The sword rises

Chapter 1926 9 deaths and 1 life, black phantom

Chapter 1926 Nine deaths, black phantom
The first thousand 930 nine chapters narrowly escaped death, black phantom
After walking a hundred steps, Gu Hengsheng saw an ancient great emperor died in battle. Everywhere in the battlefield was filled with a desolate atmosphere, which affected Gu Hengsheng's state of mind.

"In the eyes of the immortal, the great emperor is just an ant."

Gu Hengsheng staggered forward, the momentum on the battlefield could crush his heart into pieces at any moment.Every time Gu Hengsheng took a step forward, the more he came into contact with the core of the battlefield, the greater the pressure he would bear.

Gu Hengsheng had no way of turning back, he could only keep going.

Looking back, all the footprints left by Gu Hengsheng disappeared.

The wars in the ancient times had already happened, and here are only the pictures of the ancient battlefields.However, if Gu Hengsheng was a little careless, he would die here, and his life would disappear.

Vaguely, Gu Hengsheng seemed to hear faint roars, like wild beasts, or human roars.

"Did I hear it wrong?"

Gu Hengsheng's eyelids trembled, and he looked around.

Gradually, Gu Hengsheng seemed to be pulled onto the battlefield by an invisible force.The sound of fighting fell into Gu Hengsheng's ears.

Gu Hengsheng felt that his body was not so heavy, and he could display his magical powers.This feeling was very strange, but Gu Hengsheng was not overjoyed, instead his heart felt even heavier.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The emperors were crazy, and everyone was so red-eyed, just to fight for the supreme immortal position.Among them, some of them were good friends, and they once toasted and discussed together, and went through hardships.Now, they have become enemies, and they all want to put each other to death.

Why did the emperor act like this?

Perhaps, there is the intervention of the Lord of the Immortal Court!If not, how did the emperors break out such a terrifying battle?
The supreme immortal position is of course important, but many people have not been able to step into the immortal level with half a foot, so there is nothing to fight for.No matter how tempting that position is, it is not something that ordinary emperors can get their hands on.

However, this great battle swept all the forces and powerhouses of the ancient era, and the fairyland became a bloody battlefield. One side of the star field collapsed, and the emperor's bloody battle dried up.

A majestic imperial weapon rushed towards the ground, and it happened to land on Gu Hengsheng's position.

Immediately, Gu Hengsheng's pupils shrank rapidly, and a thought popped up in his heart, if he didn't take defensive measures, his life would be in danger.


With a thought in Gu Hengsheng's mind, a sword barrier formed around him.

The next moment, the star where Gu Hengsheng was located directly exploded into powder, as fragile as tofu.

so close!

A trace of cold sweat appeared on Gu Hengsheng's forehead, and more than half of the sword field barrier he had condensed was destroyed.If Gu Hengsheng was a step slower, he would have been seriously injured by now, or even died.

Why can the traces left by the ancient battlefield attack me?

This idea popped up in Gu Hengsheng's mind instantly, but he didn't understand why.

Could it be that this is the method of the immortal?
Gu Hengsheng didn't have extra time to think about these issues, because another terrifying imperial prestige came, and it would definitely affect Gu Hengsheng.

Gu Hengsheng was seriously injured in the battle with Bei Gongxin, and he has not recovered yet.Coupled with the fact that part of the soul was divided, the strength was greatly reduced.

Facing various factors on the battlefield nowadays, if Gu Hengsheng was even slightly distracted, he would become a sacrifice on the battlefield.

"This is the real ancient battlefield."

Only now is Gu Hengsheng able to clearly feel the sharp aura on the battlefield, and every ray will make people's soul tremble, icy cold to the bone.

Even though Gu Hengsheng's strength has been greatly reduced, he is still comparable to Youdi and others.However, with Gu Hengsheng's current state, his life is in danger at any moment.

Perhaps in the next instant, Gu Hengsheng would become a corpse on the battlefield.

You know, these are all engraved battlefield scenes, and no one is targeting Gu Hengsheng.Even so, Gu Hengsheng could smell the smell of death, and his whole body was cold.

"The means of immortals are indeed beyond my reach."

Gu Hengsheng seemed to have personally experienced an ancient war, it was so real that it made people fall.

bang bang bang-

The entire fairy world has become a battlefield, and no matter where Gu Hengsheng goes, he cannot avoid it.Each piece of imperial weapon bloomed with its brilliance, sinking a square star field, and smashing stars one by one.

"This position can only belong to me!"

Suddenly, Gu Hengsheng heard a roar, and looked away in a blink of an eye.

Above Nine Heavens, there was a man wearing a python robe, bristling with anger, with an imposing aura.This person smashed mountains and rivers with a flick of a finger, suppressed the Great Emperor with one palm, his strength has already surpassed the level of the Great Emperor, and he stepped into the immortal way with one foot.

There are hundreds of palaces in the ancient fairy palace, but now the palaces are shattered one by one, without the glory of the past.However, at the top of the Immortal Palace, there is a chair carved from white jade and glass, which is extremely luxurious and unique in the world.

Only immortals can sit in that position.

All the ancient emperors looked at the fairy's seat, their eyes full of fiery yearning, imagining the picture of themselves sitting in that position, and their blood boiled.

"The strength is by no means inferior to Bei Gongxin."

Gu Hengsheng looked at the person at the top and said affirmatively.

Not long after, another terrifying existence appeared, covering the sky and the sun with his hands, making the entire fairy world dark: "Who wouldn't want that position?"

Another ancient strong man not weaker than Bei Gongxin.

Gu Hengsheng's mouth was parched. With his current strength, it was really difficult for him to withstand the overwhelming coercion.


A certain bone of Gu Hengsheng was crushed, and blood oozed out.


A person who was almost immortal said a word, and the ancient emperors vomited blood one after another, and they were injured and flew upside down.

Gu Hengsheng was not spared either. The meridians all over his body exploded and burst open. His whole body fell like a meteorite and hit a not small star, directly destroying the star.

Gu Hengsheng rolled his eyes and almost passed out.

Isn't such a terrifying character a real fairy?
Gu Hengsheng's whole body trembled, this was the instinct of his body, not what he thought.

This world is a battlefield, Gu Hengsheng can't go anywhere, he can only witness this ancient war with his own eyes.If Gu Hengsheng could hold on, he might be able to return to the outside world.If Gu Hengsheng couldn't hold on, this would be Gu Hengsheng's burial place.

Unrivaled beings standing on top of the heads of the ancient emperors appeared one after another, five in total, all possessing the ability to destroy the world.

When these five semi-immortal-level figures appeared, they all looked at the throne of the immortal, and their inner covetousness was infinitely magnified by some power.

In the end, the real battle of destruction broke out, and the five demigods fought.

The ancient emperors stopped fighting and fled around, not wanting to become a corpse.

However, since the outbreak of the Great War, the lives of the emperors cannot be controlled by themselves.

The semi-immortal-level characters started the battle, and the coercion enveloped the entire fairy world. The emperor who was close to the fairy palace was directly affected, and the emperor's body exploded and died instantly.

Gu Hengsheng's body began to twist, and his consciousness gradually became blurred.

Is this going to be my grave?

No!I can't die!
There are still many things waiting for me to do. If I die like this, all my efforts will be in vain.

Gu Hengsheng kept stimulating his brain with divine thoughts, so as not to fall into a coma.Once in a coma, how could the body be able to withstand the coercion of the battlefield.

"what is that?"

Gu Hengsheng's vision was a bit blurred, the knee of his left leg was already compressed, his bones turned into blood, and he half-kneeled on top of a star.

Looking at the bloody battlefield, Gu Hengsheng seemed to see a dark shadow somewhere.This black shadow was very vague, faintly visible, and made Gu Hengsheng feel a little warmth.

This black shadow was retrograde on the battlefield, it seemed that he could not feel the terrifying coercion, strolling in the courtyard, the wind was clear and the clouds were calm.

The black shadow seemed to sense something, and glanced lightly at Gu Hengsheng's direction.Then, the black shadow retracted his gaze and continued on his way.

Gu Hengsheng does not belong to the battlefield, everything here is just what happened in the past.

"is it you?"

Gu Hengsheng looked at the direction where the shadow disappeared, and murmured softly.

Not long after, Gu Hengsheng relied on his will and Dao Xin to forcefully support his heavy body, and slowly stood up.

No matter what, Gu Hengsheng couldn't admit defeat.

"Even if you die here, you must not be able to stop."

Gu Hengsheng looked at the ancient existence that was fighting, his vague consciousness controlled his body, and continued to stagger forward.

Just like that, Gu Hengsheng didn't know how long he walked at this speed.

During this period, an imperial weapon passed by Gu Hengsheng's ear, and it was only an inch away from cutting off Gu Hengsheng's head.Even so, Gu Hengsheng didn't respond as if he didn't see him.

Maybe Gu Hengsheng didn't have the strength to make defensive measures, or maybe he didn't care about death any more and just moved forward with all his heart.

As he walked, Gu Hengsheng found that his body became lighter, not as heavy as before.Slowly, Gu Hengsheng discovered that the bloody battlefield turned gray, and time was frozen here.

"Dao Xin." Gu Hengsheng understood why he was on the battlefield.

The master of the ancient fairy court was testing Gu Hengsheng's Taoism.

Just now, as long as Gu Hengsheng's Dao heart was a little unstable, he would really die on the battlefield and become a corpse.If Gu Hengsheng didn't have the courage to go on, he would sink into the battlefield forever, until he died.

Gu Hengsheng's heart became extremely calm, and he remained calm in the face of death, his eyes indifferent.

Is it because Gu Hengsheng saw that phantom on the battlefield, or is it because Gu Hengsheng's Taoism has been sublimated?

Perhaps, there are two reasons!

"When it has already happened, no matter how terrible it is, it is impossible to reproduce it."

The space where Gu Hengsheng was located was all gray, and the terrifying coercion had disappeared.

Gu Hengsheng continued walking, and saw a black door appearing in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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