The sword rises

Chapter 1167 Little guy, senior sister is here

Chapter 1167 Little guy, senior sister is here
The first thousand and 160 chapters seven, little guy, the senior sister is here
I come from the starry sky, and come here to calm the troubled times.

Empress, she has come to calm this troubled world.


"How could she still be alive? Back then, I clearly saw that everyone in the Floating Life Tomb was buried in the starry sky, and their vitality was gone. Why?"

"Emperor Hongyu, she returned from the end of the starry sky, is this true?"

The ancient existences of the major heavens changed their colors one after another, expressing their disbelief in the scene they saw before them.

However, that peerless figure standing in the clouds is real.The vast imperial prestige permeating all directions is also real.

The empress ignored the people and kept walking towards the depths of the emperor's road.

Wherever she went, no one dared to stop her.

Not long ago, Gu Hengsheng gouged out his heart and pulled out the marrow, he broke his foundation, and was forced to take out a clear liquid in his body.This matter was like a sharp thorn, piercing the empress's heart fiercely.

She glanced over, as if looking for someone's figure in the vast crowd.

If the situation wasn't urgent, the Empress would definitely overthrow the entire Emperor's Road and suppress those existences who oppressed the Fusheng Tomb in the past.It's a pity that time was running out, and the Empress only paused for a moment, then continued on her way, heading straight to the depths of the Emperor's Road.

When the empress left the first heaven, countless people were still immersed in fear and awe and couldn't extricate themselves.

The empress crossed one side of the star field and crossed the other heavens.

Her beautiful image left traces in many places in the cloud, making the world convinced that the Empress really returned, and it was not an illusion.

"The sky of Dilu, I'm afraid it will be pierced in the near future."

Looking at the peerless figure of the empress, many old antiques gradually struggled out of panic, and then fell silent.

Some people are very glad that they have never attacked Mr. Jiu of the Fusheng Tomb, let alone trampled on the dignity of the Fusheng Tomb, and they are afraid for a while.

There are also ancient existences that are deeply regretful, fearing that the empress will come in person and suppress them with thunder.Many ancient beings found.Although this wisp of Yiqing spiritual liquid is extremely precious, it is so hot that it is hard to feel at ease.

"The karma of the past is still unavoidable after all. Wrong, really wrong!"

Some existences with terrifying strength all showed deep regret at the same time.They all accepted the kindness of the Fusheng Tomb, but they failed to protect Gu Hengsheng, and even played a bad role.

All of a sudden, there was a huge turmoil, no less than a major earthquake, and the unrivaled existence on the top of Sendai couldn't keep calm.

"The first female emperor of all ages, her methods are more terrifying than the world knows."

Old Antique on the Emperor's Road knew many secrets, and his body couldn't help but start to tremble.

According to ancient records: 5 years ago, the female emperor was born, and since she stepped on the road of God, she has been invincible and invincible.If you fight, you will win.On the day she proved the way, all the ancient people worshiped her, and the emperor was extremely powerful, and the world called her Hongyu the Great.

With the body of a woman, the Empress suppressed all the monsters in the world, suppressed all the ancient forces on the Emperor's Road, and truly ascended to the position of the Great Emperor by her own strength.

Her means and strength are universally recognized as unparalleled.

No.15 Chongtian, the Empress temporarily stopped her progress.From the vast crowd, she saw a man in a black gown.

The man's appearance was very ordinary, the kind that even if thrown on the street, others would not be able to take a second look.

However, the Empress kept her eyes on the man.

Because, she knew that this person was the junior brother.

After Gu Hengsheng left Peach Blossom Forest, he traveled all over the Emperor's Road, as if he had no target, and he went wherever he wanted.As for the battle in the depths of the Emperor's Road, it had nothing to do with Gu Hengsheng, he could do nothing but pray silently.

On this day, Gu Hengsheng suddenly noticed a familiar aura and was startled.

"This is...Second Senior Sister's breath, really?"

Of course, it was impossible for Gu Hengsheng to misperceive the aura of his senior sister.He looked around, looking for the source of this ray of imperial prestige.

Then, Gu Hengsheng looked to the side, and saw a figure standing in the distant clouds, just in time to meet the Empress.

The two were separated by countless miles, staring at each other.

In an instant, tears welled up in Gu Hengsheng's eyes, his chapped lips were slightly parted, and he could not speak as if a spark was stuck in his throat.

"Second Senior Sister! It's really Second Senior Sister!"

Gu Hengsheng's heart was filled with excitement, his eyes gradually turned red, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Over the past few years, Gu Hengsheng has withstood all the pressure alone, he is too tired.

Looking at each other, Gu Hengsheng knew that the elders of Shimen were still alive, and that was the best result.

Senior Sister, she is still alive, really still alive.

"Little guy, Senior Sister... is here."

The second senior sister slightly parted her red lips, and murmured in Gu Hengsheng's direction.

With just one glance, she knew that Gu Hengsheng's body had a serious problem, his foundation was severely damaged, and his cultivation stagnated.What made Second Senior Sister even more worrying was that Gu Hengsheng had been forced to tear his heart out and lose all his dignity.

Inexplicably, bursts of intense tingling pain emerged from the depths of the Empress' heart.

Afterwards, the Second Senior Sister slowly turned her gaze back, she still had important things to do, and there was no time to say something now.

call out!
The second senior sister stepped on the road of life and death, and left the No.15 Chongtian.

After the second senior sister's shadow completely dissipated from the clouds, Gu Hengsheng slowly revealed a smile, a smile he hadn't seen for many years: "Hahaha..."

I thought that the elders of the master's sect would die in the starry sky and escaped death.Now, he finally got an accurate and reassuring answer.

Gu Hengsheng and the empress glanced at each other hastily, no one noticed, let alone what kind of meaning was contained in it.

Sister, I wish you a triumphant return.

Gu Hengsheng looked at the direction where the Empress left, and prayed silently.

"Empress, it's really her!"

No.13 The Valley of Burying Hearts in Chongtian, a Taoist nun walked out of the valley, she admired the empress very much, and respected her from the bottom of her heart.

"Not everyone can trample on the dignity of the Floating Life Tomb. Some people have really forgotten the horror of the Floating Life Tomb. It's time for them to remember it long."

Some people gloated over other people's misfortunes, and were very glad that they hadn't taken action against Gu Heng because they cared about the means of the Floating Tomb.

"We pay homage to the empress!"

Where the empress crosses, there must be strong people waiting on both sides, respectful and respectful.

Not long after, the empress came to the first floor of Emperor Road No. 30, and saw the bloody battlefield.

"If you dare to mess up the world, are you ready to die?"

The female emperor slapped out with one palm, and directly slapped the dozen or so gods into a blood mist, overwhelming the world.

boom -

Both the powerful man of the world and Taboo of Minghai stopped fighting in an instant, and looked at the empress who appeared here in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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