The sword rises

Chapter 1156 Emperor You!

Chapter 1156 Emperor You!

The first thousand and 150 chapters of the sixth chapter Youdi!


Gu Hengsheng agreed with the old man's suggestion.

If he is compared with his peer Tianjiao, it is indeed difficult to find a rival.However, I don't know when it started, Gu Hengsheng's opponents were no longer the arrogance of the world, but replaced by a group of peak powerhouses standing at the highest places in the world.

Gu Hengsheng can only move forward if he restores the Daobao Body and Daoji.I don't know how many years it will take for Gu Hengsheng to accomplish this goal, or it will never be possible.

If others have encountered this matter, they must be disheartened, and they will live in a daze from then on.After all, the foundation of the Dao has been severely damaged, which means that the way of practice ends here.

However, Gu Hengsheng is different, he is the only Heaven-hating Sword Immortal in ancient times, and also Mr. Jiu from the Fusheng Tomb.He could fight Dilu to death, but he couldn't lose the will to move forward.

He will take back the lost dignity and everything lost with his own hands.

Gu Hengsheng's eyes had extremely firm thoughts, he stepped into the thatched hut deep in the peach blossom forest, and asked the old man to seal his aura with great magical powers, and slowly figured it out.


Emperor Road, all major heavens.

Whether it is the ancient family forces and strong men, or the arrogance and evildoers of this world, they are all discussing the upcoming decisive battle, making people panic.

On this day, the shadows of You Yun's eighteen generals passed through layers of life and death roads, and manifested in the eyes of the world.

"That's... the heroic souls of the Eighteen Generals of Youyun. Shouldn't they stay in No.30 Chongtian? Why did they appear here?"

Many old antiques were shocked and daunting.

"Many years ago, the Eighteenth General Youyun appeared once, to retrieve Emperor You's star-chasing Taixu Blade. What are they doing this time?"

Although Youyun General existed 10 years ago, it still has a very high reputation and majesty to this day, making people dare not underestimate it, even if it is just a heroic soul left in the world.

"There are many traces of time hidden on the Emperor's Road. Every era has powerful people lurking here, full of unknowns."

The people of the world are in awe of the Emperor Road. The Emperor Road has existed in this world since ancient times, and no one has really understood the depth of the Emperor Road.Even the great emperors of each era can only see a corner of the emperor's road.

"You Yun will come to the world again, what a strange thing!"

Some people are always paying attention to the movements of the Eighteen Generals of Youyun.

Not long after, the eighteen generals of Youyun came to No.20 Chongtian.

No.20 On a high mountain in Chongtian, there is a young man sitting cross-legged on the ground practicing.He was wearing a light gray gown, and his long jet black hair was gently tied together, giving him an extraordinary demeanor.


Suddenly there was a sound of beating drums, which came to the mountain from afar.

Every beat of the drum seemed to hit the depths of the young man's heart, so that he didn't feel heavy, and even had a sense of inexplicable familiarity.

"what sound?"

The young man gradually came to his senses, his brows furrowed, and he looked in the direction of the voice.

After a while, a dozen figures appeared in front of the young man's eyes, and the two sides looked at each other.

At this moment, Wan Lai is silent, and all the disturbances between heaven and earth seem to be frozen.However, the sound of the drum beating like magic has been echoing in the mind of the young man.

There are eighteen generals in Youyun, one general and one Fanghua.

"who are you?"

Young people can't see through the depth of cultivation of these people in front of them, they are now the enemy, and they are cautious.

General Youyun, everyone stared at the young man, his indifferent eyes gradually glowing with mist.Although the looks are different, the generals are convinced that this person is the one they have been waiting for.

That person's unique demeanor, the arrogance pervading from his bones, and the familiar way of speaking...

Before they knew it, the generals seemed to have seen the time when they were with Emperor You a long time ago.

I still remember that when each of them met Emperor Youdi for the first time, there was basically such a scene:
"Do you want to fight the world with me?"

"who are you?"

"Kong Fanyou, my name."

"Who I thought I was, turned out to be an unknown person, and I had never heard of it."

"It doesn't matter, this name will suppress an era in the future, and it will last forever."

"Boy, you are too good at talking big! Is it up to you to suppress an era? Are you afraid of flashing your own waist?"

"Follow me, you will have a place in the future peerless battle, and you will be invincible in the world."

"Cut, who cares..."

Emperor You has a unique personality charm, as long as it is someone he likes, he will definitely conquer it with strength and actions.

Back then, Emperor You had just stepped into the realm of Xiantai, and there was still an endless distance from the Great Emperor.At that time, Youyun Eighteen Generals had only just been established, and their reputation was not obvious.

Many years later, Emperor You proved himself as the Great Emperor and frightened the world.The Youyun generals under him have all become unrivaled generals, with high positions and powerful strength.

With a dazed glance, it turns out that a hundred thousand years have passed.

The glory days of that year are long gone.

"The last general Ye Guying, see the emperor!"

Looking back suddenly, the person who has been waiting for 10 years is in front of him, and everything can be restarted.As the leader of General Youyun, Ye Guying knelt on one knee in the void of the clouds, with an unconcealable respect showing on his vicissitudes of life.

"The final general, He Chengyun, see the emperor!"

"The last general Wei Zhuo, see the emperor!"


The eighteen generals all knelt on the clouds and spoke in unison to the young man on the top of the mountain.

When they faced Emperor Nangong, they had respect, but they always maintained their unyielding arrogance, and called him "Emperor Nangong".Because, in today's world, only Emperor You can make them truly open their hearts, worthy of the word "Emperor".

Young people are dumbfounded!
Those who had been hiding in the dark and watching were shocked by the scene in front of them, their expressions changed drastically, and they were stunned.

"Youyun Eighteenth General actually knelt down towards him, and called him... Emperor? Could it be?"

There is only one person in the world who can make You Yun eighteen generals like this, and that is Emperor You.

"How is this possible? Emperor Youdi died as early as 10 years ago, there is no way he is still alive!"

Everyone in the world couldn't believe it, and they all looked at the young man on the top of the mountain with shock and suspicion.

"He is Murong Jing, the young man who became famous a while ago. But, how could he be Emperor You? Did the Eighteenth General of You Yun make a mistake?"

The person who uttered this voice of doubt gradually fell into deep thought and silence. Even if there is only a heroic soul left in Youyun Eighteen Generals, he is still one of the most powerful existences in the world. Will they mistake Emperor You's identity?

The possibility of mistaken identity is very small.

The young man on the top of the mountain is Murong Jing, who is also Gu Hengsheng's opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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