The sword rises

Chapter 1269

Chapter 1269
Chapter 1000 two hundred and 69
Hong Chen's sword intent pierced the shield in front of the old man, splitting it open.

The sword glow passed through the Daobao shield, and it was about to hit the old man's eyebrows.


With one thought, the old man made Daobao's shield quickly retract, and stuck this mortal sword intent in the middle of the shield.

The old man wiped away this mortal sword intent with a powerful mind, causing his Dao treasure to be seriously damaged.

"What kind of sword intent is this? It's definitely not immortal. What's going on?"

Thousands of strong men watched the Star Wars, their hearts trembling.

"The way of the world of mortals, the way of the sword..." An old antique hidden in the dark seemed to have figured out a certain point, and burst out: "He has combined the way of the world of mortals and the way of the sword!"

As soon as these words fell, all the heroes from all directions were stunned, and then looked at Gu Hengsheng's figure with terrified eyes.

"Mr. Jiu, is this trying to open up a new path of cultivation?"

Although this incident is abrupt and unbelievable, the facts are in front of our eyes, and the world has no choice but to believe it.

"The combination of two paths into one is the only example in the world."

Hundreds of millions of creatures tightened their throats, and suddenly felt that Gu Hengsheng was more terrifying than before.

For countless years, there have been many talented and charming evildoers who have also thought of the idea of ​​combining the two avenues into one.Later, no one really succeeded and had to give up.

Over time, no one dared to have such thoughts.

Three thousand roads, just take one scoop.

However, Gu Hengsheng was ambitious and took two scoops.

"How did you do it?" In the starry sky, the old man had a lot of experience, after thinking for a while, he guessed the origin of Gu Hengsheng's sword intent at this time, and was very surprised.

"As high as the heart is, so is the sky."

Gu Hengsheng wandered the world of mortals for [-] years, not only to comprehend the way of the world of mortals, but also to deduce how to combine the way of mortals and the way of swordsmanship.

After countless deductions, Gu Hengsheng finally felt that he had a slight chance of success.

Having come to this point, Gu Hengsheng needed a sword to carry the combined power of the way of the sword and the way of the world of mortals.Secretly, Gu Hengsheng tried it with the Ancient Desolation Sword, but unfortunately failed.

Therefore, the Sword of Everlasting Sorrow had to be fully restored, so that Gu Hengsheng could freely test his conjectures.

Just now when the two Taos merged into one, Gu Hengsheng couldn't control his strength well. Of course, the ordinary Taobao couldn't be verified by Gu Hengsheng as he wanted.The Sword of Everlasting Sorrow is an imperial weapon, enough to bear the just-born Red Dust Sword Intent.

"What kind of monster are you!"

The old man in the Stone Forest stared at Gu Hengsheng, and murmured in his heart: "The Tianjiao evildoer who was born in the same era as you is destined to only be your foil, how sad."

Without experiencing the strangeness and unpredictableness of Hongchen's Sword Intent, others will not be able to understand the horror of Hongchen's Sword Intent.

The old man thought to himself that if he hadn't cultivated far beyond Gu Hengsheng, he would have become a corpse now.

More than one hundred thousand years have passed, and the records of Hentian Sword Immortal in the ancient books are not very detailed, only the battle between the ancient one and Youdi has been handed down.

Now, the old man seems to be able to understand why Hentian Sword Immortal can be called "the only one in ancient times".The honor that even the emperor could not get, fell on the head of Hetian Sword Immortal. Naturally, there is a certain reason.

The original Hentian Sword Immortal may have had the idea of ​​combining the two paths into one, but he has never been able to start, and he has only faintly stepped into the threshold.

The Hongchen Nine Extremes Sword, the ultimate swordsmanship created by Hentian Sword Immortal, is comparable to the Taoism of the Great Emperor.

The word Hongchen contains deep meaning.

In this life, Gu Hengsheng comprehended all the experience accumulated in his previous life, and deduced this new path.

From the current point of view, Gu Hengsheng has at least stepped into the threshold of the double path, and has accomplished something that no evildoer in the past has been able to do.

"It is a great honor to be able to succeed in Mr.'s sharpening stone."

The old man knew that he was about to die, and he could witness a miracle at the last moment, so he had no regrets in this life.

"One sword in the world of mortals can suppress the enemies in the world."

The sword "Opening the Heavenly Gate" just now evolved from the third form of the Hongchen Nine Extremes Sword.The current sword is the Red Dust Sword Slash evolved from the fourth style "Suppressing the World".

The Sword of Everlasting Sorrow fell from the top of Gu Hengsheng's head, and the sword light suddenly appeared, as if dividing the entire starry sky into two halves.

"The world of mortals is immortal, no one can match it." If the old man wanted to hide, he could barely do it, but in this way, the stone forest in the star field under his feet would suffer.

Therefore, the old man has to bear this sword with his fleshly body, and experience how terrifying the combination of two ways is.


The sword light flashed, and the next moment it slashed on the old man's shoulder.Immediately, the sword pierced three inches, and blood gushed out.

The old man put his hands on the sword light, raised his head and roared, wanting to tear Hong Chen's sword light apart with both hands.

"The sword blooms, in one thought."

Gu Hengsheng stood with his hands behind his back and muttered.

Suddenly, the sword light that fell on the old man's shoulder gave off an extremely dazzling glow, and flawless lotuses bloomed from the sword light and spread to the old man's body.

"This is... the Taoism of the world of mortals."

The sword intent contains the way of the world of mortals, and the blossoming lotus swallowed the old man's profound energy, causing the old man's strength to begin to decrease sharply.

When the old man came to his senses, he distractedly shook the flawless lotus flower on his body into pieces.

At this moment, the power of the sword glow on the old man's shoulders surged, taking advantage of his distraction, a more terrifying sword force erupted.


The old man's right shoulder and right hand were cut off directly, blood staining the starry sky.


All the powerhouses in the Stone Forest shouted in worry, wishing they could rush to the starry sky.

"So this is the true strength of the master?"

All the Tianjiao and the world were dumbfounded, and their hearts were agitated.

In the vast starry sky, Gu Hengsheng didn't give the old man time to react, and the moment the sword cut his shoulder, he made his next move.

"The world of mortals cuts the immortal!"

Gu Hengsheng pointed his sword at the center of the old man's eyebrows, and a boundless sword intent poured into the old man's body, shattering his meridians and dantian.

Gu Hengsheng didn't stab the Sword of Eternal Regret, but slowly drew it back.

"Cough..." The old man's chest heaved and his mouth was bright red.He suddenly became older, his face was wrinkled, and his breath was disordered.

The old man's meridians were abolished, and his whole body turned into clouds of smoke.

At the last moment, Gu Hengsheng saved the old man's life.

After all, the old man has a kind heart, but he did something wrong in his later years.

"Thank you for your mercy, sir, for giving this old man a chance to redeem himself." In order to say these words, the old man seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

After finishing speaking, the old man passed out and drifted in the starry sky.

All the strong men in the Stone Forest immediately rushed into the cloud and starry sky, supported the old man, and stared at Gu Hengsheng with hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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