The sword rises

Chapter 1245 Shi Feng Appears, All the Heroes Are Shocked

Chapter 1245 Shi Feng Appears, All the Heroes Are Shocked

Chapter 1000 two hundred and forty-five Shi Feng appeared, all the heroes were shocked

The sound of the phoenix chant pierced the sky, deafening, and directly hit the soul.

Hundreds of Tianjiao's blood boiled because of this voice, and the corners of their mouths overflowed with bright red.

All the Gu-eating stone snakes that drilled out of the cracks in the stone were annihilated at this moment, turning into ashes.At the same time, the barrier that protected the emperor's purple qi also shattered.

The Gu-eating stone snake, which had made everyone at a loss, seemed extremely fragile after the phoenix singing, and did not re-condense after being annihilated.Either their spirits are completely dead, or they dare not reunite with their stone bodies at this time.

"This is... the sound of a phoenix roaring."

Gu Hengsheng clutched his chest, suppressing the turbulent Qi and blood in his body, and looked towards the direction where Feng Yin was coming from.

Bai Lichen had been concentrating on capturing the Purple Qi of Emperor Luck just now, when the sudden phoenix roar directly injured his meridians, and he spit out a mouthful of blood on the shattered barrier.

At the same time, Bailichen also took this opportunity to pocket this wisp of emperor luck purple energy.

"What a terrifying coercion, what's going on?"

Bai Lichen wiped off the scarlet from the corners of his mouth, and stood ready.

"The legendary Shi Feng is a great existence comparable to Senior Shi Long."

A monster immediately thought of something and panicked.

"Leave this ghost place immediately, otherwise, there will be ten deaths and no life."

One after another, the Tianjiao gave up the opportunity to compete for the big opportunity, and fled recklessly towards the direction beyond the Wanbu Mountains, their souls were shrouded in fear.

"Let's go quickly."

Gu Hengsheng turned his head and said to Li Qiurou and Bailichen.

Things are not going well, I am afraid there will be big changes.

The barrier that was shattered by the roar of the phoenix slowly began to overlap and repair.However, some evildoers took advantage of this opportunity to plunder the Purple Qi of Emperor Luck into their hands.


I saw the mountains in the depths of the west toppled and collapsed one after another, and the earth seemed to be cracked with a huge gap, which was shocking.

Everyone jumped into the air, wanting to leave this ghostly place, they didn't want to stay here for a quarter of an hour.

However, when they had just traveled a hundred miles, they found that the road ahead was blocked.

"I remember that there was no enchantment when we came here, why did it suddenly appear now?"

No matter how everyone bombarded the barrier in front of them, it was useless, and it was difficult to shake it at all.

"Too bad, our whereabouts are probably known by some big existences in the Wanbu Mountain Range. If we want to go out now, it will be as difficult as going to heaven."

Someone cursed secretly, "Damn it!" Not only did they fail to compete for the Purple Qi of Emperor Luck when they came to the Wanzan Mountains, they even got themselves into it.

"Look! That seems to be... Fairy Luo!"

Dozens of mountains in the west collapsed, and the ground trembled vigorously, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

Now when I probed carefully with my spiritual sense, I found that it was Luo Yaoyi's delicate body that broke the dozens of mountains.

Luo Yaoyi's blood-stained long skirt, there are a few smears of blood on her delicate red lips.Although she looked extremely embarrassed, she was still noble and elegant, and the hem of the skirt was not stained with dust.

Luo Yaoyi stood on the black ground, looking to the west.

"Little girl, because you dare to spy into the depths of the Wanbu Mountains, you are courting death."

The old and simple voice comes from the end of the west.

"Senior, that thing belongs to the Abyss Lord of my endless abyss, and this junior must take it back."

Looking at the endless western mountains, Luo Yaoyi begged while coughing up blood.

Luo Yaoyi originally thought that with such a big fanfare made by the Tianjiao, he could attract some existences of the Wanbu Mountains for himself, so that he could do things conveniently.Unexpectedly, before she got close to the deepest part of the west, she was blown away by a vast aura, her meridians were disordered, and she almost couldn't stand up.

"Once this thing is born, the person who caused the sleeping in the Wanbu Mountains to wake up, who will bear the consequences?"

The old voice continued to permeate this place from the end of the west, the wind was strong and disturbing.

All the Tianjiao's faces were terrified, and they felt that their group was probably close to death.

Hearing these ancient voices, Gu Hengsheng felt a subtle sense of familiarity in the depths of his soul, which made him very surprised and puzzled.

"The younger generation obeys orders and has no choice."

Luo Yaoyi knew very well how terrifying that thing was, if it was born, it would probably disturb many great existences on the Emperor's Road, causing blood to flow like rivers.However, Luo Yaoyi has no choice, she must act according to Master Yuan's orders, this is her mission.

"Don't waste your time thinking, unless the Lord of the Endless Abyss is born in person, you guys just want to get this thing back, wishful thinking."

"Little guy, you met me today. If you met those dead creatures that were dying and insane, your bones would be eaten away."

"The dead creatures born in the Wanzan Mountains will not allow that thing to leave. That may cause the person underground to wake up."

As the voice gradually approached, everyone seemed to see a shadow approaching at an extreme speed.

The faint cry of the phoenix tore apart the vast earth, and the sky turned blood red, like a boundless sea of ​​blood.

A black shadow was magnified infinitely, and finally revealed its true face in a few breaths.

The phoenix formed by the condensed red boulder, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky, and its eyes are like an abyss.

This is the legendary Shi Feng, whose appearance is daunting, without the slightest desire to resist.

The fiery red boulders are like wings, proclaiming the nobility of the stone phoenix.

Due to the appearance of Shi Feng, the dead creatures in countless miles all kneeled on the ground, and had an innate fear of Shi Feng.

When the phoenix sings, it can go up to the ditch for nine days, and go down to the underworld. Even dead things come from the fear of the soul, for fear that the born wisdom will be wiped out.

"The stone phoenix recorded in ancient books is well-deserved."

Luo Yaoyi froze, her delicate body trembling slightly, if she hadn't been determined, she might have fallen to her knees.

Just being stared at by Shi Feng, Luo Yaoyi fell into a cold cellar for thousands of years, her body was frozen in place, making it difficult to move.

So this is the rumored Shi Feng in the Wanzan Mountains?

Zhu Tianjiao was blocked by the barrier, and subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the sound of Feng Yin, dumbfounded.

Shi Feng exuded a ray of breath, which was enough to suffocate everyone.

Even the arrogant and conceited monsters did not dare to make any movements, and layers of cold sweat appeared on their foreheads.

"Little girl, you are very courageous!"

Shi Feng looked at Luo Yaoyi and sneered.

The ethereal cause and effect seemed to be pulling Shi Feng, so Shi Feng couldn't help turning her head to look at the position of the Tianjiao.

Just now Shi Feng focused all her attention on Luo Yaoyi who trespassed in the forbidden area, and didn't bother to pay attention to all the arrogance.

Until now, Shi Feng casually glanced at the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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