The sword rises

Chapter 1903

Chapter 1903
The first thousand and ninety-sixth chapters: all beings in the fairy play
The soul impacts again and again made the taboo door tremble.Under the terrible pressure, Gu Hengsheng gritted his teeth and persisted.

"Open it for me!"

With a sound of Gu Hengsheng's fall, the taboo door finally moved, and a crack appeared.

If it weren't for his soul power comparable to that of an immortal, Gu Hengsheng would have been unable to hold on long ago.

After this crack appeared, a pale golden light came out.

Gu Hengsheng's soul slowly drifted to the crack, and peeked out: "Traces of the ancient years..."

With this glance, Gu Hengsheng saw the resplendent scene of all the emperors standing side by side.There are hundreds of great emperors with extremely terrifying strength standing in the chaotic space, and above all the emperors, there seems to be a figure.

This figure stood on top of the glorious Asgard, overlooking everything in the world, controlling the laws of heaven and earth.

Perhaps, this is the fairy.

The whole body of the Immortal Palace is snow-white, supported by a total of [-] celestial pillars. Each celestial pillar has a different appearance and has its own characteristics, representing [-] great emperors.

There are three words engraved on the fairy palace, looming - Qiongyu Palace.

Qiongyu Palace is the place where immortals live, the name of this fairy palace.


Gu Hengsheng's heart trembled. Is this the scenery of ancient times? Words cannot describe it.

In the next breath, Gu Hengsheng saw a phantom in a certain corner of the fairy palace.Although the phantom was blurry and even disappeared in a flash, Gu Hengsheng believed that he could see it right.

"That is……"

Gu Hengsheng was not sure about the identity of the phantom that flashed by, his eyes were full of doubts.

When Gu Hengsheng wanted to continue looking at the traces of the ancient years, the figure standing on the top of the fairy palace moved, slowly turned around, walked in the white mist, and slowly walked to the ancient before the emperors.

Gu Hengsheng couldn't see the appearance of this immortal, but could vaguely see some outlines of his face.

The immortal turned around and faced the emperors, making them bow their heads and bow their heads.

Just a ray of coercion from the immortal made the one hundred and eight ancient emperors dare not look directly at the figure of the immortal.

"So majestic, who dares to rebel? Who can rebel?"

Gu Hengsheng looked at the picture carved by the ancient years and talked to himself.

Immortals are immortal, live the same life as heaven and earth, and are invincible in divine power.How can such an existence be shaken by the emperor?
Even if there are more than a hundred great emperors, it is impossible to fight the immortal.

What happened to the great war in ancient times?

Did Xian really die because of the siege by the emperors?
In the ancient years, Gu Hengsheng saw Xian turning his head and looking towards a certain corner, and he felt a slight emotional fluctuation.The emperors followed the immortal's eyes and saw nothing.

Xian, what are you looking at?
"In the years to come, someone like you will be born."

Xian looked at that corner, let out a chuckle, and said in relief.

With a dazed glance, Gu Hengsheng seemed to see that phantom again in a corner of the Immortal Palace.This phantom was somewhat familiar, but Gu Hengsheng couldn't figure out what was going on for a while.

"Independence on the top of the cloud is always lonely!"

The immortal looked down at the emperors, then at a corner of the fairy palace, and sighed.

He has been a fairy for many years, millions of years, tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years.Among all the beings in the world, no one can compete with the immortals, and no one dares to disobey the immortals.

Being invincible in the world, this feeling is good at first, and you can do whatever you want.However, as the years went by, Xian enjoyed everything in the world.

It wasn't until the end that Xian understood what he longed for.He wanted a rival, someone who would make him draw his sword.

Besides, Xian has no nostalgia for this world.Whenever he thinks back to the days of suffering in his youth, he sighs and misses him very much.

"Walk through the long river of time and explore the road."

Xian looked at the phantom in the corner and said softly.

The phantom gradually manifested a human form, saluted and bowed, and then looked at the fairy.

"It seems that I can succeed, otherwise you would not have appeared."

The fairy stands with his hands behind his back, his eyes are empty, and nothing can escape his eyes.

"Can you tell me what the future will look like?"

Xian continued.

"The way is indescribable, time will tell you the answer."

In order to say these words, Xu Ying exhausted all his strength.Because of his words, the rules and trajectory of this world have been changed.Even if he is in the long river of time and integrates himself into the world, he has to endure unimaginable pain to make up for his fault.

In the depths of the long river of time, Gu Hengsheng's soul trembled as he stood outside the taboo gate.Hearing what Xuying said, he called out in shock: "Senior brother!"

The phantom talking to the immortal is the third Mr. Zhuge Haokong from the Tomb of Floating Life.

Since Zhuge Haokong integrated himself into the long river of time, there is no past, no future, and he has transcended the world.He went back the years and changed the trajectory of certain things and certain people.

During this period, Zhuge Haokong suffered a backlash and fell into a deep sleep for thousands of years.After he wakes up, he continues to go retrograde, never retreating.He enjoys this feeling of seeing through the ages of the world, and all the secrets cannot be hidden from his eyes.

However, Zhuge Haokong also paid a huge price for his actions.

"Yes, time will eventually prove whether my choice is correct."

Xian did not expect that this phantom would say such words, which contained the true meaning of the Dao, returning to the basics.

The phantom broke the sky and disappeared.

In the Immortal Palace, the Immortal overlooks the emperors, and has already laid out a situation deep in his heart, but he has not made up his mind.Seeing this phantom of Zhuge Haokong this time, Xian decided to try it.

"Masters, would you like to become a fairy?"

As soon as the immortal's words fell, all the emperors raised their heads, and fiery colors appeared in the depths of their eyes.They have been living under the shadow of immortals, how could they not want to become immortals?

However, because the immortal is so powerful, the ancient emperors of course dare not give birth to the slightest disobedience.

The emperors remained silent, staring directly at the immortal's body with pairs of eyes.

"I need an opponent, a strong opponent who can really make me burn my fighting spirit."

Xian was too lonely, longing for an opponent, and wanted to make his heart beat violently again.Only in this way can he feel that he is not so boring and lonely living in this world.

"Let's all take action!"

With a flick of his sleeve, Xian turned over a corner of this fairy palace.

Feeling the terrifying coercion of the immortal, the faces of many great emperors changed, and they fell to their knees: "I dare not wait!"

"If you don't dare, why climb the avenue!"

With a sound, Xian took a step forward, and all the acupuncture points in his body were blocked by himself.

The immortal sealed more than half of his cultivation base, his purpose is very simple, to force the emperors to fight with him.

"Immortal, really?"

An ancient strong man ignited his fighting spirit. His strength was extremely terrifying. He had surpassed the realm of the Great Emperor, but he had not yet reached the level of a fairy.

If you really want to describe it, this ancient strong man has already cultivated to the semi-immortal state.Today's Bei Gongxin is in this mysterious realm.

One hundred and eight ancient emperors and strongmen, five of them have cultivated to the semi-immortal realm.They have been in this state for many years, but they have not been able to take half a step forward.

Because there can only be one immortal in this world, no one can break this rule of all things.

Only when this immortal dies can the next one be born.

"I have sealed [-]% of my power. If you still dare not fight, you are not qualified to spy on the immortal road."

With a loud voice, Xian Yang's own coercion was reduced by more than half.

Looking at the demeanor of the fairy, it doesn't seem to be fake.Many years have passed, and finally an ancient strong man in the semi-immortal realm made a move: "Immortal, I want to see what the scenery is like where you are standing."

"If you want my place, come here!"

Xian said plainly.

Gradually, the five strong men in the half-immortal realm all developed a covetous heart, and they are constantly growing.In the end, they still couldn't bear the temptation of the fairy position, they looked at each other, and shot at the fairy.

As Xian said, if you still don't have the courage to make a move in this situation, then you are not qualified to spy on Xian's way.


Five strong men in the half-immortal realm shot at the same time, and the flame that was suppressed in the deepest part of the heart burned up, rising continuously, and burning nine days and ten places.

The emperors were unwilling to make a move, but when they recalled the endless years of experience, they have always been under others, and their hearts are bitter.They looked at the highest position in the Immortal Palace, and their hearts moved one by one.

Thus, this battle of slaughtering immortals officially kicked off.

This battle shattered, and the sun and the moon fell.

The law of Dao began to change, and Xian was injured under the siege of the emperors.From the fear at the beginning to the desperate battle now, the emperors only had one thought left, and that was to drag the immortal from that position.Only in this way will they have the opportunity to stand at the highest point of the Asgard, even if it is only a glimmer of hope.

The emperors used all their own strength to evolve their respective Great Emperor Dao Artifacts into chains containing the Dao, and bound them to the immortal body.

Xian, bleeding.

Xian, also injured.

At this time, the five half-immortals were blinded by the so-called immortal position, and they joined forces like crazy to kill the immortal, just hoping to kill the immortal, and the position of the immortal was vacated, and they had a higher level. One floor opportunity.

Perhaps, no one noticed that in a certain corner of the endless space, a phantom was looming, witnessing this battle with their own eyes.Perhaps, only this phantom knew that the immortal had never displayed his real strength from the beginning to the end, not even using [-]% of his strength, and was completely at the mercy of the emperors.

Because Xian is really too boring, he wants to plan the eternity and cultivate a real opponent with his own hands.

"All living beings in the fairy show!"

Xu Ying couldn't make any sound, but could only sigh in the depths of his soul.If he hadn't buried himself in the long river of time, how would he know these ancient secrets.

(End of this chapter)

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