The sword rises

Chapter 1919 Turmoil in the Imperial Road

Chapter 1919 Turmoil in the Imperial Road
The first thousand 930 chapter two emperor road turmoil
In the past, Buddhism often said that there are six reincarnations, and those who do evil will go to Avici Hell.The world scoffed at these remarks and didn't believe them at all.

For so many years, people in the world don't believe what Buddhism says, thinking that it is a method used by Buddhism to win over believers.

This time, Gu Hengsheng's soul went deep into the back of the ghost gate, and he got a glimpse of the scene of the underworld, which he will never forget in his life.

Zhongzhou, Lei Yao Buddhist Sect.

Li Qiurou followed Gu Hengsheng's words and came directly to the Buddhist gate.

Today's Buddhist abbot is an old eminent monk with unfathomable strength.Originally, the position of the master of Buddhism belonged to the Buddha, but the Buddha did not ask about the affairs of the Buddhism, and handed over all the tedious matters to the current host.

"What is the purpose of the palace master coming to the Buddhist gate in person?"

The Buddhist gate greeted Li Qiurou inside, and hosted the reception in person.

"According to the order of my husband, I have come to Buddhism."

Li Qiurou said straight to the point.

"Emperor's decree?"

The presiding officer and the other eminent monks were slightly startled, and said solemnly: "If the emperor needs my Buddhism, just ask."

"I wonder if it is possible to borrow from the Sutra Pavilion of Buddhism?"

Li Qiurou explained her purpose.


The host nodded in agreement without any hesitation.

"Thank you."

Li Qiurou followed the host and other eminent monks to the Zangshu Pavilion of Buddhism.Then, Li Qiurou greeted the host, and began to burn Buddhist scriptures, not ignoring any of them.

It took a full half a month for Li Qiurou to finish transcribing all Buddhist scriptures.

Immediately, Li Qiurou bid farewell to the Buddhist host and went straight to Emperor Road.

When Li Qiurou returned to the Wanzan Mountains, Gu Hengsheng's complexion was much better.

"Husband, all the scriptures you want are here."

Li Qiurou took out a jade slip, and all the contents of the Buddhist scriptures were engraved in it.

"Hmm." Gu Hengsheng didn't show politeness to Li Qiurou, he directly took the jade slip with his hand, and his spiritual sense penetrated into the jade slip.

With a sweep of Gu Hengsheng's spiritual thoughts, the contents of hundreds of thousands of words of Buddhist scriptures were directly engraved in his mind.

It didn't take long for Gu Hengsheng to find out about the underworld in a Buddhist scripture.

"The Eighteenth House of Hades, one floor and one world, Guangjuju, Sangjudu, Lou, Fangzu..."

Gu Hengsheng looked at this record and muttered in a low voice.

This scripture seems to be left by an eminent monk. It is rumored that he once dreamed of the underworld and rescued tens of thousands of dead souls.The eminent monk woke up one day, thinking that the sea has changed, and things have changed.Who knows, it's just one night.

The eminent monk sighed unceasingly, and engraved the matter into a book, discussing the affairs of the underworld.

Later, Buddhists spread the matter to the world, but except for ordinary people who believed it, practitioners remained completely skeptical.Over time, the reputation of Buddhism is not very good. The practitioners are well aware of the methods of bewitching Buddhism, and regard this incident as a joke.

After a long time, this scripture was backlogged in the deepest part of the Buddhist Library, and few people read it.

"The dark blue fire, illuminates the underworld, suppresses evil spirits, fears all monsters..."

Immediately afterwards, Gu Hengsheng found another Buddhist scripture record.

Through various records and personal experience, Gu Hengsheng confirmed the existence of Youlan Minghuo.When the emperor Gu Xiujie crossed the catastrophe when he was young, he obtained a ray of dark blue fire and kept nurturing it.

"Underworld, are there immortals?"

Gu Hengsheng read all the Buddhist scriptures and got a lot of useful information.

Gu Hengsheng asked himself, deep in his heart, he kept recalling the scene of seeing the Underworld with his own eyes: "If there is no immortal, how can we control the life and death of the world."

Li Qiurou stayed by Gu Hengsheng's side without saying a word.

Gu Hengsheng's soul was damaged, and his cultivation and strength on the surface remained unchanged, but in fact he was severely injured.But fortunately, Gu Hengsheng traveled through the years of Bai Yixian back then, and his soul was so strong that he couldn't endanger his life.

Forbidden land on the emperor's road, falling into the abyss.

Luotianyuan was originally the hiding place of Emperor Da Xia, but when the World Annihilation War broke out, Emperor Da Xia left the Emperor's Road and hid in a certain corner of Da Shi.

Bei Gongxin has been in Luotianyuan for many years, always looking for traces of the ancient times.

On this day, Bei Gongxin almost searched the entire Luotianyuan, but still got nothing.There is no trace of the ancient years, and the use of magical powers has no effect at all.

Therefore, Bei Gongxin can only explore with naked eyes, slowly checking every corner of Luotianyuan.

"If you keep searching like this, you won't get any clues for another thousand years."

Bei Gongxin's momentum sank, and the whole Luotianyuan was slightly turbulent.

Soon, Bei Gongxin regained his composure and continued to investigate.He believes that as long as he persists, he will definitely gain something in the end.

At the same time, somewhere in the great world.

There is a person wearing a blue gown, walking in the world.He has white hair and deep eyes, and he looks a bit out of place compared to the pedestrians around him.

Pedestrians seemed to be unable to see him, and all passed him by.

This person is Liu Changsheng, a legendary existence.

"How did you persevere back then?"

When Liu Changsheng thought that he would spend hundreds of thousands of years in the world and suffer all kinds of torture, he felt a little repulsive deep in his heart.If the world of mortals and the three life paths are fulfilled, they can touch the immortal way.

During the emperor's war, Mo Yibai sacrificed his cultivation for the sake of this world, just to suppress Bei Gongxin.If it weren't for this, Mo Yibai should be able to touch the immortal way and go to a higher position.

"Xian, is it really out of reach?"

Looking at the sea of ​​stars, Liu Changsheng always felt like he touched something, but it was difficult to grasp it.

"My way is not alone."

Liu Changsheng murmured, remembering the events of his past years, and saw the figure of the fairy in white who defied the sky and became a fairy.Before he knew it, these words echoed in Liu Changsheng's ears, hitting his soul directly.

This world is colorful, but Liu Changsheng seems to have turned into black and white, unable to blend into this world.

"Where is my way?"

Liu Changsheng spread his hands, and an amber appeared in the palm of his hand.

This amber was what Mo Yibai asked Gu Hengsheng to hand over to Liu Changsheng, and Liu Changsheng has been carrying it with him for so many years.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Changsheng disappeared, and his whereabouts are unknown.

A few years later, there was a violent vibration in Luotianyuan of Emperor Road, and all the emperors woke up from their deep sleep.

Because, the emperors felt an unprecedented terrifying coercion sweeping the sky, as if the entire sky was about to be torn into pieces.

"The emperor's road is in turmoil, what is the reason?"

Dilu was greatly affected, and his eyes looked towards Luotianyuan.

In the depths of Luotianyuan, Bei Gongxin looked at the scene in front of him, his body trembled slightly, and his pupils shrank.

After years of hard work, Bei Gongxin found a sealed space, forcibly opened it, and saw this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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