Chapter 15
Chapter 15 Talking with grandparents and grandchildren
The next day, the sky opened his eyes dimly, and with the first rays of light shining down, Gu Hengsheng's figure appeared in the depths of the mansion, which was the resting place of Gu Cang, the old man of the Gu family.

Inside the room, Mr. Gu sat on a chair with a majestic expression, staring at Gu Hengsheng silently like an abyss.In his opinion, Gu Hengsheng had either gone out to fool around early in the morning, or he was still lying on the bed and fast asleep.Today, it was the first time that Gu Hengsheng came to him, which made Gu Cang extremely surprised.

"Grandpa, Hang Seng is here to greet you." Gu Hengsheng took a deep look at the gray-haired old man, and said from the bottom of his heart.


Hearing the sound, the corners of Gu Cang's mouth twitched uncontrollably, and he snorted coldly with a frown: "Did you cause trouble in Baimeng Tower yesterday, and you want the old man to solve it for you?"

In the past, every time Gu Hengsheng got into trouble, he would obediently come to visit Mr. Gu under the name of Please An, and Mr. Gu was no stranger to this.However, there is one thing that Mr. Gu is very curious about, that is, Gu Hengsheng came too early this time, when Gu Hengsheng didn't sleep until the sun was high before coming here.

It was so weird to come here early this morning to say hello, so weird that Mr. Gu couldn't help but tense up.He even thought secretly: Could it be that this brat secretly provoked people in the palace?But it doesn't make sense, I send people to secretly protect him at all times, what can be hidden from me?

"Grandpa, it's not about this. You're overthinking it. My son just wants to say hello to you, and let me tell you something." Gu Hengsheng was heartbroken. Why did his father and second uncle look resentful? .However, according to his previous bastard personality, it seems that he has never sincerely greeted him once. Thinking of this, Gu Hengsheng himself was speechless.

"Talk about it? Don't tell the old man what the hell is going on. The Li family has not yet passed the hurdle. It's good that the old man didn't beat you up. Don't expect the old man to be in the mood now. Go wipe your ass."

Mr. Gu flicked his white beard, and said coldly.

"I..." Gu Hengsheng covered his forehead secretly, feeling that it was too difficult for him to communicate with the old man and the second uncle, but he couldn't blame them, he could only blame himself for being too stupid.

"Grandpa, I'm leaving the capital." Gu Hengsheng took a deep breath and said in a very solemn voice.

"What? Leaving the capital? Tell me again." Mr. Gu Cang's eyes were as big as lanterns, and he immediately asked back.

"Grandpa, I've already made up my mind. I'm just afraid that you might be worried, so I'll let you know. Also, I hope you get rid of the master who secretly protects me." Gu Hengsheng cupped his hands and said.

It was quiet, Mr. Gu stared at Gu Hengsheng and fell into deep thought. He had an inexplicable feeling that Gu Hengsheng seemed to have become another person, and the breath on his body was no longer impetuous.

"Do you know that if I remove the master guarding you, with your ability to cause trouble, you won't know how you died." Mr. Gu slapped the table hard, and burst out angrily road.

"Grandpa, please trust me, I will not let you worry or be disappointed anymore." He bowed down, expressing Gu Hengsheng's resolute heart.

Seeing Gu Hengsheng's persistence, Mr. Gu took a few deep breaths, and said in a deep voice, "Boy, you've left the capital, where do you want to go?"

"Sword market."

Gu Hengsheng looked straight at Mr. Gu without any fear, and replied lightly.

Sword market!

Mr. Gu jumped up from the chair directly, and furiously said in astonishment: "You bastard, you said you were going to the Sword Market, do you know the horror of that place? Do you know that there are dangers everywhere? I removed the person who protected you, did you get tired of getting into trouble in the capital and wanted to kill yourself?"

Gu Hengsheng seemed to have anticipated the reaction of old man Gu. He stared at the old man without changing his face, and said calmly: "Three thousand miles of sword market, three million dead spirits, I naturally understand the danger. But, I am definitely not Going to die, but there is a reason why I have to go, and please grandpa believe me for the last time."

"I don't agree, get out!" Old Master Gu snorted coldly and shouted loudly.

Watching this scene, Gu Hengsheng slowly raised his hand, lifted the hem of his clothes, bent his knees, bent over and knocked.

Although the sound of kowtowing was small, it was like a thunderbolt hitting Mr. Gu's heart at this moment.Since both of Gu Hengsheng's parents died, this was the first time he kowtowed, the first time he made such a solemn request, and Mr. Gu was completely stunned.

"Grandpa, the boy is already sensible, really sensible, you just trust the boy this time!"

Gu Hengsheng knew that Mr. Gu was worried that he would be in danger.However, Gu Hengsheng had no choice. He could only leave with the consent of Mr. Gu, otherwise Mr. Gu would definitely not let him go out.

Mixed flavors, perhaps only this word can describe the mood swings in Mr. Gu's heart.In the past, when Gu Hengsheng caused great disasters, he never begged on his knees like this.Today, Gu Hengsheng really made Mr. Gu fall into endless thoughts.

"Give me a reason, old man." Mr. Gu was silent for a long time, and the eyes that looked at Gu Hengsheng were no longer angry, but complicated emotions.

"I want to become stronger, revive my Gu family's prestige, re-insert my Gu family's power in the land of a hundred countries, so that hundreds of millions of creatures in the world dare not underestimate my Gu family."

Gu Hengsheng responded neither humble nor overbearing.

As soon as these words came out, Mr. Gu was suffocated instantly, and his hands hidden under his sleeves couldn't help trembling slightly.

The pain slowly began to spread from the bottom of Mr. Gu's heart, and a few strands of crystals appeared in the depths of his eyes.For a long time, Mr. Gu has been searching for pure physical exercises, hoping that Gu Hengsheng, who can't draw qi into his body, can practice and maintain the prestige of the Gu family in the future.

However, not only are the exercises for pure body training rare, but the conditions for practicing them are extremely harsh, making it difficult to make a difference at all.Seeing Gu Hengsheng wasting time and making troubles all day long, Mr. Gu's heart aches more than anyone else, but there is nothing he can do.

Now, Gu Hengsheng actually said what he was suppressing deep in his heart, how could he not shock Mr. Gu?

"Stinky boy..." Mr. Gu's chapped lips trembled a little, and a look of doting flashed in his eyes: "Do you have any specific plans?"

"Yes!" Gu Hengsheng nodded slowly and replied.

Mr. Gu closed his eyes, then raised his eyes to stare at Gu Hengsheng again, and said coldly and domineeringly: "My Gu family can die or be broken, but I can't lose my dignity. Now that you have made up your mind, the old man I I believe you once. Go! Remember to come back after a month."

"Grandpa..." The old man in front of him made Gu Hengsheng feel admiration from the bottom of his heart: "I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

(End of this chapter)

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