The sword rises

Chapter 1294 Really domineering!

Chapter 1294 Really domineering!
Chapter 1000 Two hundred and ninety-four The real overbearing!
Regardless of whether the wolf girl is her reincarnation or not, Gu Hengsheng must take her out of this place safely.

Because the wolf girl looks so much like the one she was back then, there is no way for Gu Hengsheng to ignore her.

Su Xixue, Sword Immortal Hentian's sword attendant, has accompanied Sword Immortal Hentian for a long way, giving Sword Immortal Hentian a sense of belonging in the vast world of mortals.

At the auction venue of the Tongu Chamber of Commerce, Gu Hengsheng slowly walked down from the high platform with the sleeping wolf girl in his arms, with a gloomy expression on his face.

The 54 Tianjiao stood in every corner of the auction venue. They covered everyone with their spiritual thoughts. As long as anyone dared to block them, they would carry out Gu Hengsheng's orders without hesitation.

Anyone who stands in the way will be shot to death!

If it wasn't for worrying about hurting the wolf girl, Gu Hengsheng would have done it just now.Regardless of whether the wolf girl is an old friend from the past, Gu Hengsheng will not allow anyone who looks like her to be persecuted.

Perhaps, Gu Hengsheng wanted to redeem himself!
Hentian Sword Immortal has fought all his life, and he is ashamed to face only one person, and that is Su Xixue.Back then, Sword Immortal Heantian had no chance to make up for it, but now Gu Hengsheng can get rid of the guilt deep in his heart.

"Gu Hengsheng, aren't you afraid of humiliating yourself and the Fusheng Tomb by acting like this? All the heroes of the world are gathered here, don't you have any respect?"

The person in charge of the auction still didn't do anything, he was struggling in his heart.He hoped that Gu Hengsheng could fear the power of the heroes and put the wolf girl back on the high platform.

However, once Gu Hengsheng made a decision, how could he change it?
"Mr. Jiu, I have waited thousands of miles to arrive at the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce. It is too much for you to want the wolf girl to take you away!"

"When did the Tomb of Floating Life engage in robbery?"

"Wolf girl can be taken away by Mr. Jiu, but she must tell the whereabouts of the Blood Moon Wolf Clan. I hope Mr. Jiu has the spirit of righteousness, and don't let me wait for nothing."

At this time, an old antique stepped out from the crowd and began to put pressure on Gu Hengsheng.

This matter involved the interests of all parties, and of course they couldn't let Gu Hengsheng leave easily.If this is the case, not only will the face of the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce be disgraced, but it will also be difficult for the forces that came here to gain a foothold on the Emperor's Road.

Gu Hengsheng slowly stopped in his tracks. He glanced coldly at everyone in the venue, and saw sharp and greedy eyes.

"Are you talking about righteousness with me?"

Gu Hengsheng laughed at himself, then stomped his right foot hard, and the whole venue was shocked: "Half the sky in this prosperous world was carried by my Floating Tomb. If I hadn't fought for my life in the Floating Tomb, you think there is still a chance now!" Do you want to talk to me about righteousness?"

In an instant, the auction venue was silent, and countless complicated eyes focused on Gu Hengsheng.

"The reason why I, Gu Hengsheng, climbed up step by step is not to protect the people in the world, but to protect the people I care about. As for your bullshit interests, what have I got to do with it?"

People are dissatisfied and greedy.When they get a little benefit, they want more benefit.

"If I can't even protect the people I care about, what's the use of having power over the world? Listen to me, I want to protect not only the wolf girl, but also the entire Blood Moon wolf clan."

"From now on, anyone who dares to offend the Blood Moon Wolf Clan will be my undying enemy in the Floating Life Tomb. This sentence, I said, cannot be changed!"

Originally, Gu Hengsheng only wanted to take away the wolf girl for the time being, but the forces from all sides repeatedly forced him to do so.Then, Gu Hengsheng wanted to let the world know who was more terrifying.

He is the nine disciples of Fusheng Tomb, every word represents the will of Fusheng Tomb.

From now on, anyone who tortures, kills and oppresses the Blood Moon Wolf Clan will be regarded as the life and death enemy of the Fusheng Tomb.

Gu Hengsheng lowered his head and glanced at the wolf girl, as if he saw that submissive girl more than a hundred thousand years ago.In this life, since she is a Blood Moon werewolf, Gu Hengsheng is willing to defend the entire Blood Moon wolf clan for her sake.


I thought that Gu Hengsheng would retreat in the face of difficulties, but who knew that Gu Hengsheng would be so domineering and tough.

"Mr. Jiu, you protect a wolf girl in the name of the Floating Life Tomb. I have to admit it if I don't. However, the blood moon wolf clan has a lot of karma. Do you really want to protect it?"

An old antique snorted coldly, his eyes darkened.

For the world, the Blood Moon Wolf Clan is a treasure bestowed by God to the world. More than 50 years ago, the blood moon wolf clan was almost wiped out, their flesh and blood were eaten, and their souls were swallowed, what a tragedy.

"Whoever dares to stretch out their claws to the Blood Moon Wolf Clan, I will chop off their claws. Even if I am an enemy of the world, I will not hesitate. If there are people who don't believe, you can give it a try."

"If you dare to kill an innocent Blood Moon werewolf, I will slaughter your family. Old man, if you don't believe me, try it."

Gu Hengsheng said to Old Antique who spoke, with a murderous intent.

"You!" The old antique was furious. He had lived for so many years, when had he been so humiliated.However, he didn't dare to say a single word to threaten Gu Hengsheng, because he saw Gu Hengsheng's cold eyes... he was afraid.

Gu Hengsheng glanced at the person in charge of the auction and remained indifferent.Afterwards, he hugged the wolf girl and walked towards the gate, treating the strong present as nothing.

The Tianjiao opened the door wide, paying attention to the movements of everyone present.

As long as someone dares to block it, they will kill him immediately, no matter who it is.

"Sir, are you really determined to do this?"

Suddenly, an old man in gray clothes appeared out of nowhere. He was the real person in charge of the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce, an existence at the peak of Sendai.

Suddenly, an unrivaled existence at the peak of Sendai appeared in the venue, directly causing the temperature in the air to drop a lot, and the chill was piercing.

"You can't keep me alone."

Gu Hengsheng couldn't beat the old man in front of him, but he had the body protection of the jade lotus seat and the Sword of Everlasting Sorrow, so it was not difficult to leave.

"This old man has no intention to force Mr. to stay, and he can hand over the wolf girl to Mr. But, is Mr. really planning to protect the Blood Moon Wolf Clan? Mister, have you really thought about it?"

There was a great threat in the old man's words.

Once Gu Hengsheng admits it, Gu Hengsheng will offend the forces in the world.

"What I say will naturally count. If the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce dares to reach out to the Blood Moon Wolf Clan, I will not let the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce, including you old guy. Now, I said it again, do you understand? ?”

Gu Hengsheng saw through the thoughts of the old man of the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce at a glance, and said loudly.

The old man was expressionless, not knowing what he was thinking: "Okay, I hope Mr. has the ability to protect the Blood Moon Wolf Clan."

Gu Hengsheng ignored it and strode towards the door.

The heroes are ready to move, but they dare not make a move, and their hearts are extremely struggling.

(End of this chapter)

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