The sword rises

Chapter 1173 Meeting Emperor You

Chapter 1173 Meeting Emperor You
The first thousand and 170 chapters three meeting Emperor You
It has been laid out for 10 years in order to wait for Emperor You's rebirth.

However, due to the battle of Emperor Yun hundreds of years ago, Emperor You's remnant will died in the starry sky, resulting in an error in the layout, which affected many things.

"What do you mean?"

Gu Hengsheng was puzzled.

"He came back, but he couldn't integrate into his original identity, which is very repulsive."

After waiting for [-] years, what I waited for was a doubt.Fairy Hanyue can stay alone in the deserted city and endure endless years of loneliness, but when she thinks of Murong Jing's indifferent eyes, Fang can't help feeling a tingling pain in her heart.

Gu Hengsheng understood what Fairy Hanyue meant, Emperor You had returned, but something was missing, as if he had become another person.

Murong Jing may have believed that he was Emperor You, but he was unwilling to accept this fact and felt repelled.In other words, Murong Jing doesn't want to become another person, he is him, not someone's reincarnation.

In this regard, Murong Jing is very similar to Gu Hengsheng.

However, Gu Hengsheng calmly accepted that he was the Heaven-Hating Sword Immortal, and was willing to bear the karma that belonged to the Heaven-Hating Sword Immortal.But Murong Jing is different from Gu Hengsheng, what he wants to do is Murong Jing in this life, and he doesn't want to have anything to do with Emperor You.

"Where is he?"

Gu Hengsheng looked at Fairy Hanyue with complicated eyes, no wonder Fairy Hanyue felt a little disappointed at Emperor You's return.

After waiting for so many years, the person I waited for was not the person I was at the beginning.

This was a huge blow to Fairy Hanyue, and her hard-won belief collapsed in an instant.

Fairy Hanyue turned her head and looked in one direction, silently beckoning.

Gu Hengsheng followed Fairy Hanyue's gaze, and he saw an ancient pavilion in front of him, and a young man in a black robe stood inside the pavilion.

"I'll go and see, don't come here."

Gu Hengsheng said something to Fairy Hanyue and General Youyun, and then walked straight to the small pavilion in front of him.

Fairy Hanyue and Eighteenth General Youyun didn't step forward to disturb, but stood in the distance and looked at the young man in the pavilion.

The small pavilion by the lake is very quiet.

Gu Hengsheng's appearance made Murong Jing slightly surprised, and said coldly, "Why are you here?"

After entering the Great Deserted City, Gu Hengsheng returned to his original appearance.

After Murong Jing was invited into the Great Wilderness City, he witnessed the life of Emperor You with his own eyes, and learned that he was Emperor You.However, Murong Jing subconsciously rejected this source of identity. He didn't want to be someone's shadow, but he always felt that something was missing in his heart, and he was very melancholy.

"Should I call you Murong Jing, or Emperor You Kong Fanyou?"

Gu Hengsheng revealed Murong Jing's identity with one word, and the atmosphere in the small pavilion suddenly became depressed.

Murong Jing lowered his brows and eyes, and he pondered for a long time: "I don't want to be bound by past karma, can you understand?"

Murong Jing didn't deny his identity, but it didn't mean he admitted it.

"It's not your fault. You lost part of your soul. It's normal that you can't accept your identity."

Emperor Youdi's remnant will died in the battle against the starry sky, which led to what is happening today.

According to the original layout of Emperor You and Fairy Hanyue, if the battle of Emperor Yun did not happen, the current Emperor You must have completely recovered his memory!
"What are you doing here?"

Murong Jing laughed at herself.

"In the battle of Emperor Yun, Emperor You once said that if he is still alive after the first battle, he must drink with me and laugh at the world of mortals."

Gu Hengsheng said seriously: "I wonder if this agreement still counts?"

Immediately, Murong Jing fell silent.

He is Murong Jing, but he is also Emperor You.

The agreement made by Emperor You is naturally Murong Jing's agreement.

It is precisely because of these innumerable causes and effects that Murong Jing has a huge rejection.He doesn't want to be anyone, even the Emperor You who once ruled the world.

"When you really find the missing thing, let's have a good drink! Moreover, there is still a battle between us that has no result, don't forget."

That fruitless battle has been going on for more than [-] years.In this life, there will definitely be an end between the two of them.

"Are you hate the sky, or Gu Hengsheng?"

Murong Jing held back this question for a long time.Moreover, this is also Murong Jing's self-examination: Am I Emperor You, or Murong Jing?
"No matter what happened before, I'm still me, and that's enough."

Gu Hengsheng was also once confused, and he saw through this a long time ago, and his Dao heart was clear.

Murong Jing's body trembled slightly, although the movement was slight, Gu Hengsheng caught it.

Gu Hengsheng's words made Murong Jing fall into deep thought, and I don't know how long it will take to really understand.Maybe, only when Murong Jing finds the missing thing, will he understand the meaning of this sentence!

At this moment, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the entire Great Deserted City was shaken.


Gu Hengsheng, Fairy Hanyue and others all soared into the sky, looking up at the starry sky with solemn expressions.

"Second Senior Sister!"

This time, Gu Hengsheng saw the dark starry sky deep in the emperor's road, saw the figure of the second senior sister and the battle deep in the starry sky.

Emperor Nangong's body was covered with blood, his left leg was broken, and there was a huge gash in his chest. The left hand holding Long Yan's bow was trembling slightly.

There are also many corpses of elite soldiers floating in the starry sky. Not long ago, there must have been a terrible battle, which was very tragic.

"The barrier of Dilu Xingkong was broken by the empress, what happened?"

Fairy Hanyue looked at the shattered barriers of the starry sky. She couldn't imagine how terrible the battle just now was, which caused such a big impact.

The entire Emperor's Road was shaken, and the sky fell apart, as if the end of the world had come.

"Time is running out."

Fairy Hanyue tightened her bare hands, floated in front of Gu Hengsheng and Murong Jing, and said solemnly: "Dijun, maybe you still haven't recognized this identity in your heart, but this is an unchangeable fact. In today's troubled times, the emperor needs to take action. Only then can we help the empress to pacify the world."

"Fairy was joking, let's not talk about whether I am Emperor You. With my current cultivation and strength, I am not even qualified to participate in the war, let alone help the Empress."

Murong Jing said indifferently.

Hearing this "Fairy", Fairy Hanyue's heart suddenly trembled.She couldn't face Murong Jing's cold appearance, but on the surface she remained as usual: "As long as the emperor agrees, I will naturally have a solution."

Murong Jing narrowed her eyes and began to think.

"What? Are you scared? Don't you have the guts? This is not the Murong Jing I know."

Gu Hengsheng made a sarcasm on purpose.

"Don't use aggressive tactics against me, it's a very boring method." Murong Jing glanced at Gu Hengsheng, and then continued: "No matter who I am, if I can really fight side by side with the empress, this life will be worthwhile."

(End of this chapter)

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