The sword rises

Chapter 1955 You and I Are Pawns

Chapter 1955 You and I Are Pawns

The first thousand 960 eight chapters you and I are chess pieces

The sword failed, and Bei Gongxin immediately understood one thing.

He cannot destroy this world.Invisibly, there is a huge palm controlling everything.

"Is the whole world a giant chessboard?"

Bei Gongxin laughed suddenly, it seemed to be self-deprecating, it seemed to be hurt.

The emperors stared at Beigong Xin and the depths of the starry sky, the emotions in their hearts were beyond words.What is this world like?
In a corner of the world, Su Lingchen seemed to have known this kind of result for a long time, without raising his eyelids, he whispered: "Destroying the world is not easy."

If it was possible to destroy the world, Su Lingchen would have done so long ago, so there is no need to wait until today.The order of the avenue is all controlled by that person.As long as that person does not die, the great world will never die.

Su Lingchen took another sip of fine wine, shook his head and said, "It's sad, it's sad."

The powerful people in the world were all moved. They saw the stars in the sea of ​​stars and the collapse of the star fields, but they did not have any impact on the order of the avenue.That is to say, Bei Gongxin can kill the common people in the world, but cannot destroy this world.

What Bei Gongxin hated was the world, not the common people.Since his birth, the Heaven and Earth Avenue has never taken care of him, and now even the last good memory has cracks.

Who can understand the pain in Bei Gongxin's heart?

Don't persuade others to be kind to others without suffering.

If anyone in the world were to be placed in Bei Gongxin's place, he would either have died or gone mad, and it is absolutely impossible to retain his original intention like Bei Gongxin.

Now, cracks appear in Bei Gongxin's heart continuously.

Every moment, Bei Gongxin would recall her childhood memories, like a sharp knife cutting Bei Gongxin's heart.

In the blink of an eye, Bei Gongxin left the endless starry sky and rushed directly to Emperor Road.He knew that all this was because of one person.

Where is Bei Gongxin going?
All sentient beings looked from a distance, not knowing why Bei Gongxin suddenly disappeared.

When Bei Gongxin appeared again, he had already appeared outside the Wanzan Mountains on the Emperor Road.

Bei Gongxin once went to the dark space in the Wanzan Mountains, and there was a corpse of an "immortal" inside.Bei Gongxin knew that all of this might be because of that "immortal" in the Wanzan Mountain Range.

"Why do you all bully me? Why?"

Bei Gongxin murmured a few times, and directly drew his sword and slashed towards the Wanzan Mountains, his eyes were determined, without a trace of fear.

So what about immortals, I dare to draw my sword and fight.


The name of the sword is Qinghong, and the sword is Frost and Cold Fourteen States.

bang rumble——

The laws around the Wanzan Mountain Range didn't last long before Bei Gongxin cut a huge hole with his sword.Then, that sword reached the depths of the Wanbu Mountains, dividing the forbidden area into two.

The sky is falling apart, and the whole world is shaking.

At the beginning, Bei Gongxin and Gu Hengsheng used Emperor Road as their battlefield, but they failed to shake the situation in the forbidden area.This time, Bei Gongxin made a sword with hatred, and the power of the sword was more terrifying than ever before.

In the depths of the Wanzan Mountains, Bei Gongxin saw the entrance to that dark space.The sword just now couldn't cause any damage to the dark space.

Bei Gongxin made another sword strike, intending to force the "Xian" out and break the chess game.Even if he died, Bei Gongxin didn't care anymore, because his hope had already been shattered.

This sword went to the depths of the Wanzan Mountain Range, Bei Gongxin obviously wanted to raze the entire WanZan Mountain Range to the ground, and let the dark space appear in the world.

At this moment, before Bei Gongxin's sword fell on the crack in the dark space, the sword glow stopped, as if it had touched something and was temporarily blocked.

What is the situation?

When Bei Gongxin's sword light was about to continue tearing the void, a huge mountain appeared in front of him.The sword glow shattered the forbidden barrier that existed here.

In the middle of the [-]-meter mountain, there is an inconspicuous cave.If you probe carefully, you can vaguely see a stone room inside the cave, and a huge bronze stone door outside, as if sealing off the world.

"what is that?"

The monks in the world came to look at him one after another.

It is inconceivable that a mountain blocked Bei Gongxin's hateful sword.

In the depths of the Wanzan Mountains, the bronze stone gate of that high mountain slowly opened.Through the stone gate, the world can only see a piece of darkness.Other than that, nothing can be seen.

"Bei Gongxin, if you disturb that one, all your hard work will be wasted, are you willing?"

This voice seemed to come from the end of the years, and at the same time, accompanied by a roar of extremely terrifying sword power, it firmly caught Bei Gongxin's sword.

The Wanzan Mountains have been violently turbulent for a long time, and the dust and sand are billowing.However, the high mountain in front of him remained motionless.


The world was dumbfounded for a moment when they saw the shocking scene that just happened.

"Floating Emperor!"

The emperors were moved and their expressions changed drastically.

"Mr. Jiu from the Floating Tomb."

Hear his voice, know his people.

Everyone in the world knows that Emperor Fusheng Gu Hengsheng lived in seclusion in the Wanzan Mountains. At that time, Emperor Fusheng was dying and his life span was approaching.Countless people speculate that Emperor Fusheng has passed away, and some people think that the era of Emperor Fusheng has passed, and even if he is alive, he is just lingering on his last breath.

But at this moment, all creatures in the world are moved.

Bei Gongxin's sword was enough to kill all emperors.However, it was blocked by Emperor Fusheng, and it dispersed like a cloud of smoke.

"Hentian from back then has really returned."

Looking at the depths of the Wanzan Mountains, Emperor You felt a familiar smell.He knew that the Heaven-hating Sword Immortal who once ruled the sky and the earth had truly returned.

A pair of eyes looked at the high mountain deep in the forbidden area, looking forward, hoping that someone would come out of the dark stone room.However, a long time passed, and there was still no sign of Gu Hengsheng.

At this time, Gu Hengsheng was still sitting cross-legged in the depths of the stone room, locked up and unable to come out.Before the time came, Gu Hengsheng's exit would only affect his own cultivation base.

"What can you do if you are willing? What can you do if you are not willing?"

Bei Gongxin didn't make a move for the time being, and let out a miserable laugh.

"Your way, is it still there?"

Gu Hengsheng's voice was indifferent, a bit more mysterious than before, making it hard to guess.

"I want this Dao fruit, what's the use?"

With a long roar from Bei Gongxin, the ground of the Wanzan Mountains was directly cracked, rocky mountains collapsed one after another, and the ground shook.

"Wouldn't it be a pity if the Tao you've been pursuing all your life is destroyed."

Gu Hengsheng's voice came out from the dark stone room, spread to nine heavens and ten places, and echoed between heaven and earth for a long time.

Bei Gongxin held the Qinghong sword in his hand and wore a thin, mended coir raincoat. His poverty was indescribable.Bei Gongxin slowly closed her eyes, her voice was particularly hoarse: "You don't understand."

"How do you know I don't understand?"

Gu Hengsheng asked a question back, and suddenly let out a laugh that made it difficult to understand.

Bei Gongxin remained silent, as if he heard his own story from Gu Hengsheng's laughter.

"You and I are both pawns, I understand how you feel."

Gu Hengsheng's laughter slowly disappeared, and he let out a long sigh.


The hearts of Bei Gongxin and everyone else trembled slightly at this moment. What did Gu Hengsheng's words mean?
"I once went into the sea of ​​darkness alone, just to find that familiar soul. I once went against the sky, and fought against Youdi three times, just to prove the Dao and pray for the fulfillment of my wish. In the end, everything is like a mirror."

Gu Hengsheng's voice reached Bei Gongxin's ears again.

There was an irreparable crack in Bei Gongxin's Dao Heart, he was silent for a long time, and then slowly lowered his eyebrows and said: "To be alive, I'm really... so tired!"

When hundreds of millions of people in the world heard Bei Gongxin's words, their hearts trembled suddenly, and they felt a kind of sadness and coldness inexplicably.

How desperate is Bei Gongxin to say this!
The emperors lowered their eyebrows, and all living beings wept.

Bei Gongxin's words affected the emotions of everyone in the world.From this sentence, the world only felt one ten thousandth of Bei Gongxin's grief, and the soul was already in severe pain, wanting to be torn apart.

In a certain place, Ye Yingxue tightly closed her eyes, her delicate body trembled, without saying a word.

People in the world pursue longevity, but Bei Gongxin believes that living a long life is not a good thing, but an endless torture.Bei Gongxin has lived for millions of years without buying a suitable dress for herself, tasting all the fine wines in the world, and not coveting the beauty of the world, let alone the glory and wealth.

If you really want to say it, the lives of millions of people in the world of mortals are countless times better than Bei Gongxin.At least, those ordinary people in the mundane world have their own family, relatives and friends, and confidante.

And what about Bei Gongxin?
The only good memory he had left became a joke, and instantly turned into the sharpest needle in the world, stabbing fiercely in the depths of Bei Gongxin's soul.

"I wasted millions of years in the world, but in the end, nothing happened."


The Tao that Bei Gongxin is pursuing seems to have become a joke.

"In this life, have you ever let go of your guard and drank fine wine with others?"

Gu Hengsheng said softly.

"Maybe, maybe not, I've forgotten."

Along the way, Bei Gongxin was in a dangerous situation all the time, how could she put down her guard.

"Regret coming to this world?" Gu Hengsheng continued.

"If I had a choice, I would rather leave no trace of me in this world."

Bei Gongxin cannot choose her own destiny.

I thought that Bei Gongxin could change his destiny through his own desperate efforts, and regain the warmth of his childhood.

Unfortunately, Bei Gongxin thinks he is wrong.

"At least you used to have a smile."

Gu Hengsheng thought of his life when he was the Heaven-hating Sword Immortal, and he felt the same way.

"This world has also deprived me of the last smile in my heart."

As he talked, Bei Gongxin planned to continue to fight to level the Wanbu Mountains.Even if you die, you will never retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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