The sword rises

Chapter 1265 Crusade against the southern wilderness, blood-stained desert

Chapter 1265 Crusade against the southern wilderness, blood-stained desert

Chapter 1000 two hundred and 65 crusade against the southern wilderness, blood-stained desert

Emperor Road, the eighth heaven.

Gu Hengsheng's sword guides the barren boundless desert, and a group of people is mighty and mighty, disturbing countless living beings.

"Sir, what are you doing here?"

Tianjiao asked.

"Murder, debt collection."

The Sword of Everlasting Regret has been restored to its original state, and Gu Hengsheng has no worries.He wants to unleash an invincible Dao heart and pave a long road with blood.

After the Battle of Emperor Fall, many things happened.No one remembers the kindness of the heroes who have shed blood for the world, and even tarnished and humiliated their souls.

These things, Gu Hengsheng has never forgotten, engraved in the depths of his soul.

Back then, as the old patriarch of the Rulong Carp Clan, he dragged his dying body and fought bloody taboos in the dark sea, shining a glimmer of light for the great world.

Later, how did the powerful in the world treat these heroes who fought bloody taboos in the dark sea?
The forces of all parties are like greedy beasts, even the bones of the old patriarch of the Longli clan want to smash the division.This move should be punished by everyone!

And the Southern Desolate Desert in the eighth heaven once participated in the plot to plot the bones of the old patriarch.At that time, in order to welcome back the bones of the old patriarch, many elders of the Longli clan died in battle, making the situation worse.

To this day, the Dragon Carp Clan has not regained their vitality, except for the little princess Hong Yuanyi, everyone is sealed off from the sea.

Although hundreds of years have passed since this incident, Gu Hengsheng has never forgotten it.

As a result, Gu Hengsheng owed a favor to the old patriarch of the Dragon Carp Clan, so he had the opportunity to condense the Daobao Body.Secondly, the old patriarch fought for the great world and should not be treated like this after death.


Gu Hengsheng pointed at each other and formed a sword, and with one sword, he cut through the Southern Desert Desert for nearly ten thousand miles.

"Who dares to offend me in the Southern Wilderness?"

An ancient voice came from the depths of the Southern Desolation, and the boundless desert began to vibrate.

"Floating Tomb, Gu Hengsheng."

Gu Hengsheng stepped out, shattering the majestic momentum from the depths of the Southern Desolation.

"I seem to have never offended you in the Southern Wilderness Desert, right? Why do you want to attack me in the Southern Wilderness?"

An old woman came out of the desert, and behind her was a group of strong men with good cultivation.

Gu Hengsheng sneered: "The old patriarch of the Dragon Carp Clan, do you still remember?"

The old woman's pupils shrank sharply, and she immediately understood what Gu Hengsheng was referring to.However, she pretended not to ask: "What do you mean by this, sir? I don't understand."

"In the Battle of Diyun, the old patriarch gave his life for the sake of the great world, and you were all protected. Afterwards, you didn't remember your kindness, but you still coveted the old patriarch's bones, and wanted to take the old patriarch's bones Give it a split, damn it!"

These people have extremely high strength, but they hide in the corner when facing great danger.Once the crisis was over, these people started to jump up again, seeking all kinds of benefits.

"Sir, the old man respects you, but you can't slander the old man and Nanhuang indiscriminately."

Some things can be done in secret, but cannot be shown on the surface.

"Whether I did it or not, you all know it in your mind. If you are not absolutely sure, do you think I will go to the Southern Wilderness in person?"

The world of mortals has been enlightened for four hundred years, and Gu Hengsheng has deduced what happened at the beginning many times, confirming the identities of certain forces and strong people.

The old woman narrowed her eyes and fell silent.The dozens of strong men behind it looked complicated, not knowing what to think.

"Mister, do you think that Nanhuang is easy to bully? You have no proof, how can you label me Nanhuang as an insult to heroes?"

The old woman has been thinking about what she did just now. She is sure that what she did back then was very secretive, she did not show her feet, and it is impossible to leave evidence.

"It's just the Southern Wilderness Desert, I really don't care about it."

Gu Hengsheng followed the old woman's words and smiled disdainfully.

If he was not completely sure, how could Gu Hengsheng come to the Southern Desert to ask his teacher for his crimes?
The strongest person in Nanhuang is the old woman in front of her, who was cultivated in the early stage of the Sendai Five Forbidden Stage.

If there is no Sword of Everlasting Sorrow, it would be very difficult for Gu Hengsheng to defeat the existence of the Sendai Five Bans with Gu Hengsheng's current cultivation base alone.

But now it's different, Gu Hengsheng holds the Sword of Everlasting Sorrow in his hand, and has reached the realm of Xiaocheng in the world of mortals, fearless to the enemies of the Southern Wilderness.


Hearing this, the old woman was furious, and pointed at Gu Hengsheng, not knowing what to do.

"If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price. I didn't have the strength back then, and I allowed you to live for hundreds of years. Now it's time to collect debts."

The Sword of Everlasting Sorrow appeared, and a storm rolled up in the boundless desert.

Gu Hengsheng once made an oath that he would be the great butcher and kill all the animals in the world!Only in this way can Gu Hengsheng rest in peace those heroes who died in the battle against the starry sky.

He, Gu Hengsheng, did what the world dare not do.Gu Hengsheng came to offend a force that the world dared not provoke.The land is full of thorns and dangers, Gu Hengsheng will make these people pay the price in blood.

"Mister, don't you think you can handle me at will?"

The old woman suppressed the anger in her heart, until the last moment, she did not want to be an enemy of Gu Hengsheng.


Gu Hengsheng didn't want to talk nonsense with the old woman, so he raised his sword and dropped it.


The old woman roared, and the aura of the early days of the Sendai Five Prohibition spewed out.

With a loud bang, the Sword of Everlasting Hate seemed to split the Southern Desert into two halves, injuring many experts inside.

"Let's go!" Gu Hengsheng started to do it, and naturally the Tianjiao would not stand aside and watch the show.They chose to become followers, so they had to obey Gu Hengsheng's wishes.

Moreover, all the Tianjiao are unwilling to be peaceful, and their fighting spirit is like a raging fire, burning to the end of the desert.

"Gu Hengsheng, you offend me in Nanhuang today, even if you die, you will ask for it yourself."

The old woman was no longer polite to Gu Hengsheng, she was full of murderous intent.

Gu Hengsheng was not afraid at all, and confronted the old woman with one sword and one sword.The Tianjiao dealt with the other powerhouses in the Southern Wilderness, while Li Qiurou watched quietly from the sidelines, ready to strike at any time.

"Let's see if you crazy woman has this ability."

As soon as the world of mortals appeared, Gu Hengsheng stepped on the flawless lotus, and the immortal sword intent tore through the void.

The originally quiet Southern Desert turned into a bloody battlefield at this moment.

Relying on his own strength and the Sword of Everlasting Regret, Gu Hengsheng fought against the old woman for hundreds of rounds.

"The Dragon Carp Clan is in decline, and they have no ability to seek revenge. Instead, I want you to come to the Southern Wasteland to show their prestige."

"If you don't have the Sword of Everlasting Sorrow, how can you be the opponent of the old man?"

The old woman roared like she was going crazy, she was cut with sword marks one after another, her bloody appearance was very scary.

"You have lived for so many years, and you still say these ridiculous things."

The Sword of Everlasting Sorrow was originally Gu Hengsheng's.

Besides, even without the Sword of Everlasting Sorrow, Gu Hengsheng could still fight the old woman.However, Gu Hengsheng came here not to compete, but to kill.

"The old guy is dead. It's his honor to see his corpse."

The old woman tore her face, revealing the corners of her ugly mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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