The sword rises

Chapter 1205 The way is not passed on lightly, getting started as a teacher

Chapter 1205 The way is not passed on lightly, getting started as a teacher

Chapter 1000 Two hundred and five


Gu Hengsheng did not agree, but asked back with a blank expression.

With a firm gaze, the girl kowtowed and said, "I want to practice the Tao of Longevity and the Tao of Killing."

There is even a killing intent!
Gu Hengsheng felt a wave of obvious murderous intent from the girl's body, and frowned slightly.

It's not a good thing to have a murderous heart in such a pee.

"The way of longevity, no one in the world can cultivate it."

Even the great emperor will be buried by time, where in the world can longevity come from?

Perhaps only the misty and illusory immortal can truly prove the way of longevity!
"Then I want to learn how to kill."

The girl's eyes were full of pleading, but more of burning killing intent.

"You want revenge?" Gu Hengsheng could see what the girl was thinking at a glance, and said plainly.

"Yeah." The girl nodded.

She was supposed to live in the corner of Dilu with her grandfather. Although the days were bitter, they were very happy.However, a group of people came a few days ago, chasing and killing her and grandpa indiscriminately, and finally ended up in the current end.

As for the reason for being hunted down, the girl didn't know, and she didn't want to know.

Now she only wants to practice the technique of killing and killing those people without leaving behind.

"I can help you avenge and send you to a safe place to live afterwards. However, I will not take you in."

Gu Hengsheng didn't want to rely on himself. He still had a lot of things to do. If he took the girl on this dangerous imperial road, he would be too tied up.

"I want to take revenge with my own hands."

The girl doesn't need to let Gu Heng do it, she has to use her own ability to torture those people to death.

"Forgive me for not agreeing."

Gu Hengsheng shook his head, turned around and walked towards the unknown distance.

The girl's gaze was slightly dazed, and she glanced at the cold tomb where her grandfather was buried, and followed behind Gu Hengsheng with gritted teeth.

Gu Hengsheng naturally knew that the girl was following behind him, so he didn't stop him and continued to move forward without haste.

Several hours later, Gu Hengsheng stopped in his tracks, and said in a cold voice without turning his head: "The world is ruthless, I still say the same thing, I can easily avenge you, and then send you to a safe place."

The girl was only seven or eight years old, and she was weak. After walking barefoot for several hours, several layers of skin on both feet were worn out, bloody and bloody.She was already exhausted, but she didn't fall down because of the belief in her heart.

"Please...please senior teach me the method of cultivation."

These words seemed to have exhausted all the strength in her body, her voice was weak, but it was so firm.

Gu Hengsheng didn't reply, and continued walking forward.

Some people may say that Gu Hengsheng's heart is too cruel, without any kindness.But, who knows the burden on Gu Hengsheng's shoulders?

Another hour passed, and the setting sun was very beautiful and fascinating.

Standing on the vast land, Gu Hengsheng looked at the sunset, feeling homesick and feeling a little dazed.

More than 1000 meters behind Gu Hengsheng, a girl covered in mud and blood staggered as she walked, she might faint at any moment, and then her life would be swallowed up by this ruthless world.

The girl's mouth had already been bitten off by herself, and her complexion was pale and bloodless.If it weren't for the firm will deep in my heart, I might have fallen down.

If Gu Hengsheng really wanted to get rid of the girl, he could do it in one thought.After all, he couldn't bear that heart, and couldn't bear to let the girl die tragically.

"Are you really not going to change your mind?"

Although they were separated by a thousand meters, Gu Hengsheng's voice reached the girl's ears very softly.

The girl staggered and stabilized her body, preventing herself from falling down.After a long time, she raised her head, the will in her crystal-clear eyes remained unshakable: "Please...please senior teach me the way."

These words seemed to drain the whole body of the girl's strength.

The girl couldn't hold on any longer, and fell down on a slant.

She slowly closed her eyes, and there was only one thought in her heart: "Am I going to die?"

She was very tired, and her eyelids were as heavy as giant mountains, which made her close uncontrollably.

The next moment, the girl didn't fall on the cold ground, but fell into Gu Hengsheng's arms.

Gu Hengsheng held the girl in his arms, complex emotions finally appeared in his plain eyes.

"How similar are you to that person back then!"

Gu Hengsheng saw the shadow of a person from the girl's body, that person is the only sword servant of Hentian Sword Immortal, named Su Xixue.

Gu Hengsheng immediately protected the girl's body with profound energy so that her body would not suffer from any hidden illness.

The sword attendant of Hate Heaven Sword Immortal had also set foot on the Emperor's Road, but unfortunately he was tricked to death by the endless sea, and Dao died.If there is anyone who hates Sword Immortal the most in his life, then it is Su Xixue.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in front of Gu Hengsheng's eyes:
A girl: "Senior, I want to follow you."

"I'm used to being alone, so I don't need you to follow me."

"But, I have no father and no mother. If I don't follow Senior, I don't know where to go." The girl said with a sob.

"What's with me?"

"Then why did senior save me just now? Wouldn't it be better for me to die in the hands of bad guys?" The girl sobbed softly.

"Passing by, do as you please."

"I don't care, either you... you kill me, or I just follow you."

Since then, she has been following, and later became the only sword attendant of Hate Heaven Sword Immortal, envious of countless heaven's proud daughters.

But, who can know the pain in her heart?
Many years later, Sword Immortal Hentian fought against Emperor Youdi and gave her freedom.But does she need freedom?

Her idea is very simple, she just wants to be by the side of Hentian Sword Immortal, regardless of life or death.

It's a pity that Sword Immortal Hentian didn't let her accompany her and fought alone.

As for her, she witnessed the scene of Hentian Sword Immortal bleeding into the starry sky with her own eyes.


The picture in front of Gu Hengsheng's eyes was shattered. He looked down at the girl lying beside him, feeling complicated in his heart.

After a long time, the girl moved her fingers lightly, and slowly opened her eyes.

With Gu Hengsheng's help, the girl's body was fine.

"Senior, please teach me the way."

This was the girl's first thought when she woke up. She knelt at Gu Hengsheng's feet.

"Tao should not be passed on lightly, if you want to learn, come to my door!"

I don't know if it was because of the memory of the past, or because of the girl's firm actions, Gu Heng felt compassion.

The girl was clever, and immediately understood the meaning of Gu Hengsheng's words. She was overjoyed and kowtowed: "The apprentice pays homage to the master."

The girl kowtowed all the time, for fear that Gu Hengsheng would repent.

"Okay, it doesn't have to be."

Gu Hengsheng helped the girl up, and gently rubbed her flushed forehead.

The girl nodded vigorously, clenched her fists subconsciously, and the thought of revenge gradually increased.

(End of this chapter)

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