The sword rises

Chapter 1941 Liu Changsheng, We Finally Meet

Chapter 1941 Liu Changsheng, We Finally Meet

The first thousand 950 chapter four Liu Changsheng, we finally meet

An hour later, Dugu Shang left this remote and quiet place.

No one knew what happened to Dugu Shang and the Seven True Sword Emperor just now, but only knew that the stars on this side were filled with the supreme sword intent, the sea of ​​stars was cut across, and countless meteorites burst.

After fighting ten strokes, the Seven True Sword Emperor returned to the bamboo house.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Luo Yaoyi walked up to the Seven True Sword Emperor and asked with concern.

"In less than a thousand years, he will definitely surpass me."

The Seven True Sword Emperor praised.

Luo Yaoyi's beautiful eyes shone brightly, and she asked in surprise: "Master, is he so powerful?"

"Girl, don't forget, he is the sword master! Among the peerless evildoers of your time, only the Fusheng Emperor can be slightly better. Moreover, the sword master has no background, and he has come to this day completely relying on his own strength. The perseverance of his Dao heart is rare in this world."

The Seven True Sword Emperor praised it.

It seems that the Seven True Sword Emperors fought Dugu Shang just now, and they have a recognition of Dugu Shang's strength, and they admire him very much.

In another place, no one noticed a three-foot blue spear appeared in the deserted sea of ​​Xizhou.Gu Hengsheng put a divine sense into the Sword of Everlasting Regret, and let the Sword of Everlasting Regret come to the barren sea.

Since Bai Yixian opened up the fairy road here tens of millions of years ago, there has never been a road rule in Huanghai.

This time, Gu Hengsheng revealed his ambition, let the sword of eternal hatred take root here, and try one thing.When Gu Hengsheng leaves the customs in the future, he will definitely visit the barren sea in person.

Dashi Beizhou, an extremely barren small village.

The village is desolate, only a dozen or so elderly grandpas and grandmas are left.On this day, when an old man went to the stream to fill the water, he found a baby who was still in its infancy.


The cry of a baby is like the sound of a kingfisher or a winding stream.

"Whose baby is this?"

The old man staggered to the side of the baby, looked around, but found no one.

The baby is like a jade carving, the skin is like creamy fat, and it is full of aura.

The old man waited until night and saw no one appeared, so he took the baby back to the village.Due to the appearance of the baby, this gloomy village seemed to welcome hope and became particularly lively.

"What a cute little doll! Let me give you a hug."

"This baby is too small, can we support it? Where the birds don't shit, who abandoned such a cute baby here?"

"We are all people without arms and legs. Although life is hard, it should not be difficult to raise a child. From my point of view, this is a chance for us to be redeemed by God, so let's raise this baby!"

"I checked this baby's body just now, and it has an ethereal physique. In the future, I will definitely become a generation of proud. We are all exiled people, and life is very boring. It is good to have this baby as a companion."

A dozen or so old people were all standing in a small room, their eyes kept looking at the baby with tender skin.

Since then, the old people in the village have had an idea to try their best to raise the baby.An old woman went up the mountain and caught a ewe, and milked the baby every day.

In the blink of an eye 18 years, the baby has grown up.

The baby was wearing a cloth with many holes mended, but it couldn't conceal his uncommon demeanor.With phoenix eyes and scimitar eyebrows, his appearance is intoxicating.

"Chen'er, come back for dinner."

An old woman came out of the thatched hut and called out to the boy standing by the stream.


The boy carried two buckets of water and walked towards the thatched cottage leisurely and comfortably.His name is Su Lingchen, he is ethereal and out of the world, he is not like a mortal!

Originally, the old people had chosen many names for the boy, but when the boy could speak, they rejected all the previous names and decided to name himself "Su Lingchen".

Because deep in the boy's memory, he is this name, which cannot be changed.

"I'm going to see the outside world."

After finishing the simple meal, Su Lingchen said seriously.

Everyone was stunned. They had known this day would come, but they didn't expect it to be so soon.In the blink of an eye, the original baby has grown into a big boy, so fast!

Everyone was silent, as if they were reluctant to part with Su Lingchen.

"Chen'er, the outside world is scary, you have to think about it."

An old man sitting on a wooden wheelchair pondered.This old man is the most respected person in the village, but unfortunately his legs are disabled and he cannot walk.

"I've made up my mind." Su Lingchen nodded heavily.

"Chen'er, if you encounter danger outside, come back and tell your grandparents. Although we are all useless people, we will definitely not let you be wronged."

A kind old grandmother was reluctant to part with Su Lingchen, her eyes doted on her.

"Yeah." Su Lingchen smiled and nodded.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the elders, Su Lingchen took some spirit stones and left the village.

Su Lingchen's figure disappeared, and the old people watched for a long time, the atmosphere was dull.

"This kid is not simple."

The elderly wheelchair tapped lightly on the armrest of the chair with a hoarse voice.

"That's right! When I picked Chen'er back, the laws here didn't swallow Chen'er. It's really strange. Later, Chen'er grew up slowly, and there was no disaster or difficulty, and his cultivation was like drinking water." Simple."

An old man sighed.

"Is Chen'er God's salvation for us, or is Chen'er the reincarnation of a certain peerless power?"

No one can answer this question.

Everyone had inquired about the traces of Su Lingchen's origin, but there was nothing.It can be said that Su Lingchen is someone who shouldn't appear in this world, which makes people feel strange.

"I really want to go out and see! See what the world has become."

Everyone was abandoned by the great world, went against the sky, and was finally judged.Only by hiding in this small village can they survive.

When Su Lingchen entered the world, it was like a drop of rain falling on the surface of the sea.

At first, this drop of rain did not cause any ripples on the sea surface, but slowly it would form layers of waves, and finally turned into huge billowing waves, overturning the entire ocean.

"The outside world is so big!"

Wearing mended sackcloth, Su Lingchen spent several months finally reaching a small town.

After entering the city, Su Lingchen chose a piece of clothing.

"What a handsome son!"

The girl in the clothing store saw Su Lingchen and gave him a glance.

She was dressed in white clothes, a pair of white boots, and a jade pendant like creamy fat hung on her waist.At this moment, Su Lingchen seemed to have stepped out of a painting, with a personable and imposing manner.

"May I ask which family the young master is from?"

A woman plucked up her courage and stepped forward to ask.

Su Lingchen glanced back, raised the corner of her mouth, and glanced at Yun Yun: "I don't know either."

After speaking, Su Lingchen paid the money and left the city directly.

The turmoil in the world is getting bigger and bigger, the younger generation's arrogant and evildoers are fighting for the top, and the older generation's strong men are scheming against each other.In order to compete for the places to enter the emperor's road, many forces fought fiercely.

Due to the great changes in the world, Dilu has become a treasure land with the most aura in the world, attracting all creatures to go madly.Later, in order to maintain a balance, the forces of all parties formulated a rule that only a group of people were allowed to enter the Emperor Road to practice after a certain period of time, so as to avoid chaos.

"What have I lost? Why do I always feel empty inside?"

Somewhere, a man in a green shirt appeared.

His name is Liu Changsheng, a man standing at the pinnacle of the world.

Liu Changsheng has been wandering in the world, trying to find what he lost.He has a feeling that in the future, as long as he finds the missing part, he can make up for his Dao Xin and go to a higher level.

Before he knew it, Liu Changsheng came to a city in Dashi Beizhou.

Walking on a street in the city, watching the passers-by, Liu Changsheng felt calm.

Slowly, Liu Changsheng walked to the corner of the street, met a person head-on, and subconsciously paused.

The person in front of Liu Changsheng was an immature boy, and he was wearing an ordinary white gown.It was originally a very ordinary dress, but it became extremely noble because of this boy.

The boy was Su Lingchen, a young man in white.


Su Lingchen and Liu Changsheng looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

Liu Changsheng frowned slightly, and nodded.

The two just looked at each other like this, time seemed to be frozen at this moment, everything around became dim, without a ray of sunlight.

"Have we met before?"

After a long time, Su Lingchen spoke again.

Liu Changsheng cast a glance, unable to see through Su Lingchen.In today's world, there are only a handful of people who can't see through Liu Changsheng.


Liu Changsheng replied casually.

Su Lingchen smiled and nodded, very polite.Then, Su Lingchen passed Liu Changsheng sideways and walked forward.

Liu Changsheng turned around slowly, looking at Su Lingchen's receding back, with complicated emotions.

"Have we...really met before?"

Liu Changsheng murmured.

The moment they looked at each other just now, Liu Changsheng also had an idea, a feeling of strangeness and familiarity, as if he had met this young man a long time ago.

Liu Changsheng was stunned for a long time, and did not continue to think deeply.

In the vast crowd, there will always be some people who have passed by, and there will be an illusion of familiarity when they meet again.

Standing in the middle of a bridge, Su Lingchen looked at the blue waves and clear pool below, something inexplicably appeared in his mind.

The breeze came slowly, blowing away Su Lingchen's hair, giving him a bit of agility and elegance.

"My way is not alone..."

The moment he saw Liu Changsheng just now, these words popped up in Su Lingchen's mind.

Su Lingchen glanced back at the direction Liu Changsheng left. He believed that he would meet Liu Changsheng again in the future.

On the rolling world of mortals, countless heroes have been buried. How many people can start over again, swim against the long river, point to the sky, and fight for another nine days.

Liu Changsheng, we... finally meet!

(End of this chapter)

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