The sword rises

Chapter 1249 Two ways combined into one, can you become a fairy

Chapter 1249 Can You Become a Immortal if Two Ways Are One?

Chapter 1000 two hundred and forty-nine

Yunjuanyunshu, flowers bloom and fall, how many people have lost themselves in the long road of mortals since ancient times?
Gu Hengsheng watched the top grade medicine in the middle of the jade lotus seat all the way, and he understood how the top grade medicine thrived by virtue of the law of death.

A year passed in the blink of an eye, and Dilu, which had been quiet for a while, began to be turbulent again.

"Xue Shaoyi of the Shura tribe was ambushed and assassinated by dozens of heavenly prides because he possessed a ray of imperial luck purple energy. He almost died and disappeared."

"An evildoer from the Shi family of the ancient clan strayed into a forbidden area, and was suppressed by the ancient strong in the forbidden area, and imprisoned in the depths of the forbidden area, knowing whether he was alive or dead."

"Jian Zun was plotted against by several old antiques, suffered minor injuries, and left calmly."

Since then, the name of the Sword Master has moved the world, and everyone knows that the Sword Master has risen completely, even if he faces the strong of the older generation, he has no fear.

Unless the old immortal at the peak of Xiantai came forward, it would be as difficult as going to the sky to save the life of Sword Master.

Someone once saw Sword Master sitting on the top of a mountain practicing in a certain place, looked up and said: "A glass of wine, a sword, a legend that belongs to Sword Master."

Jian Zun's saber was broken during the battle with Emperor Nangong, and it was impossible to repair it.

For this reason, Sword Master traveled the world, looking for his own way of swordsmanship.Wherever he passed, countless creatures worshiped him and feared him like a god.

A cup of turbid wine in the mountains, a wisp of cooking smoke in the clouds.Day after day, year after year, Jian Zun sits on the top of the mountain to comprehend and practice.

After countless cultivators learned about it, they all came to the foot of the mountain here, looked up from a distance, and regarded Sword Master as the goal they wanted to pursue in their entire lives.

Two years later, the mountains trembled, the clouds and mist receded for three thousand miles, and the blue sky was clear.

"I am the sharpest sword in the world. I swear by the way of the sword for all ages, and open up an unprecedented road to the way of the sword."

The world saw countless immortal sword intents whizzing out from Sword Master's body, cutting off all the thorns in front of him.

The practitioners who were watching from all directions were shocked, they found that they could no longer control their Daobao sharp weapon.

Ten thousand soldiers soared into the sky, facing the sword master standing on the top of the mountain, slowly slanted down the body of the Taoist treasure.

"Kowtow to the Dao Treasure, the vision of heaven and earth. Sword Master, this is to obtain the Tao!"

There was an ancient existence who noticed the changes in the world. With a glance at thousands of miles away, he saw the shocking scene of thousands of weapons knocking their heads, and his heart was shocked and trembling.

The sword intent is immortal, pouring into the sky.

As soon as the sword master stepped into the air, all the treasures and spiritual weapons in a radius of ten thousand li bowed their heads, as if congratulating this prosperous moment.

A ray of light gushed out from the center of Jian Zun's eyebrows and scattered in all directions.

He wants to walk an unprecedented path of swordsmanship and open up his own mythology.

"Congratulations to Sword Master for his great progress!"

A strong man came from afar, landed at the foot of the mountain, and bowed.

"Congratulations Sword Master!"

Countless creatures bowed and saluted, looking up at Sword Master's back with awe-inspiring eyes.

Sword Master glanced back, flicked his sleeves lightly, and the Immortal Sword intent drifted away with the wind in a single thought.


On the seventh day of the Emperor's Road, a man and a woman traveled across the desert, across the river, and over the mountains to an ancient city.

Gu Hengsheng practiced the way of the world of mortals, while Li Qiurou was willing to accompany him to enjoy the beauty of the world.

"His kendo has improved to a higher level."

The story of the sword master spread wildly to all the major heavens of the emperor's road, and even many creatures in the five states of the great world and the hundreds of millions of star fields have heard of it.

Gu Hengsheng was very happy for Sword Master Dugushang from the bottom of his heart.

The people in the world just said: "Same generation evildoers, who can fight with Sword Master?"

Perhaps, many people have forgotten Gu Hengsheng who also practiced swordsmanship.

Although Gu Hengsheng was born again, has anyone seen him make a move?

He pointed to the sword, and he could grab a ray of immortal sword intent at will.It must be known that the Frost Snow Sword Intent that Gu Hengsheng once comprehended has been kept dusty, and has not been revealed to anyone for hundreds of years.

Moreover, Gu Hengsheng wandered in the world of mortals and practiced the road of mortals, did he really let go of the way of swordsmanship?

Don't forget, the Hongchen Jiuji swordsmanship created by Hentian Sword Immortal contains the word "Hongchen".

The sword master wants to use himself as the sword to create a unparalleled myth.

And Gu Hengsheng, as a disciple of the Fusheng Tomb, was once able to compete with the Great Emperor, Hetian Sword Immortal, so why isn't he looking for his own way?

"Can the two paths unite to become a fairy?"

This sentence, Gu Hengsheng could only ask himself in his heart.

When the way of the world of mortals is successful, Gu Hengsheng uses the way of the world of mortals to use the Nine Extremes Sword of the world of mortals to combine the two ways into one. What kind of ancient scene will it be?

Gu Hengsheng glanced into the distance and sighed that he still had a long way to go.When Gu Hengsheng truly showed his strength, it was also the beginning of his suppression of evildoers of his generation.

At that time, Gu Hengsheng will regain his lost dignity one by one.He must let the world understand one thing, he is still the only existence in the ancient times and cannot be bullied.

The ancient city is lively, and there are many strong men with unfathomable cultivation.

Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou entered in disguise, admiring flowers and tasting wine, having fun, like passing through the world of mortals.

Walking to a small stall on the side of the street, there are various spiritual tools and treasures that women need.

"The two seem to have a detached temperament, and they are definitely not ordinary people. Look at the babies here, they are all clean, without any taint of cause and effect."

The cultivation base of the street vendor is not weak, and the strength of Xiantai Yijin is placed in the first half of the emperor's road. It can be said that it is difficult to find an opponent in the same generation.

The stall owner seemed to be someone who often does business. He had very sharp eyesight. When he saw Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou, he knew that they should not be messed with, and greeted them with smiles.

"See what you like?"

The fans and hairpins needed by women are placed on the stalls, as well as various gadgets.Its quality varies from spirit implements to Taoist implements, and it is very exquisitely made.

"You still think I'm a little girl?"

Li Qiurou glanced at Gu Hengsheng coquettishly.

The stall owner saw this scene, and felt that all living beings were upside down and almost suffocated.Beauty can't describe her face; nobility can't render her dusty temperament.

Li Qiurou's appearance has changed, she is ordinary.However, in that glance just now, the vendor seemed to have seen a peerless fairy standing on the top of the clouds, which was beyond reach.

Although the illusion passed away in a flash, it was deeply rooted in the soul of the stall owner.After so many years of walking in the rivers and lakes, he was convinced that the two people in front of him must not be ordinary people.

"Fairy, the things on this stall are really not worthy of you, but I still have some goods in my possession, you two wait a moment."

For some reason, the stall owner accidentally took out the hidden items that were not for sale.

Perhaps, the stall owner really thought from the bottom of his heart that the jewelry on the stall was not worthy of the woman in front of him.It's a subtle feeling, but it's real.

The stall owner took out a red box and carefully placed it in front of Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou.

(End of this chapter)

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