The sword rises

Chapter 1281 Tomb of the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 1281 Tomb of the Ancient Emperor
Chapter 1000 Two hundred and 81 Tomb of the Ancient Emperor
Some living fossils just woke up, and this was the first time they saw Gu Hengsheng up close, so they couldn't help but look up and down.

"Is he the evildoer with two paths united in one, the reincarnation of Hate Heaven Sword Immortal?"

A living fossil narrowed his eyes and said hoarsely in a voice he could hear.

The Battle of the West Sea made all the old antiques get to know Gu Hengsheng again, and they never dared to despise him in the slightest.A peerless evildoer cannot be judged and estimated with common sense.

"Sir, long time no see."

The little princess of the Dragon Carp Clan came over from one side and greeted Gu Hengsheng.

"Little princess." Gu Hengsheng responded with a faint smile.

"Sir." There were still many Tianjiao who respected Gu Hengsheng very much, and bowed their hands in salute.

Gu Hengsheng returned the salutes one by one, without arrogance.

"It looks like a lot of big shots are here!"

Gu Hengsheng saw many old people in many corners of the collapsed Yunjie Mountain.

Don't look at these old men who have half a foot in the coffin, if they make a move, they can kill a group of peerless talents with a single slap.

At the foot of the mountain there is a big secret realm, where the glory soars to the sky.

A wave of imperial prestige diffused in all directions in the void, making some Tianjiao with lower cultivation levels breathless.

"The secret realm or cemetery of the ancient emperor is really attractive! Back then, the battle of Diyun failed to let you old immortals come out, but now they have all popped out."

Suddenly, there was a laugh coming from afar, which seemed to have a hint of ridicule.

The next moment, a woman in Taoist robe appeared in front of people.

"Sister." Gu Hengsheng was overjoyed and called out.

The person who came was the Taoist nun of Buried Heart Valley.

"Don't worry, little Hengsheng, your little daughter-in-law is safe."

With the help of the Taoist nun, Li Qiurou began to eliminate the hidden dangers brought by the Jidao Mirror, and now she has fallen into a deep sleep.The moment Li Qiurou wakes up is the moment when Li Qiurou breaks out of the cocoon and becomes a butterfly.

The Taoist nun saw through Gu Hengsheng's thoughts at a glance, and her eyes were doting.

Gu Hengsheng smiled and said nothing, he believed that the Taoist nun must have arranged everything properly, and that's why he came here.

"Taoist nun!"

After seeing the Taoist nun, a group of old guys showed complicated expressions.

The Taoist nun's strength can be regarded as the top existence in the world. Some of the old guys present have been taught by the Taoist nun, and some of them have never straightened their backs in front of the Taoist nun.

"I didn't expect even Taoist nuns to show up. I really surprised the old man."

A living fossil grinned, as if trying to get close to a Taoist nun.

"You old bastards are here, there is no reason for me not to come." Taoist nun didn't give face at all, she was as indifferent as frost.

There are very few in this world who can see the gentle side of Taoist nuns.

"Hmph!" A group of old antiques were not talking, so as not to make fun of themselves.

There are more than 50 old guys who are above the Five Bans of Sendai, and their goal is very clear, which is to step into the secret realm under the mountain.

However, everyone did not move for a long time, waiting for the time when the light beam disappeared.

The beam of light has not dissipated, which means that the restriction of the secret realm has not been lifted. Whoever is not a human being present, of course, will not use his life to joke and test.

The monsters here, such as Xu Wentian from the ancient clan, Shengzi endless sea, Liu Yunxiao from the Golden Crow clan, Luo Yaoyi from the abyss of death, Wang Chiya who possesses the treasured body of the Dao...

Basically, all the famous and surnamed people on Shenshen Road gathered in Yunjie Mountain.

A tomb suspected to be of an ancient emperor appeared in the world, causing a sensation in the world.

"I heard that Xihai has been destroyed by you, not bad."

Taoist nun and Gu Hengsheng stood side by side with gratified eyes.

"It's just a fluke." There was indeed a fluke in the battle of Xihai. If the old guy in Xihai had reached the peak, then Gu Hengsheng and the others would be in dire straits.

"The way you walk is unique in the world. I can't help you. Everything depends on you."

The nun really regarded Gu Hengsheng as a family member from the bottom of her heart, and wished to pass on all she had learned.It's a pity that the way is different and there is nothing we can do.

"In the future, my sister will see the day when I will achieve great success in the world of mortal swordsmanship."

Gu Hengsheng replied ambitiously.

When it really comes to the moment when the world of mortals masters swordsmanship, that is, when Gu Hengsheng breaks the shackles of heaven and earth, how difficult is it to prove the Dao Emperor?
"Okay, my sister is waiting."

The Taoist nun raised her lips.

Some people were dumbfounded when they saw the smile on the Taoist nun's mouth.

Taoist nun, how could she laugh?

The old antiques in the forbidden areas of all parties seemed to have seen some miracles and could not accept it for a long time.

call out--

At this time, the beam of light gradually became dim.

"The restriction is about to be broken."

The collapse of Yunjie Mountain was most likely due to the secret realm of the ancient emperor.

I don't know which ancient emperor it is, the world is very curious.

After half an hour.The rays of light dissipated completely, and a gate as high as [-] meters suddenly appeared, as if leading directly to a secret place or the depths of a tomb.

Do you want to go in and take a look first?

Many people are drumming in their hearts. They want to obtain the supreme opportunity, but they are not willing to take such a big risk, and they are very entangled.

After all, an unknown ancient emperor's tomb, ghosts know how dangerous it is.

"Little Hang Seng, you guys are going in behind, be safe."

This group of old antiques must be impatient, and they will definitely fight if they come across any big opportunity after entering.In order not to affect Gu Hengsheng, the nun asked.

"Yes." Gu Hengsheng nodded, understanding Taoist nun's kindness.

Originally, Gu Hengsheng didn't plan to make a bird, so he gradually figured it out.

Many living fossils from the peak of Sendai stand here, and all the evildoers of this era have to stand aside and dare not be presumptuous.

"Brother Gu, please go first."

An old guy smiled at the old man in the distance.

"Brother Su, together?"

The old man in the distance also smiled.


The two living fossils reached an agreement and rushed directly into the wide open stone gate of the secret realm.

If they really encountered any great terror, with the strength of their two living fossils, it would not be difficult to deal with it.

The Taoist nun didn't move for a long time, she was going to step into the secret stone gate after all these old antiques went in.Because the nun was worried that some old guys would take advantage of her to go in, and then secretly kill Gu Hengsheng.

After a while, all the old guys went deep into the secret realm of the ancient emperor.

"Little Hang Seng, follow my sister closely."

The nun looked back at Gu Hengsheng, and stepped into the door.

Gu Hengsheng and Tianjiao followed closely behind, always paying attention to the practitioners around them.

At this moment, the most terrifying thing is not the danger in the secret realm, but the people around him.

With the protection of the Taoist nun, Gu Hengsheng and others were slightly relieved of their worries.

Yunjie Mountain collapsed, and the tomb of the ancient emperor was suddenly revealed.

What does this incident portend?Or is it really just a coincidence?

Many people go deep into the secret realm just to find an answer, an answer that is very likely about... immortals.

(End of this chapter)

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