The nun fled all the way back to Buried Heart Valley, not worried about the strong people outside at all.As long as Zhu Qiang dares to step into the Burying Heart Valley, the Taoist nun will have a way to trap them.

"Crazy woman!"

Zhu Qiang chased him all the way to Buried Heart Valley, but he didn't dare to go deep into Buried Heart Valley so as not to be ambushed.They could only yell at the sky and leave with boundless anger.

"Finally I can take a good rest."

Even if Taoist is strong, she can't fight against many ancient forces on the Emperor's Road. She has tried her best to make Changkong Mountain into such a shape, and she was seriously injured.

In Changkong Mountain, more than a dozen strong men who were above the three prohibitions of Sendai died, and several ancient existences at the very top of Sendai also fell.However, this still did not shake the foundation of Changkong Mountain, at most it just disgusted Changkong Mountain severely.

After all, as long as the two elders of Changkong Mountain are still alive, Changkong Mountain will still be an ancient power on the Emperor's Road and cannot be easily shaken.

Taoist nun's move was firstly to try her best to seek justice for Gu Hengsheng, and secondly to make herself feel at ease and not have to worry about it all the time.

Gu Hengsheng, who was in the Peach Blossom Forest, also heard about the Taoist aunt making a big disturbance in Changkong Mountain.

"Why bother?"

Gu Hengsheng's heart was heavy and complicated.

Day after day, year after year.

Gu Hengsheng stayed in the peach blossom forest the whole time, and he didn't go out for half a step.No matter how he practiced and tried every means, his cultivation base did not improve by more than half a point.

At the same time, Emperor Nangong led the powerhouses of Dashi Zhongzhou, and had already pushed the emperor's road to No.20 Chongtian.

Wherever Emperor Nangong passed by, even the ancient existences on the Emperor's Road had to give way to a road leading to the sky, and he dared not block it.

Even, there were many old antiques who set up a banquet, hoping to invite the emperor to drink a glass of wine.

Emperor Nangong looked at these ancient existences with indifferent eyes: "You are not qualified to touch the people in the Floating Tomb. What's more, it's him."

"This... Emperor, what do you mean by this?"

Many ancient existences on the Emperor's Road were surprised. They always felt that there was something in Nangong Great's words, and they were inexplicably a little uneasy.

Emperor Nangong didn't talk too much, once he stepped into the clouds, he continued to embark on the road of conquest.

Emperor Nangong once planned to protect Gu Hengsheng, but he still didn't do it after thinking twice.Because he knew that even if he shocked the powers of Dilu, he could only protect Gu Hengsheng for a while, but not forever.

After all, Emperor Nangong wanted to leave Dilu anyway.

When Emperor Nangong left, Gu Hengsheng might be facing a bigger crisis, even his life could not be saved.

Furthermore, Gu Hengsheng didn't need Emperor Nangong to protect him.

Emperor Nangong knew Gu Hengsheng very well, because they were the same kind of people, and they were arrogant.

"The reason why Sword Immortal Heantian from more than [-] years ago can reach an unprecedented level is because he never changes his way of thinking about himself, and all trials and tribulations will become the driving force for his growth."

Emperor Nangong stood in the clouds, and the day of the decisive battle with the remnants of the Nine Nether Seas was getting closer and closer, even he had to feel worried.

"Forcibly forcing the spiritual liquid out of the body has seriously affected the foundation of the Dao. Mr. Jiu's future path may be even more difficult."

On this day, General Yulong came to Nangong Emperor's side to clean up and No.20 Chongtian's remnants of Minghai.

"The method of the Floating Life Tomb is not as simple as it appears on the surface."

Emperor Nangong glanced at the starry sky and murmured.

"Dijun, I have been unable to figure out one thing."

When there was no one around, General Yulong didn't show much courtesy to Emperor Nangong. The two were not only monarchs and ministers, but also best friends.It can be said that without General Yulong fighting for Emperor Nangong, there would be no Emperor Nangong who ruled the world today.

"what's up?"

Emperor Nangong glanced at General Yulong, as if he had already guessed what General Yulong was thinking, but he still asked.

"The clear spiritual liquid must have been given to Mr. Jiu by the Floating Tomb. Logically speaking, the Floating Tomb must have considered the consequences of the exposure of the spiritual liquid. However, Mr. Jiu was forced to cut out his heart, but he has never seen anyone from the Floating Tomb. As for the other means, only the Taoist nun and the one from Taohualin try their best to protect each other, don't you think it's a bit strange?"

General Yulong frowned slightly, he had been unable to understand this matter for a while.Logically speaking, since the Fusheng Tomb dared to give Mr. Jiu a clear liquid, it must have considered everything carefully.

However, Mr. Jiu's Dao foundation has been damaged now, and he has lost all his face, which is not like the style of Fushengtomb.

"Either there is something wrong with the layout of the Floating Life Tomb, or the temptation of Yiqing Spiritual Liquid has caused some people to willingly betray the invisible karma."

Emperor Nangong couldn't come up with a reasonable answer, so he could only guess with his own thinking.

At the end of the starry sky, the broken arm of big brother Dongfang Mo is suspended here.

Originally, the elder brother's severed arm would always protect Gu Hengsheng and calm down all restless factors.However, Bei Gongxin, who was closest to Xian, was a little restless, and Floating Tomb was worried that Bei Gongxin would break out and cause chaos in the world.

Therefore, the elder brother's severed arm had to be returned to the end of the starry sky to prevent mutations.

The other layouts of the third senior brother all had problems because the senior senior brother had broken his arm and was not born.If the elder brother's severed arm appears in the world, there will definitely be many ancient beings who have received the blessings of the Floating Life Tomb willing to help.

However, since Eldest Senior Brother's Broken Arm did not appear, the world thought that the Floating Life Tomb had completely fallen, so how could it be possible to lend a helping hand?Besides, Yiqing Spiritual Liquid is so precious, who wouldn't be tempted?
One step is wrong, every step is chaotic.The elder brother's severed arm has not left the end of the starry sky, and has been guarding here, because he is afraid that Bei Gongxin will break through the formation and mess up this prosperous world.

"It's a pity Mr. Jiu."

General Yulong felt sad for Gu Hengsheng. The Tomb of Fusheng paid a huge price for the living beings of the world. Not only did he not get the due respect and reward, but he was besieged and killed by the powerful.

The saddest thing in the world is nothing more than this.

"You should still worry about those old antiques that have been touched!"

Nangong Great took a step lightly with his back on his back, and muttered.

"Indeed." General Yulong understood what Nangong Dijun meant, and his eyes were firm: "Not everyone can snatch Mr. Jiu's things. Moreover, Mr. Jiu was forced to cut out his heart and soul this time. The cause and effect are too great."

"Just wait! In the near future, they will all pay the price in blood."

Are all the experts in the Floating Life Tomb really dead?
Emperor Nangong didn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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