The sword rises

1231 Suppression of Eternal

1231 Suppression of Eternal
Chapter 1000 Two hundred and thirty-one
The Gu family was able to develop so quickly, firstly because of Gu Hengsheng's power, and secondly because of Gu Kong's hard work.

Since Gu Kong took over the Gu family 200 years ago, he has taken on his own responsibilities to develop the Gu family better and better, married and had children, and spread the branches and leaves for the Gu family.

As for Gu Qingyan, Gu Hengsheng's younger sister, she was still wandering outside and would come back occasionally.

"Brother, how long will you be back this time?"

After getting married, Gu Kong grew up a lot, not as immature and childish as before.

"Leave in a few days."

Gu Hengsheng still has a long way to go, he can't stay in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms for too long.

Although he had already guessed the answer, Gu Kong's eyes still dimmed when he heard it.

The old man, the second uncle and the others were melancholy for a moment, then looked at Gu Hengsheng with joy on their faces. They knew that Gu Hengsheng was a giant dragon soaring, how could he sleep in a small land of hundreds of countries?
It is precisely because of Gu Hengsheng that the Gu family has achieved its glory today.

"Xiao Kong, it's a good thing that the family is powerful. But there are some problems that must be resolved, otherwise the longer it takes, the more likely it will become a hidden danger of genocide."

Gu Hengsheng told Gu Kong what he had encountered on the street, and warned: "No rules, no circle, don't bully the weak, or oppress the people. You must know, the sky is beyond the sky, people are outsiders, and the disciples in the clan are not allowed to mess with it." What's more, the world won by the ancestors is not for them to defeat, so let's deal with it properly!"

"Only by fighting against the outside world and keeping the inside safe can the Gu family go further."

Gu Hengsheng patted Gu Kong on the shoulder, he believed that Gu Kong would understand this truth.

The next day, Gu Kong put everything aside and began to clear up some problems within the clan.The disciples of all races who ran amok on the streets that day were all punished without exception.

From now on, the people will no longer see the domineering shadow of the disciples of various ethnic groups, and they are very puzzled.It was not until many years later that the people of the world realized that this was an order from their lord, and they all bowed their heads to the Gu family to thank them.

The Gu family also ushered in a new life because of Gu Kong's method of fighting the outside world to secure the inside.

"The ancestor has left, and I heard that he is going to the great world of Zhongzhou where there are hundreds of clans."

"It is said that the ancestor's strength is unfathomable, and one finger can suppress the Patriarch."

"Have you ever heard of the Emperor's Road? It is the place where the world's powerful people gather. That is the direction the ancestor is going to, and climb to the highest point of the Emperor's Road."

The children of the Gu family looked at the direction Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou left, with a hint of yearning in their awe-inspiring eyes.One day, they will definitely go to that bright world to show their skills.


After several months, Gu Hengsheng returned to Zhongzhou Dashi.

Li Qiurou was going to deal with the affairs of Guyou Palace, so she parted with Gu Hengsheng for the time being.

Standing on the top of Fusheng Mountain, Gu Hengsheng taught his disciples how to practice, and selected some life-saving secrets from the Library Pavilion for them.

After getting along for a period of time, An Chusheng became familiar with everyone. For the first time, she felt the warmth of home.She cherishes the present very much, and vows to strive for the top, so as not to lose face of her master.

For example, the empress is actually her second senior aunt, how can An Chusheng not be surprised?

That is a high and mighty empress!The invincible character who suppressed the taboo emperor of Minghai with his hands turned.

Yu Huaze and Tianci, as senior and second senior brothers, took good care of their junior sister An Chusheng, and basically gave An Chusheng their best things, hoping that An Chusheng would not encounter danger when walking in the rivers and lakes .

"You two brats, don't worry about it. Girl An can beat you both with one hand. Do you need to worry?"

Bai Moli couldn't help but opened his mouth and said.

In an instant, the enthusiasm between Yuhuaze and Tianci disappeared, and they muttered in their hearts: "Little sister has practiced with the master for hundreds of years, and she is talented and intelligent, she must be better than us!"

"You two, don't look at me like this. I have passed on all my family background to you. In the final analysis, you are still too stupid. But it's okay, anyway, as disciples of the Floating Life Tomb, even if you use the pile of elixir, It will also pile up to the realm of Sendai."

Bai Mo is very good at deceiving people.

"Uncle Bai, your words are too hurtful!"

Yu Huaze rolled his eyes at Bai Moli, then curled his lips and said.

"No way, uncle, I have always been straightforward, don't mind."

Bai Moli didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile.

"Don't respect the old." Naturally, Yuhuaze and Tianci didn't dare to say this sentence, they could only murmur in their hearts.If they really said it out, it is estimated that the two of them would be stripped away by Master Bai.

An Chusheng covered his face and smiled, like a hundred flowers blooming, absolutely beautiful.Her heart, which had no place to rest, finally took root in Fusheng Mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Gu Hengsheng perceived this scene with his spiritual sense, and couldn't help laughing.

Senior Brother Bai's temperament has not changed much, he still likes to deceive people as before.

Originally, Gu Hengsheng thought that there were still a few days left for him to have a peaceful life, but he didn't expect it to be broken so soon.

On this day, a person came to Fusheng Mountain with an invitation.

"Mr. Jiu, the heroes will meet in March. I hope you will be there."

The monsters of all races held a meeting, and the location was set at No. 20, Fifth Heaven, on the Emperor Road.The gathering of heroes this time is the biggest opening of the Emperor Road.

Monsters gather together, and Tianjiao gathers together.

Xu Wentian, known as the Xu family of the ancient family who walked at the forefront, also received an invitation card and would definitely be there.

The Imperial Clan, the Ancient Clan, and the major forbidden areas will naturally not be absent.

It is said that the leader of the group of heroes this time is to compete for luck so that they can better climb to the highest peak of the Emperor Road.

"I'll be there."

Gu Hengsheng looked at the invitation card in his hand, and secretly said: "The storm is coming."

The invitation was made by Luo Yaoyi, one of the Three Absolute Fairies, and passed on to the world-famous Tianjiao evildoer.

If anyone doesn't get the invitation, then he will also call himself the pride of heaven.

"Are you ready to climb the Emperor's Road again?"

Bai Moli and Gu Hengsheng stood side by side, the solemnity between their brows increased a lot.

"En." Going to Emperor Road now, Gu Hengsheng has to go further: "Please leave the family matters to Senior Brother Bai."

"Don't worry! As long as those old guys are not born, I can handle it."

Bai Moli's cultivation base is in the late period of the Sendai Four Restrictions, and by virtue of various means emerging one after another, he is completely capable of fighting against the strong in the middle of the Sendai Five Restrictions.

"I'll trouble you to take care of these little guys."

Gu Hengsheng would not take Yu Huaze and others to the Emperor's Road, lest he be worried.

"Since they worship under your sect, they are formal disciples of the Fusheng Tomb, and I have the responsibility to protect them."

"Thank you, brother, then I can go to Emperor Road without any worries."

Looking at Gu Hengsheng's figure submerged in the clouds, Bai Moli believed that he would regain his invincible power and suppress the eternal.

(End of this chapter)

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