The sword rises

Chapter 1165 Out of the coffin, the floating tomb reappears in the world

Chapter 1165 Out of the coffin, the floating tomb reappears in the world
The first thousand and 160 chapters are released from the coffin, and the floating tomb reappears in the world
The battle was extremely tragic, and many powerful men of the world died in battle.

More than half of the [-] troops under Emperor Nangong's command were lost, and the remaining soldiers also suffered considerable injuries.

Minghai's remnants and taboos are still fighting hard. They will not fight to the death with the great and powerful, but are entangled, obviously delaying time.

"The solitary army, march in! The rest of the people wait to suppress the remaining evils of Minghai."

If Emperor Nangong participated in this chaotic battle, he would definitely be able to suppress the remaining evils and taboos in Minghai one by one.However, that would be too much of a waste of time, and it would also consume profound energy.

Emperor Nangong didn't have the energy to waste on the remaining taboos of Minghai, he wanted to lead his troops to the No.30 Second Heaven to stop this terrifying plan.

"Yes, Emperor!"

Originally there were [-] elite soldiers on the road to God, but now there are only [-] remnants left.However, there was no fear on the faces of every soldier, but an indomitable fighting spirit.

As early as many years ago, the generals and soldiers did not care about their own lives.As long as Emperor Nangong has an order, they will step on it without hesitation knowing that there is a dead end ahead.

The army has the same heart, and fights with the emperor.

Emperor Nangong dragged his scarred emperor body straight to No.30 Second Heaven, ignoring the powers who were still fighting.

I hope everything is still in time, and I hope Gu can stop this storm!

In fact, Emperor Nangong didn't have any confidence in his heart. Because of Mohua in Beicheng, Emperor Nangong was seriously injured. If the strength of the two taboo emperors hidden in the depths of the emperor's road is not weaker than Mohua in Beicheng, it is estimated that Emperor Nangong Powerless.

But even so, Emperor Nangong would not give up, he wanted to give it a try.

There must be many powerful people hidden in the emperor's road, but they did not show up.Because for them, if the rules of the avenue of Emperor Road are really changed, then there will be only benefits but no disadvantages, and they will enjoy the success.

At the end of the great starry sky, eight ancient coffins seem to exist forever.


The ancient coffin trembled, and bursts of voices came from the depths, continuously spreading to every corner of the starry sky.

"Back then, I asked Emperor Jiujun to test it out. I didn't want Minghai to hide so many tricks."

The voice was very calm, and it came from the mouth of the third brother Zhuge Haokong.

At that time, the Nine Monarchs once stepped on the end of the starry sky and came here.Later, for unknown reasons, Emperor Jiujun returned from the depths of the starry sky, and directly killed Dilu.

It turns out that all of this has the shadow of the third senior brother Zhuge Haokong.

"The natal imperial weapon of Taoist and Buddha, what should I do?"

If there were only two Taboo Great Emperors, then Nangong Great might still be able to fight with his own strong combat power.

However, if the emperor weapons of Wuyou Daozu and Gu Ranfozu are added, even if the big brother Dongfang Mo comes in person, he may not be sure of victory.

"I'll go!"

At this time, Second Senior Sister Meng Xiaoxiao said a word.

Everyone in the Fusheng Tomb was sealed in the ancient coffin, they could not leave this place, once they left, it would affect the Great Formation of Fengtian, and it would be a real catastrophe for Bei Gongxin to escape.

"Are you sure?"

The third senior brother Zhuge Haokong asked in a deep voice.

It's not that the third senior brother doesn't believe in the strength of the second senior sister, but because it involves the imperial weapons of Taoist and Buddha, it must be carefully considered.Once you take a wrong step, you will fall into a place of eternal doom.


Second Senior Sister answered in the affirmative.

During the battle of Emperor Yun, the second senior sister buried her present body, and she almost died completely.If Master Mo Yibai hadn't made a move, the Fusheng Tomb would have been completely overturned.

At the moment of life and death, the second senior sister realized the true meaning of the Dao of Three Lives in the world of mortals, and her strength was greatly enhanced.

"The matter of clearing the spiritual liquid..."

The Fifth Senior Sister talked to Ruyu up to this point, so she didn't continue.If you want to say who loves Gu Hengsheng the most among the Fusheng Tomb, it must be Fifth Senior Sister.

Back when Gu Hengsheng was traveling around the world, Fifth Senior Sister refined a lot of pills day and night, just because she was worried that Gu Hengsheng would be hurt.You know, Fifth Senior Sister is honored as the Immortal of Medicine by the world, and the pills she refines are all treasures.

Even so, Gu Hengsheng always had several bottles of pills on his body, which he could never use up.

Another time, Fifth Senior Sister succeeded in refining the Dao Bao Yao, and left it intact to Gu Hengsheng.

In the eyes of the world, the Fifth Senior Sister is as cold as frost, repelling others thousands of miles away.But to Gu Hengsheng, Fifth Senior Sister is the most gentle.

Everyone understood the meaning of this sentence, and fell silent for a while.

"Those who insult my Fusheng Tomb will pay the price in blood."

Seventh senior brother Chu Xiaoyao said in a cold voice.

"Send me out of the coffin and stabilize the momentum of the formation."

Second Senior Sister's ancient coffin shook violently, and she couldn't wait to be born.She wants to reappear in the world, suppress the taboo emperor deep in the emperor's road, and tell the world that her tomb of floating life is still there, and no one can oppress her!

"it is good!"

The third senior brother Zhuge Haokong deduced it for a while, but everything was blurred, so he could only trust his second senior sister.

"Help the senior sister break the coffin, stabilize the momentum of the big formation, absolutely not let that person have a chance to break the formation, and persist until the senior sister returns victorious."

The third senior brother Zhuge Haokong sent a voice transmission to his fellow senior brother.

"Okay." Everyone got ready.

Eldest brother Dongfang Mo has not spoken, there is a broken arm floating outside his ancient coffin, stabilizing the momentum of the formation.

The elder brother seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, so he called back his severed arm to avoid any abnormalities.

Otherwise, it would be a little more sure to send the elder brother out of the ancient coffin for a battle.

"Senior sister, I have seen a trace of cause and effect, which may relieve your stress and have a great impact on the battle situation."

The third senior brother Zhuge Haokong exhausted all his strength to capture this ray of cause and effect from the Dao.

Afterwards, the third senior brother sent a sound transmission to the second senior sister, and told the second senior sister everything about the cause and effect.

The second senior sister kept this matter in her heart, and then began to break out of the coffin.

The rest of the people in the Fusheng Tomb began to do their best to stabilize the Tianfeng Formation, avoiding the second senior sister's broken coffin and giving that one a chance to break the formation.


After a while, Second Senior Sister's ancient coffin trembled violently, the huge coffin lid was moved, and a hole appeared.

The unparalleled figure of Second Senior Sister slowly came out from the ancient coffin, her hair was like a waterfall, and her eyes were like stars.

"Senior Sister, make a quick decision."

The third senior brother said something eagerly.

Any one of them is indispensable in the Fengtian formation, they can't last long, I hope that the second senior sister can return as soon as possible, so that there will be no big troubles.


The second senior sister nodded slightly, and stepped towards the great world of Zhongzhou, reappearing in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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