The sword rises

Chapter 1215

Chapter 1215
Chapter 1000 Two hundred fifteen
The young patriarch of the Tiangong clan named Luo Buya, since he stepped on the road of God, he has been staying in the fifth heaven, and has never competed with the world's arrogance and evildoers.

The Tiangong clan is very special, and no force will offend the Tiangong clan.In the vast world, the Tiangong clan has a detached status and has a wide range of acquaintances.

In the quiet valley, many people are waiting in line, hoping that the head of the Tiangong Clan can create a handy Dao treasure for himself.

Gu Hengsheng passed the crowd and walked directly to the door of the bamboo hut.

"Why don't you line up? How dare you disobey the rules of the Tiangong clan?"

Some people looked at Gu Hengsheng with displeasure.

"Stop coming."

There were a dozen or so guards outside the bamboo hut, and they directly blocked Gu Hengsheng's path, aggressively.

"Send a message to the young patriarch, saying that I will come to him to complete the agreement of the year."

Gu Hengsheng said indifferently.

All the guards looked at each other. Seeing that Gu Hengsheng was confident, he should not be a troublemaker.Therefore, a guard immediately turned around and walked to the depths of the bamboo hut: "Wait a moment, I will report."

When the young patriarch Luo Buya heard the words of the agreement, he suddenly thought of something.He wasn't sure if it was as he thought, but he still sent someone to invite Gu Hengsheng in politely.

Gu Hengsheng walked in with a guard, making the hundreds of practitioners lined up outside messy and envious.

In an elegant pavilion, Gu Hengsheng saw a man with sword-browed and star-eyed eyes. It was the young patriarch Luo Buya.

Seeing Gu Hengsheng's appearance at this time, Luo Buya couldn't help frowning, and a look of disappointment appeared in his eyes.

"Dare to ask Your Excellency's name? What is the meaning of the agreement?"

Luo Buya and Gu Hengsheng once made an agreement, for this promise, Luo Buya never left this place, and spent hundreds of years studying the art of forging, just not to lose the reputation of his ancestors.

Luo Buya was not sure about the identity of the person in front of him, so he asked tentatively.He retreated the guards around him, closed the door of the Accord tightly, and sealed the void in this side with profound energy, so as not to be heard by those who cared.

"Looking at you, you have improved a lot over the years, are you sure?"

What Gu Hengsheng appreciates most about the Tiangong clan is not the forging method, but the integrity of the Tiangong clan.

More than [-] years ago, the Sword Immortal Heantian Sword Immortal's Ever-Hateful Emperor Sword was entrusted to the Tiangong Clan to complete. Since then, the Tiangong Clan has become famous and ranked among the first-class ethnic groups in the world.

" are?" Hearing this, Luo Buya couldn't help showing an excited expression.

"It's me." Gu Hengsheng nodded and admitted.

"Congratulations sir!"

Luo Buya was convinced of Gu Hengsheng's identity, because not many people knew about the agreement back then, not to mention Gu Hengsheng's otherworldly temperament could never be concealed.

"Okay, it doesn't have to be."

Gu Hengsheng raised his hand to support Luo Buya.

It has been hundreds of years since that farewell.

When Luo Buya heard about Gu Hengsheng's tragedy, he was worried for a long time, and even wanted to go out of the valley to find Gu Hengsheng's trace.However, Luo Buya held back the restlessness in his heart, and firmly believed that nothing would happen to Gu Hengsheng.

Afterwards, while Luobuya forged Daobao for practitioners in the world, he pondered about deeper forging methods.

Over time, Luobuya's forging skills have far surpassed those of the past, and he can completely compete with those old guys in the clan.

"Sir, you are fine."

Everything in the Tiangong Clan was given by Hetian Sword Immortal, Luo Buya kept his status very low, and stood beside Gu Hengsheng with the courtesy of a junior.

"Do you still remember the agreement? Are you sure?"

Gu Hengsheng came here today because of the sword of eternal hatred.

The Sword of Everlasting Sorrow was split into two, the emperor pattern was broken, and the power of the sword was not one of ten.If Gu Hengsheng wanted to conquer the world in the future, he would need the assistance of the Sword of Eternal Hatred.

"I have never forgotten the entrustment of my husband. I have been studying the art of forging these years, hoping to reproduce the glory of my ancestors."

Although Luobuya's forging technique is very strong, he can't guarantee whether he can succeed: "Sir, it's just that I have never repaired the imperial weapon, so I dare not make a promise."

"It's hard for you." For a promise, Luo Buya has not had a good rest for hundreds of years.Gu Hengsheng patted Luo Buya's shoulder, and said in a deep thought: "I will leave the Sword of Eternal Regret with you, and let you study it carefully. When will you be sure, when will you make a move?"

After finishing speaking, Gu Hengsheng flipped his hand and raised it, and two broken pieces of the Sword of Everlasting Hate appeared in midair.

For the time being, the Sword of Eternal Regret was sealed by Gu Hengsheng, and it did not exude the power of an imperial weapon, otherwise it would definitely cause a lot of fluctuations and cause various troubles.

Luo Buya looked at the legendary Emperor Sword of Everlasting Hate, and was stunned for a while: "Sir, it's not safe to store the Emperor Sword with me. If it is lost, even a hundred deaths will not atone for it."

"It's okay, the Emperor Sword has been sealed by me, so it won't cause any movement." Gu Hengsheng looked at the sleeping and dim Emperor Sword of Everlasting Hatred, and said softly, "The next thing is up to you."

"Sir..." Luo Buya suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders became heavy, he gritted his teeth and nodded: "I will definitely do my best, and I won't let you down."

"Thank you." Gu Hengsheng entrusted the Sword of Eternal Regret to Luo Buya.

The Tiangong Clan is not only the young patriarch Luo Buya, there are many candidates waiting.Once Luobuya is surpassed, he will fall off the altar.

Therefore, Luo Buya needs to do a shocking thing, no one can shake his position.And repairing the Everlasting Regret Emperor Sword is Luo Buya's best chance.

At the same time, it also comes with great risks.

If it succeeds, Luobuya will be famous all over the world, and the whole family will respect it.If he loses, his reputation will be ruined, and the world will laugh at him for being overwhelmed. At that time, the Tiangong clan will definitely hide Luobuya for the sake of his reputation.

"From today onwards, I will study the method of repairing the Sword of Eternal Sorrow day and night. When I am sure, I will invite you to come back and protect the Dao."

Restoring the Emperor's Artifact will definitely cause a great commotion, and the world knows it, and it cannot be covered up.


It's about the sword of eternal hatred, and Gu Hengsheng will of course protect Luo Buya's way at that time.

Leaving the Everlasting Sorrow Sword here at Luobuya, Gu Hengsheng left the valley.

Not long after, Luo Buya announced something: "Starting today, the valley will be closed and no visitors will be seen."

The cultivators who originally wanted to find the Tiangong clan to create Daobao complained, but they did not dare to go against the wishes of the Tiangong clan, and all withdrew from the valley.

As long as the Sword of Eternal Regret is repaired, Gu Hengsheng will re-enter the Emperor's Road, fight against the heroes, win luck, and reach the sky with a single sword.

Over the years, Gu Hengsheng retook the first half of the road to the emperor, recalling his own scenes back then, filled with emotion.

A few months later, Gu Hengsheng appeared in the second heaven, and came to the Great Wilderness City again.

(End of this chapter)

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