The sword rises

Chapter 1241

Chapter 1241

Chapter 1000 two hundred and forty-one

"Could it be that Mr. Jiu is interested in that top-grade Taoist medicine?"

All the people who were going west stopped, they looked back at Gu Hengsheng's every move, trembling with fear.

The scene just now made everyone terrified. They didn't expect that Gu Hengsheng would dare to covet the top grade medicine as if he hadn't seen him.

"Is he looking for death?" A monster in the forbidden area frowned and said to himself.

"Since he dared to make a move, he must have full confidence."

Luo Yaoyi stood alone in the clouds, overlooking the vast land with her eyebrows lowered. She believed that Gu Hengsheng was not an impulsive person.

Originally, Li Qiurou wanted to help Gu Hengsheng retrieve the top-quality medicine, but Gu Hengsheng declined.One person is enough for this kind of thing, but if there are too many people, there will be ties.

Gu Hengsheng approached the [-]-meter high mountain step by step, and headed towards the top grade medicine growing on the mountainside.

The whole body of the top-grade Tao medicine is dark black, except for a few medicinal leaves dotted with some green rays.

Immediately, everyone's hearts tightened.

Some people seemed to have predicted the scene of Gu Hengsheng being swallowed by the giant mouth of the abyss, sneered inwardly, and said to himself: Gu Hengsheng is looking for a dead end, he is beyond his control.

With one step down, Gu Hengsheng stepped on the positions of several Tianjiao who had just died.

The heroes of Tianjiao stared at Gu Hengsheng intently. They saw that the mountains began to float again, and the huge mouth of the abyss that covered the sky and the sun was about to appear again.

Gu Hengsheng lowered his head and saw how the mountains were split open. He knew that the inanimate spirit was gathering strength to prepare, and when Gu Hengsheng got closer, it would show its fangs in an instant.

"To practice the Dao, you should ride the wind and waves, overcome thorns and thorns, and don't be afraid of danger."

Gu Hengsheng walked with his hands behind his back, his white gown seemed to be stained with some Taoism, and he danced up and down in a regular way.

"Is he really crazy?"

Everyone couldn't understand Gu Hengsheng's heart, knowing that there was a great danger there, but they leaned over it.

Li Qiurou's whole heart was tightly held together, praying for Gu Hengsheng's safe return.


The mountains finally showed their fangs, the entire earth was torn apart, and the sky was dimmed for a moment, like the night fell.

The mountains here condensed into an abyss, biting towards Gu Hengsheng, as if defending the majesty of his territory and not allowing anyone to approach.

Gu Hengsheng didn't change his face, he couldn't help but didn't back up, but went deep into the mountains, heading straight for the top-grade Taoist medicine.


In the next second, the abyss-like mouth closed together, shaking the sky and the earth.

As for Gu Hengsheng's whereabouts, he was nowhere to be found.

"Mr. Jiu, are you dead?"

You Tianjiao searched many times with his divine sense, but he couldn't find Gu Hengsheng, so his throat rolled.

"If it were me, there would be no way out. Mr. Jiu, it shouldn't be that easy!"

Some people hope that Gu Hengsheng is dead, while others hope that Gu Hengsheng will return to the top.

"Wait, listen carefully."

Bailichen found that the huge mouth of the abyss was still closed, and there was no sign of letting go. He immediately noticed something strange.

Da da……

The world was silent, and the sound of faint footsteps came slowly from the huge mouth of the abyss.If you don't listen with your heart, you won't hear it at all.

Many evildoers frowned, even if they guessed it, they could know that it was Gu Hengsheng who made the noise.They all had a doubt in their hearts: "How did Gu Hengsheng do it? Could it be that his strength is already so terrifying?"

As the footsteps gradually became louder, a figure walked over from the huge mouth of the abyss.

Gu Hengsheng went round and round in the pitch-black abyss, and finally picked the top grade medicine in his hands.During this period, an extremely powerful force tore apart Gu Hengsheng's body and soul, trying to crush Gu Hengsheng into blood foam.

Gu Hengsheng protects his body with the Taoism of the world of mortals, his Taoism is stable, and he has never been affected by any bewitching influence from the spiritual wisdom in the abyss.Then, Gu Hengsheng found the way out with the sky-watching pupil, stepped into the clouds and mist, and reappeared in front of everyone's eyes.


The huge mouth of the abyss slowly disintegrated, and turned into mountains again, making up for the broken earth as before.

Seeing that Gu Hengsheng was intact, Li Qiurou smiled with joy, and the worry in his heart was swept away.

"Mr. Jiu, did you come out unscathed?"

The heroes were stunned, they realized that they knew nothing about Gu Hengsheng's true strength.

That's right, ever since Gu Hengsheng was born, what he faced was not the arrogance of his peers, but the unrivaled powerhouses of the older generation.As a result, none of his peers had witnessed Gu Hengsheng's strength with his own eyes.

"Huh?" For the first time, Xu Wentian showed a very jealous look at Gu Hengsheng. He originally thought that Gu Hengsheng relied on the power of the Heaven-hating Sword Immortal and the Fusheng Tomb in his previous life to make his name.Now it seems that it is not that simple.

Xu Wentian thought that if he fell into the abyss, he could come out alive, but the time it would take is hard to estimate.

Gu Hengsheng's actions refreshed everyone's perception of him, and fear appeared in the eyes of many monsters.

"Could this be the worldly avenue of the Fusheng Tomb? Sure enough, it's no small matter."

Gu Hengsheng's every step seems ordinary, but there is an indescribable meaning in it.Luo Yaoyi squinted her eyes and looked at Gu Hengsheng carefully. She knew that she needed to re-recognize Gu Hengsheng's strength.

After hundreds of years of roaming the world, Gu Hengsheng's worldly way has reached a small level, and no one knows his true strength.

Gu Hengsheng held the top grade medicine in his left hand. He walked step by step, and every step seemed to land on Zhu Tianjiao's heart, which made everyone tremble with fear.

"Let's go!"

Gu Hengsheng walked straight up to Li Qiurou.

Gu Hengsheng put the top-grade Tao medicine into the jade lotus seat. He didn't know if he could take this top-grade medicine out of the Wanbu mountain range without damage by relying on the energy of the jade lotus seat.

I can only send my hope to the Yufang lotus seat, and don't let Gu Hengsheng waste all his efforts.

"The Dao of the World of Floating Life really deserves its reputation. Yao Yi is able to see it today, Sansheng is lucky."

Luo Yaoyi praised from the bottom of her heart.

Hearing Luo Yaoyi's words, some unidentified Tianjiao's bodies shook, and they said in their hearts: "It turns out that Mr. Jiu used the Taoism of the Floating Life Tomb, no wonder people can't figure it out."

"It's just a trick." Gu Hengsheng's expression was as calm as water.

"If this is just a trivial skill, then there is no comparable Taoism in the world."

In the past, the owner of the tomb of Fusheng used the Taoist method of the world of mortals to suppress the one who was closest to the immortal, making him invincible through the ages.Not long ago, the empress quelled the turmoil of the remnants of the underworld with the way of the world of mortals, and oppressed the world.

The power of the world of mortals makes the world yearn for and fear.

(End of this chapter)

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