The sword rises

Chapter 1177

Chapter 1177
The first thousand and 170 chapters and seven kings come to the world
Across the years for a hundred thousand years, Emperor You has returned!

He slowly walked towards the starry sky from the Great Desolation City, wearing a black robe that added a bit of aloof majesty to him.

In the deserted city, Fairy Hanyue looked at Murong Jing's back, a smile slowly appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her heart tightened.At this time, Fairy Hanyue was able to feel the unique aura and figure of Emperor You.

She had waited for so many years just to see Youdi's figure up close, and everything was worth it.

The origin stones of luck in the deserted city were almost drained, and all of them were blessed into Murong Jing's body.The current Murong Jing, should be said to be Emperor You, has returned to the peak of his strength, even if it is only for a short period of time.

"That's... Emperor You!"

Everyone was shocked and stunned.

"Is Emperor You really back?"

Some people still find it hard to accept this fact and keep doubting it.

"Spanning a long period of 10 years, he was really reborn and reached the peak again."

Even if Emperor You only came to the peak for a short time, it was enough to shake the world.How many great emperors were buried in the starry sky and became piles of loess, not to mention reliving their lives.

The next moment, Emperor You stepped on the clouds, and he looked back at Fairy Hanyue and Eighteen Generals of Youyun in the Great Desolation City with complicated eyes.

He is Murong Jing in this life, with a different kind of thinking, and he doesn't know how to face his old friend.In the battle of Emperor Yun, Emperor You's remnant death in battle had a great impact.

"General Youyun, return to your seat!"

The body of Murong Jing, the leader of Emperor You, looked at Fairy Hanyue with a gentle look in his eyes.Afterwards, he turned his head to look at Youyun Eighteen Generals in the deserted city, and the emperor's prestige spread across the starry sky.


Dijun is really back.

The Eighteenth General Youyun seemed to have returned to those glorious years, with tears glistening and his body trembling.

"Follow me to calm the troubled times."

Emperor You waved his hand, and a huge void appeared in front of him, leading directly to the starry sky deep in the Emperor's Road.

Youyun Eighteen will follow Emperor You closely and step into the starry sky.


In an instant, Youdi commanded Youyun Eighteen Generals and appeared in the starry sky with a rainbow-like aura.

"You... Emperor You, Amitabha."

The old Buddha Master of Lei Yao Buddhist Sect was stunned for a moment when he saw Emperor You, but he quickly recovered his solemn and serious appearance and bowed to salute.

"He really came back."

Emperor Nangong dragged his broken body, his eyes were still deep, and he muttered to himself.

Emperor You stepped forward with a blank face, crossed many star fields, and came to the side of the empress in person, confronting the two taboo emperors of Minghai.

"Empress." Emperor You called softly.

Regarding the fact that Emperor You could reappear in the world, the Empress did not feel any surprise, as if everything was expected.

"Drag one of them, can it be done?"

The female emperor alone has more than enough heart to deal with the two taboo emperors and the Taoist and Buddha emperor weapons.The important thing is that there is not much time left for them, and a quick decision must be made.

"Yes." No matter how difficult it is, Emperor You will definitely keep his promise.

He can return to the world, many of them have the help of the Floating Tomb.For this reason, as long as the request from the Floating Tomb does not violate Emperor You's original intentions, he will not refuse, not to mention that this matter concerns the future of the great world.

The appearance of Emperor You relieved a lot of pressure on the Empress.

As long as Emperor You can hold back one of the Forbidden Emperors, the Empress is confident that she can suppress the other Forbidden Emperor in the shortest possible time and restore the situation in Dilu.

On one side, the old Buddha Master of Leiyao Buddhist Sect still didn't stop, and crossed towards the depths of the starry sky.He wants to welcome back the things of the Buddha, and he will not allow the taboos of Minghai to defile it.

The same is true for the Taoist nun in Buried Heart Valley. She sits cross-legged in the starry sky and recites the unique secret technique of Chen Dao Sect, hoping to revive the Taoist ancestors who have been silent for millions of years.

"how did you do it?"

The two taboo emperors looked at Emperor You with complicated eyes, full of envy and shock, as well as a trace of resentment and jealousy.

In order to survive, they sold their souls to the Nine Nether Seas. Since then, they lived at the bottom of the dark sea and did not dare to stand out.

But what about Youdi?
He never fell into the Nine Nether Seas, and after 10 years, he reappeared without shackles.This method is enough to make everyone in Minghai envious.

If he could live another life in a fair and honest way, who would choose to fall into the dark hell forever?

"The Tao heart that has never changed since ancient times." Emperor You pondered.

The two taboo emperors were stunned. They kept chanting the words of Emperor You, and then roared like crazy: "I don't believe it! Why can you do it? Why does the heaven want to favor you?"

Emperor You didn't answer, was it really a blessing from heaven that he was able to return?
Suddenly, a beautiful figure appeared in front of Youdi's eyes, as if he saw the image of that beautiful figure staying alone in the deserted city for endless years.

Only when the missing sliver of taste is found, Emperor You may come back in the true sense.The current Emperor You still has flaws in his soul, and he still lacks the most important things.

"It's useless to talk too much, you are doomed to lose today."

Emperor You lightly moved his right hand together, and suddenly a treasure appeared in his hand - the Star Chaser Taixu Blade.

The heroic souls of Youyun's eighteen generals sit on one side respectively, willing to pacify everything for Emperor You and accompany him to the world.


Youyun Warlord roared in unison, and the monstrous momentum was like a waterfall falling down, shaking the sky and the earth.

The empress gave Youdi a glance, left an afterimage on the spot, and killed one of the Forbidden Emperors.

At this moment, Emperor You naturally also made a move, blocking the other Forbidden Emperor with the Star Chaser Taixu Blade in his hand.

In the hands of a taboo emperor, the relic of the ancient burning Buddha broke the freezing trend of the starry sky and re-displayed the unique brilliance of Buddha charm.

"The empress buried her own afterlife, not afraid of reincarnation, what about you?"

The Taboo Emperor controlled Yiye Changui, surrounded Emperor Youdi, and one hundred and eight Buddhist beads radiated dazzling Buddha light.

The brilliance emitted by each buddha beads condensed together, forming a huge vortex, as if it wanted to swallow Emperor You's soul into it.

Emperor You Ling stood in the starry sky, neither sad nor happy, murmured: "My soul is missing, if I don't find it, how can there be an afterlife?"


Emperor You's sliver of soul is missing, where did he come from in the afterlife, and how can he survive reincarnation?

Facing Buddha's Yiye Zen return, Emperor You remained unmoved, which shocked the people watching the battle and the Emperor Taboo.


The Empress can use her absolute strength to resist Yiye Changui, but what can Emperor You rely on?
Could it be that Emperor You's strength has far surpassed that of the emperors, has he reached another level?
The taboo emperor didn't believe it, he couldn't accept the scene in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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