The sword rises

Chapter 1931 1 Dressed in red, peerless youth

Chapter 1931 Dressed in red, peerless youth
The first thousand 940 chapter four, dressed in red, peerless youth
The third senior brother Zhuge Haokong couldn't hear Gu Hengsheng's call at all, it was the phantom left by hundreds of millions of years ago, and it disappeared like a cloud of smoke.

"Junior brother, if you can, help me to say to Master... I'm sorry."

The moment before Zhuge Haokong's figure disappeared, he suddenly looked at the taboo gate, as if Gu Hengsheng was standing there watching, showing a heart-wrenching smile.

In an instant, many memories that Zhuge Haokong had already forgotten came to his eyes.

When he was a child, the world was covered with blood, and Zhuge Haokong was only about seven years old, and he fell into a pool of blood.He is a vagrant who happened to encounter a bloody battle between two dynasties and was about to become a corpse on the battlefield.

Just when Zhuge Haokong was extremely frightened, the first warm sunshine appeared in his life.A person appeared and stretched out his hand to Zhuge Haokong.

Zhuge Haokong was filthy all over, looking at the person in front of him in fear, unable to speak a word.

However, this person did not dislike Zhuge Haokong, his pure eyes calmed Zhuge Haokong's heart all of a sudden, and he grabbed this person's white as jade hand by accident.

"What's your name?"

Mo Yibai held Zhuge Haokong's hand and spoke softly.

"Zhuge...Zhuge Haokong."

He was obedient and did not dare to raise his head.

"From now on, you are my apprentice, don't be afraid anymore."

Mo Yibai followed fate's choice, and she also believed in her own vision.

Hearing these words, Zhuge Haokong raised his head abruptly, imprinting Mo Yibai's face in his heart for the first time, and imprinting it in the depths of his soul forever.

At this point, a peerless figure appeared in this world, who came from the tomb of floating life, and the world honored him as Mr. San.

"Master, I'm sorry."

Immediately, Zhuge Haokong completely blurred.

In this world, perhaps there will never be the shadow of Zhuge Haokong again.

"Why did it become like this?"

Standing at the taboo gate, Gu Hengsheng saw Zhuge Haokong completely disappear with his own eyes, and his heart ached like a thousand arrows piercing through his heart.

Seeing the third senior brother Zhuge Haokong walk into the long river of time, although Gu Hengsheng was heartbroken, he could feel that the third senior brother must have a way to survive.

Later, a series of things happened, and the figure of the third brother Zhuge Haokong remained, which made Gu Hengsheng feel a little bit of warmth deep in his heart.

But now, Gu Hengsheng saw with his own eyes that the invincible immortal wiped away the last ray of soul spirit of the third senior brother.

How can Zhuge Haokong live if the immortal makes a move?
everything is over.

From Gu Hengsheng's point of view, the third brother is really dead this time, and there is no hope.

He once sat on the top of Fusheng Mountain, waving his feather fan lightly, pointing to the country.

He once came to Yunjie Mountain to capture the remnant figures of the emperors, and sat and discussed the Tao with the emperors, talking and laughing happily.The emperor's war broke out, and as soon as he flicked his sleeves, the emperors cannian woke up from the chaotic world of mortals, regained their glory, and fought bloody in the sea of ​​darkness.

He also came back from the endless starry sky, visited Emperor Road in person, suppressed countless powerful people on Emperor Road with his hands, dug pits and filled corpses, in order to shock Xiaoxiao.At that time, the mighty Black Bamboo Forest and other existences would bow their heads and make concessions to it.

Dressed in red, she turned the world upside down, the only one in the world.

A pair of sky-watching pupils can see through the mysteries of the ages and see the truth.

On the one hand, he gossips about the ancient pan of heaven and earth, plans the way of heaven, and counts all the people in the world.

"I'm Zhuge Haokong, the third disciple of the Fusheng Tomb. Gentlemen, please be polite."

When he was young, Zhuge Haokong was full of vigor and elegance.

He talked and laughed and waved his hands, the sky collapsed and the earth fell apart, and the sun and the moon dimmed.

That red dress has made many strong men daunting.That lonely figure once made all the emperors salute and admire him, calling him "Sir" from the bottom of his heart.

Bei Gongxin is so proud, after going through many hardships, he has no choice but to call Zhuge Haokong "Sir" from the bottom of his heart.Dare to ask the world, besides Quexian, who can make Bei Gongxin bow his head?

Mr. San from the Tomb of Floating Life, a character who truly rebelled against the chaotic years.


A tear fell from Gu Hengsheng's eye socket, and he saw the scene of seeing his third senior brother Zhuge Haokong for the first time.At that time, Gu Hengsheng was still in the land of a hundred countries, and he didn't know how big the world was, so he watched the sky from a well.

Ever since Gu Hang Seng got started, he has been taught by the third senior brother to practice, and he has never gone through detours.

"Senior Brother Third, how should I find you? In this life, can I still see you?"

Gu Hengsheng raised his hands, then put them down feebly, his eyes flushed.

At this time, the lord of the fairy court who had his back to Gu Hengsheng turned around slowly and looked in the direction of the taboo gate. Although he didn't say a word, he showed his majesty, which made Gu Hengsheng's heart tremble violently. one time.

The lord of the Immortal Court was wearing a python robe, and his face was covered by a layer of mist, which made it difficult for Gu Hengsheng to see clearly.

Even if the Lord of the Immortal Court didn't exude any coercion, it still made Gu Hengsheng feel great pressure.The two are not on the same level at all, and there is no comparison.

"Little guy, I don't understand why he trusts you so much. However, I also hope that you can go to another height and add some color to this boring world."

The Lord of the Immortal Court has been invincible in the world for countless years, so lonely.He urgently needs an opponent, a strong opponent who can let him display his true strength.

Since the lord of the fairy court came into the world, he has been invincible, and no one is his opponent.In the end, he became the only immortal in the world, and the sense of loneliness that was so high and cold became even stronger.

In the end, the Lord of the Immortal Court smashed his Asgard throne with his own hands, just to change the law and order of this great world, and wait for the birth of a strong man who can rival himself.

Tens of millions of years ago, the fairy in white defied the sky and became a fairy.It's a pity that Bai Yixian's strength is insufficient, and he can't even get rid of the order of heaven in the fairy world, so that the master of the fairy garden can't have the slightest interest.

As for the result of the white-clothed fairy, the lord of the fairy court ignored it and remained asleep.

"Little guy, you don't have much time left, I hope you don't let Zhuge down."

After the lord of the fairy court said these words, he waved his sleeves.

This space began to shatter, and countless cracks appeared like a spider's web.

Gu Hengsheng froze in place. In an instant, everything in front of him disappeared, turning into a gray-black solidified space. There was nothing there, as empty as an abyss.

It wasn't until the screen faded away that Gu Hengsheng felt the pressure drop suddenly and he had the ability to move around.

Immortal, in charge of everything, controls the life and death of creatures in the world.

It turns out that when you reach the realm of immortals, you will also feel melancholy, and you will also have the seven emotions and six desires.It's a pity that the wish of the lord of the fairy garden is difficult to come true, and an opponent who can rival him has never been seen for hundreds of millions of years.

High above, but without a confidant, without a beauty, the feeling of emptiness in the heart is unbearable to the immortal.

"Nanzhou, Moyu Valley."

Gu Hengsheng lowered his eyebrows and murmured.

The third brother Zhuge Haokong paid a huge price to convey this news to Gu Hengsheng.

Now that Gu Hengsheng's lifespan is coming to an end, there is no way to go to Moyu Valley for the time being.In the future, Gu Hengsheng will definitely find a way, no matter what, he will go to Nanzhou.

This may be the only thing that the third brother Zhuge Haokong left in the world.

Gu Hengsheng was sucked into a vortex by a force, and when Gu Hengsheng opened his eyes, he had already returned to the dark space of the Wanbu Mountains.

The method of the immortal is beyond common sense.In just the blink of an eye, Gu Hengsheng was able to shuttle between the two forbidden places without letting Heaven find out.

"It seems that you succeeded, but you can still get by."

The Lord of the Immortal Court should have left a will in this space, and he didn't have too many surprises for Gu Hengsheng, but just praised him a little.

If Gu Hengsheng didn't even have the strength to go to the taboo gate, he would be too useless.

"Dare to ask Xianshang, is my senior brother... really dead?"

Gu Hengsheng's heart sank, and he asked anxiously.

"Death is a kind of relief. Even if I want to die, there is nothing in this world that can kill me."

This voice floated slowly and reached Gu Hengsheng's ears, making Gu Hengsheng feel a burst of coldness, and his soul froze.

For the third senior brother, living consciously in the long river of past years is really too painful.Death is the best outcome.

However, Gu Hengsheng didn't want the third senior brother to die just like that. He still had a lot to say to the third senior brother, and he wanted to drink a cup of tea and a glass of wine with the third senior brother.

"Little guy, your senior brother is indeed an amazing person through the ages, but it's a pity that I couldn't really meet him, it's a pity!"

Even the master of the ancient fairy court couldn't help sighing with the methods of the third senior brother Zhuge Haokong.

You know, in the endless years, there are very few people who can sit and drink tea with the Lord of the Immortal Courtyard, but Zhuge Haokong has this honor, which is enough to prove Zhuge Haokong's position as the Lord of the Immortal Courtyard .

"One day, I will reach your height and become your opponent."

Gu Hengsheng stared at the endless dark void and said in a deep voice.

"Not ashamed to speak."

An invisible force oppressed Gu Hengsheng, making Gu Hengsheng's whole body stiff and uncontrollable.

"However, I'm waiting for you."

The next moment, that force disappeared instantly, allowing Gu Hengsheng to regain his ability to move.

From the beginning to the end, Gu Hengsheng's eyes were extremely calm, so calm that it made people feel scared.

Gu Hengsheng didn't say another word, turned around and left.

When Gu Hengsheng entered this void next time, he must have stood at another height.

When Gu Hengsheng left the dark void and appeared in a corner of the Wanzan Mountains, he looked up at the clouds with a look in his eyes that had never appeared before.

When you use a three-foot sword, you can reach the peak of the ages.

My name, Gu Hengsheng, will definitely be engraved on the highest place in this world.

Gu Hengsheng made a great wish in his heart, and the Sword of Everlasting Regret seemed to feel Gu Hengsheng's determination, trembling violently, and the sword roared to the nine heavens, causing a change in the situation.

Gu Hengsheng captures the time in the outside world, and finds that thousands of years have passed in the outside world, and things are changing.

(End of this chapter)

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