The sword rises

Chapter 1209 Defeating the enemy with flip hands is unfathomable

Chapter 1209 Defeating the enemy with flip hands is unfathomable

Chapter 1000 two hundred and nine

The next day, Gu Hengsheng packed up some bedding and sundries, and prepared to leave the thatched cottage where he had lived for more than ten years.

The world of mortals is difficult to repair.

Gu Hengsheng always felt that if he wanted to take a step forward, it would be as difficult as reaching the sky.Perhaps only by waiting for a certain time can he break into a new realm.

An Chusheng is sometimes very curious, although the master has terrifying strength, but he lives the life of an ordinary person.

Make tea, walk, sleep, eat...

Even if you have to prepare a layer of bedding for sleeping, she once asked: "Master, the world of mortals, what exactly are you cultivating?"

The master replied: "Understand the various states of life, watch the clouds roll and the clouds relax. The way of the world is also the way of the heart."

An Chusheng didn't understand, so he could only keep what the master said in his heart.

Today, Gu Hengsheng is going to take An Chusheng to No.20 First Heaven, to visit a new place, to look for that ray of opportunity in the world of mortals.

An Chusheng wanted to help Gu Hengsheng carry the luggage, but was rejected by Gu Hengsheng: "When your heart is at peace, I will teach you the Taoism of the world as a teacher."

"Yes, Master."

An Chusheng understood the meaning of Gu Hengsheng's words, and nodded slightly.

Her heart is still the same as before, buried with endless hatred and killing intent, and she will never forget the hatred in her childhood.

Gu Hengsheng looked back at the thatched hut behind him, without any nostalgia: "Let's go!"

An Chusheng followed closely beside Gu Hengsheng, as cold as a plum blossom.

boom -

Just as Gu Hengsheng had just walked a few steps, black clouds approached and the mountains trembled.

A solemn look flashed in An Chusheng's eyes, and he subconsciously put his jade hand on the sword at his waist.

Gu Hengsheng continued to walk forward as if he hadn't seen him.

"Demon girl! How dare you behead my disciple of Tianya Mountain, and you'll capture it without letting go."

Dozens of figures came out from the black clouds, the leader was an old man who had stepped into the realm of Xiantai, and the rest were the mighty members of the ninth realm of the Great Dao.

Yesterday An Chusheng told Gu Hengsheng that she killed a disciple.Presumably, the boarder is a disciple of Tianya Mountain, and his status is not low.

An Chusheng looked at Gu Hengsheng, and found that Gu Hengsheng did not have any mood swings at all, and her nervous heart gradually calmed down.

Tianya Mountain should be one of the forces on the Emperor's Road, but Gu Hengsheng has never heard of it, so he probably can't get on the stage.Back then, because of Yiqing Lingye, Gu Hengsheng almost remembered all the ancient existences and powerful forces on the entire Emperor's Road.

And this Tianya Mountain is not included at all.

Besides, this place is on the edge of No.20 Chongtian, and there is no supreme existence at all.

"No problem, let's go!"

Gu Hengsheng turned his head to look at An Chusheng, the confidence in his words was unquestionable.

Now that the master has said so, An Chusheng has nothing to worry about, and ignores the group of practitioners standing above the clouds.


Seeing that Gu Hengsheng and An Chusheng didn't pay attention to them at all, dozens of people in Tianya Mountain were furious and stomped their feet to startle the situation.

Since Tianya Mountain dared to trouble An Chusheng, it must have found out the details of An Chusheng.According to the information they got, An Chusheng was just a casual cultivator without any background.

That's why Tianya Mountain dared to capture An Chusheng to show his prestige.

Gu Hengsheng and An Chusheng rushed towards Gu Hengsheng and An Chusheng like a huge wave, as if they wanted to make them kneel down and beg for mercy.

Gu Hengsheng didn't move at all, but An Chusheng beside him couldn't move an inch, his delicate body trembled slightly, as if he couldn't hold on anymore.

Gu Hengsheng did not block this aura for An Chusheng at the first time, he wanted An Chusheng to experience this feeling of powerlessness, and to preach and teach.

The next moment, the blood in An Chusheng's body was tumbling, and there was a faint tendency to be seriously injured by the shock.

Gu Hengsheng waved his sleeves lightly, directly taking off the pressure on An Chusheng's body, allowing An Chusheng to finally take a breath.

"Sheng'er, you must always remember this sense of powerlessness, and let it be engraved deep in your soul." Gu Hengsheng seemed to recall some of his own experiences, and taught him carefully: "Since you have chosen to practice the Dao, then there is no There is no way out. Only when you become stronger can you be fearless, understand?"

An Chusheng was oppressed just now, but she didn't cause any major injuries. She understood Gu Hengsheng's actions very well: "I understand, remember the master's teaching."

"Yes." Gu Hengsheng nodded in relief.

That year, the Ancient You Palace was besieged by various powers. He used his cultivation base of the Profound Sky Realm and the Sword of Eternal Hatred to kill all heroes with blood, and even killed a strong man in the Xiantai Realm with a ray of imperial power from the Emperor Sword.However, he was defeated in the end. If the elders of the division didn't come forward, the consequences would be disastrous.

In that year, during the Battle of Emperor Yun, even though he temporarily regained the strength of the Heaven-hating Sword Immortal, he could level the Nine Nether Seas with one sword, but he was like an ant when facing the person closest to the Immortal.He could only watch the emperors die in battle in the starry sky with his own eyes, and watch the elders of the master sacrifice their lives.

That year, Gu Hengsheng encountered the ambush of the remnants of the underworld, and in order to protect Li Qiurou and others from leaving, Gu Hengsheng exposed a clear liquid.Afterwards, he was forced to cut his own foundation, extract the essence from his heart, and lose all his dignity.

Gu Hengsheng closed his eyes, he didn't want An Chusheng to experience his sense of despair, it would only be good for her to let An Chusheng understand the ruthlessness of the road of cultivation in advance.

"If you don't let me catch you, the only thing you can do is die."

The practitioners of Tianya Mountain pressed forward step by step. They didn't see how Gu Hengsheng erased his aura just now, so they didn't think much about it.

"I haven't done it in years."

Finally, the practitioners of Tianya Mountain caught Gu Hengsheng's attention.

Gu Hengsheng didn't bother to pay attention to it at first, but the practitioners of Tianya Mountain seemed to be a little bit relentless and murderous.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

The elders in the Xiantai realm of Tianya Mountain always felt that Gu Hengsheng was not simple, and asked in a deep voice.

There are countless powerful people in the world, and the elders of Tianya Mountain are very careful in their actions.He repeatedly confirmed that An Chusheng had no background, so he dared to lead people here.

However, now that he saw Gu Hengsheng who looked like a mortal, the elder Tianyashan's heart beat inexplicably, and he felt uneasy.

Gu Hengsheng slowly raised his right hand and waved it towards the people in Tianya Mountain above the clouds.

Palm falls, strong wind rises!

"Not good!" The elder Tianyashan's expression changed drastically, he was almost suffocated, and shouted in horror: "Senior, stop, I'll retreat right away!"

Back to basics, unfathomable.

Faced with Gu Hengsheng's slap from the air, Elder Tianyashan just wanted to escape from this place, the farther the better.

It's a pity that all the practitioners in Tianya Mountain have no chance to leave alive.

With a sound of "bang", where the palm wind passed by, a blood mist was startled.

All the people who came to Tianya Mountain fell, not even a ray of soul was left behind.

Gu Hengsheng gave them a chance, but they insisted on courting death, no wonder.

(End of this chapter)

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