The sword rises

Chapter 1297 I Want Your Life

Chapter 1297 I Want Your Life

Chapter 1000 two hundred 97 I want your life

At that time, Gu Hengsheng didn't do anything because he was afraid of hurting the wolf girl.

But now, Gu Hengsheng has no such worries, and just wants to go to the ancient city to kill people.

On this trip, Gu Hengsheng only took three people with him, Yan Chenge, Yi Yinyuan, and Zhang Hanye.The three of them can be regarded as the strongest group, and they all have extremely strong strength.

Especially Lihuo swordsman Zhang Hanye, he practiced swordsmanship, and he was able to fight Gu Hengsheng once.Few people in the world know how strong the sword is nowadays.

The ancient city seemed to be filled with a layer of faint black smoke.

Gu Hengsheng tore through the void and landed in the ancient city not long after.He stepped out and smashed the gate of the ancient city, with a murderous intent: "Where is the city owner? Get out!"

It is said that the wolf girl was captured by the city lord of this ancient city, and no one knows how the wolf girl was tortured during that time.At least, the wolf girl was beaten up.

Many people have forced the wolf girl to talk about the place where the blood moon wolf clan lives, threats, abuse, and whipping may all have happened.

I was just worried that the wolf girl could not be sold at a good price, so I didn't search for the wolf girl.Because the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce and the city owner knew that the Blood Moon Wolf Clan could not be swallowed by them alone, they might as well make it public and benefit from it.

The ancient city was shaken, and the practitioners living in it looked at the broken gate and shouted: "Mr. Jiu!"

"Didn't Mr. Jiu just leave for a few days? Why did you come back?"

"What is he going to do? Ask the teacher to ask the crime?"

"Is Mr. Jiu planning to go to war with the Tongu Chamber of Commerce and the city lord?"

Due to Gu Hengsheng's arrival, the entire ancient city and even the Emperor's Road were alarmed.

The appearance of Gu Hengsheng made the sky of the ancient city gradually darken.

In the depths of the ancient city, dozens of figures appeared.Most of them are strong men from the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce, and some are strong men from the ancient city.

Naturally, the city lord of the ancient city was impressively listed.

The city lord was dressed in black, and his facial features were cut like a knife, looking very majestic.

"What else is there, sir?"

A few days ago, Gu Hengsheng made a big fuss at the auction venue, discrediting the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce and the ancient city.The city lord would definitely not put on a good face towards Gu Hengsheng, and asked in a cold voice.

"Did you do the injury on her body?"

Gu Hengsheng's hands drooped by his sides, his eyes were calm and somewhat scary.

The city owner was slightly taken aback, and immediately guessed that the "she" Gu Hengsheng was talking about might be the wolf girl.The city lord smiled, calmly said: "Sir, you made a mistake!"

"I'm asking again, who did the injury on her body?"

Gu Hengsheng's words were mixed with biting coldness, which made many people in the ancient city shiver.

Back then, when he was still a Heaven-hating Sword Immortal, he beheaded all the heroes with one sword, staining the world with blood, and was called cold-blooded and ruthless by the world.However, he also didn't want to let the little maid beside him suffer any harm.

People in the world say that Sword Immortal Hentian is cold and ruthless, but they don't know that the tenderness deep in the heart of Sword Immortal Hentian already belongs to him.

Now, the old man reappeared, scarred.

How could Gu Hengsheng remain indifferent?

"Sir, what do you mean by this? What exactly do you want to do?"

Although Gu Hengsheng looked very strange, but as the lord of the ancient city, he must not lose face and question loudly.

Gu Hengsheng didn't answer, he thought of the wound on Wolf Girl's body, and slowly lowered his eyebrows.


Since the city lord was unwilling to speak out, Gu Hengsheng slaughtered the person in front of him, searched for his soul, and went to find the perpetrator himself.

In an instant, Lihuo Jianzi and the other three charged towards the city lord and the others without any fear.

They came here today to kill people.


As soon as the Sword of Eternal Regret came out, Gu Hengsheng raised his sword and slashed at the city lord of the ancient city without saying a word of nonsense.

"Are you crazy?"

The city lord and Zhu Qiang of the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce never thought that Gu Hengsheng would strike at the slightest disagreement, and they were shocked.

However, the powerful members of the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce did not wait for Gu Hengsheng's answer, but instead used their magical powers to kill one after another.

Lihuo Jianzi is known as a unparalleled evildoer, and the reason why he followed Gu Hengsheng was to pursue a higher way of swordsmanship.His cultivation in the later period of the Sendai Three Bans is enough to compete with the old antiques in the middle of the Sendai Five Bans, which can be said to be world-class.

The city lord of the ancient city is an existence in the late period of the Five Forbidden City of Sendai, and he is inextricably linked with the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce, so he can sit firmly as the city lord.

"You hurt her, and I want your life."

Gu Hengsheng drew his sword and slashed, the power of the emperor's weapon pressed down from the sky, opened the ancient city horizontally, and divided it into two.

Back then, Gu Hengsheng was able to reversely kill an old guy who was half a step to the top.At this moment, in Gu Hengsheng's eyes, the city lord was nothing more than a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Facing the murderous Gu Hengsheng, the city lord was terrified.

"I implore the old president to take action!"

A bloody sword mark appeared on the body of the city lord, blood staining the sky.

As for the rest of the Tonggu Merchant Guild's powerhouses, they were in an inextricable fight with Lihuo Jianzi and the others.Even, several strong men were beheaded directly by Li Huo Jianzi and others.


Suddenly, a majestic momentum came towards Gu Hengsheng and the others, knocking them back tens of thousands of meters.

An old man slowly walked up to the clouds. He is the old president of the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce. He was a pinnacle existence who had met Gu Hengsheng at the auction before.

"Mr. Jiu, the wolf girl has been handed over to you, why do you want to offend me at the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce?"

The old president snorted coldly, and the rules of the world seemed to have subtly changed because of his anger.

"Hand over everyone who hurt her."

Even in the face of the old president who was at the pinnacle of Sendai, Gu Hengsheng said sharply without any sign of timidity.

"My Tonggu Chamber of Commerce has stood in the world for 10 years, and the foundation is so rich. Do you really think that my Tonggu Chamber of Commerce is easy to bully?"

The old president suppressed his anger and spoke slowly.

"Does Tonggu Merchant think that I, Gu Hengsheng, are easy to bully?"

Gu Hengsheng pointed at Qing Cang with his sword, and maybe the next moment he would slash the Sword of Eternal Regret to the ancient city.

The practitioners in the ancient city hurriedly fled in all directions to avoid being affected.The powerhouses of Sendai's Five Bans, who are rarely seen on weekdays, have appeared now, making the hearts of the world very messy.

"Please leave, sir! If you continue to be presumptuous, don't blame the old man for being merciless."

Everyone is calling at the door of the house, the old president must not sit idly by, otherwise the face will really be lost, and how will he continue to hang around on the emperor's road in the future.

As long as the old president dares to make a move, it means that the Tonggu Chamber of Commerce and Gu Hengsheng must be eternal enemies.

Gu Hengsheng has a lot of debts, so he doesn't seem to take this matter seriously.If those people were not slaughtered today, Gu Hengsheng's heart would hardly be at peace.

"Old man, if you dare to make a move on Xiao Heng, I will kill all the descendants of your Tonggu Chamber of Commerce, do you believe me?"

Suddenly, there was a strong wind.

(End of this chapter)

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