The sword rises

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1000 Two hundred and 72

No matter what the reason is, Li Qiurou must stay in Buried Heart Valley.

Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou snuggled together for a while, and they made an appointment to meet again at the second half of the Emperor's Road.

"Be careful all the way, no matter what happens, you must put your own safety first."

Li Qiurou was very afraid that Gu Hengsheng would encounter danger again, so she warned.

"Well, I will."

Gu Hengsheng's lips lightly pressed against Li Qiurou's pink ears, and he whispered, "When you come back, we will have a few more children."

Li Qiurou's ears turned red instantly, and she gave Gu Hengsheng an annoyed look.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and reluctantly parted.

Gu Hengsheng stepped out of the Valley of Burying Hearts, and looked back to restore his peace of mind.

"Sir, where is the palace master?"

A Tianjiao looked around, but did not find Li Qiurou.

"She has something to stay in Buried Heart Valley, let's set off!"

Gu Hengsheng did not go into details with Tianjiao.

Seeing that Gu Hengsheng was unwilling to say more, the Tianjiao didn't continue to ask.

A group of people passed the road of life and death, and everything they passed caused a commotion.

Now that Gu Hengsheng and others have become the focus of the world, no matter where they go, people will find it and spread it all over the place.

No.14 Chongtian, Gu Hengsheng brought 54 Tianjiao to the land of the West Sea.

"Sir, the West Sea is a forbidden place, and the existence in it should have never touched the martyrs who died in the Starry Sky! What are we doing here?"

Someone glanced at the abnormally calm boundless West Sea and asked in a low voice.

"Recover my dignity that was trampled on."

Gu Hengsheng seemed to be remembering the scene where he cut out his heart and marrow, and felt a dull pain.

Back then, dozens of old antiques almost drove Gu Hengsheng to death.The antiques among them have the shadow of the West Sea.

Gu Hengsheng came here today to put an end to the karma of the past, and to regain the lost dignity one by one with his own hands.

"Could it be that Xihai participated in the matter of the spiritual liquid back then?"

All the Tianjiao immediately thought of the matter of the spiritual liquid, and their hearts were shocked.

The ordeal and humiliation that Gu Hengsheng suffered at that time almost ruined Gu Hengsheng.

The West Sea is boundless, I don't know how deep it is.

When Gu Hengsheng stepped on the sea, it was like a huge boulder of hundreds of millions of catties suddenly fell, causing huge waves and violent waves.

The Tianjiao followed closely behind Gu Hengsheng, most of them were only the Second Imprisonment of Sendai, and they felt a little apprehensive when they suddenly wanted to wrestle with the Emperor's Imprisonment.

However, since Gu Hengsheng has made a decision, the brothers will naturally not be afraid or shrink back.

"Mr. Jiu and all the arrogants are here, and we are far away to welcome you."

After a long time, someone from the depths of the West Sea showed his head, and said with hands clasped neither humble nor haughty.

"I came here to collect debts."

Gu Hengsheng went straight to the point and didn't bother to argue with the people in Xihai.

"I don't know what kind of debt you are asking for?" The man from Xihai gritted his teeth and asked knowingly.

There was a lot of noise about the spiritual liquid back then, who in the world didn't know?

The old antique in Xihai naturally participated, and also got a wisp of psychic fluid.As long as it was an old guy who showed up back then, Gu Hengsheng would remember everything in his heart, and he would never make a mistake.

"Do you want to pay off the debt for that old fellow in Xihai?"

Gu Hengsheng stared at the people in Xihai with sharp eyes.

"Although I don't know what Mr. is talking about, but Mr. insists on this, then I am willing to die to appease Mr.'s anger."

The people from Xihai obviously knew the purpose of Gu Hengsheng's visit, so they pretended to be confused and said.

"Your life is not that valuable." A mere person in the ninth realm of the avenue wanted to end the cause and effect of the spiritual liquid. Did Xihai really think that Gu Hengsheng was here for fun: "Go back and let your family The old guy came out."

"Mr. Jiu, the ancestors of our clan are in seclusion and cannot see guests." Until now, Xihai has only allowed a practitioner from the ninth realm of the Great Dao to show up: "If you want to make trouble, the villain is willing to bear it alone."

"Are you qualified for this?"

Xi Hai made it clear that he was ignoring Gu Hengsheng, and wanted to push the past away, so he would not admit it.

However, how can causality be erased so easily?

If Gu Hengsheng does not agree, then Xihai will never have peace.

"Sir, the past is like smoke, so why be aggressive. If you are willing to let go of your grievances, I, Xihai, am willing to open the ten-thousand-year treasure house, and let the treasures be taken by you."

This person had already been instructed by Xihai's high-level executives.

"For a quarter of an hour, if the old guy from Xihai doesn't show up, I will turn the entire West Sea into a sea of ​​blood!"

Clay figurines are also very angry, let alone Gu Hengsheng.

Even if the contents of the Ten Thousand Years Treasure House in Xihai are added up, they can't compare to the Taoist meaning of a wisp of clear spiritual liquid.Not to mention that Xihai participated in forcing Gu Hengsheng and trampling on Gu Hengsheng's dignity back then.

This person glanced at Gu Hengsheng, his heart trembled, he didn't dare to say another word, and quickly dived back to the bottom of the sea.

Gu Hengsheng and the others stood on the sea and waited quietly.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

However, there was still no movement in Xihai.

It seems that Xi Hai intends to fight Gu Hengsheng to the end, thinking that Gu Hengsheng has no guts to offend Xi Hai by uttering wild words.

"Brothers, you still have the option to retreat now."

Gu Hengsheng looked back at the Tianjiao without sadness or joy.

"Sir, please don't say such things in the future. Since my brother and I choose to follow Mr., then life and death have already been put aside."

A Tianjiao said solemnly.

The rest of Tianjiao stared at Gu Hengsheng with serious eyes, and the meaning was very clear.

"I understand." Gu Hengsheng took a deep breath, and the killing intent gradually spread from his eyes: "Anyone who resists, kill!"

Bloodbath washed the West Sea and leveled a forbidden area.


All the Tianjiao went down the mountain like fierce tigers, and each summoned the magic weapon of the Tao.Just wait for Gu Hengsheng to give an order, and everyone will open their bloody mouths, revealing their bloody fangs.

"Brothers, flatten the West Sea!"

Gu Hengsheng pointed his sword at the vast West Sea, and the sword fell.


The West Sea was cut in half in an instant, and huge waves rolled towards the clouds.

A bottomless road suddenly appeared, and the immortal sword intent went straight to the bottom of the West Sea.

Since Xihai's attitude of denying cause and effect, it is doomed that there will be no peace in Xihai today and even in the future.

"Bold! Xihai has existed for tens of thousands of years, how can you allow Er and others to be so presumptuous and leave quickly!"

Some strong people in Xihai were furious and wanted to force Gu Hengsheng and others to retreat.

"It's just the West Sea, what's there to be afraid of?"

Gu Hengsheng snorted coldly, and directly shattered the aura that surged from the bottom of the sea.

At the same time, the crowd noticed Gu Hengsheng's actions and looked sideways.

"Mr. Jiu is really going to invade the West Sea. There are countless strong people on the Emperor Road. Is he planning to fight a bloody road on the Emperor Road?"

Xihai is a forbidden place on the Emperor's Road, with a profound heritage.

(End of this chapter)

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