The sword rises

Chapter 1976 The heart of the Buddha without dirt can prove the way

Chapter 1976 The heart of the Buddha without dirt can prove the way

The first thousand and 340 chapters of the innocent Buddha heart can prove the way

In the battle of Fengyou, the female emperor returned from the end of the starry sky and broke through the gate of the emperor's road, causing the emperor's road and the great world to be completely connected, no longer separated.

After Lei Yao Buddhist Sect learned about the ancient scriptures of Gu Ran Buddha, they immediately dispatched a strong man to meet the Buddha.

The three Zen masters are all at the pinnacle of the Sendai Five Prohibition, which shows the attitude of Lei Yao Buddhist sect.

The Buddha bowed to the Zen master and others, and then looked at Gu Hengsheng: "Thank you, Master Gu."

"Be polite." Even if Gu Hengsheng didn't make a move, presumably the Buddha would have a way to deal with the wrongdoers.

The three old Zen masters looked at the bamboo slips in the hands of the Buddha, and they were very excited. It really belonged to the ancient burning Buddha!
"Buddha son, the old Buddha Lord has an order to let Lao Na and others welcome back the Buddha's belongings."

A Zen master explained his future intentions in front of the world.

If the Buddha keeps this volume of ancient scriptures on his body, it will inevitably attract the covetousness of the old guys on the Emperor's Road.Therefore, the safest strategy is to send the ancient scriptures back to Lei Yao Buddhist Sect.

For the Leiyao Buddhist Sect with three old Buddhist masters in charge, even the great emperor has to give some face.

"No hurry, no hurry." Fozi looked down at the ancient scriptures in his hand.

If it was an ordinary disciple, how could he dare to talk to such a high and powerful Zen master like this.Looking at the major Buddhist sects in the world, the younger generation probably only has the number one figure of Buddha.

The three Zen masters looked at each other and nodded in agreement.Since the Buddhas have something to say, they naturally cannot force it.

"All benefactors, you must have come here for this volume of ancient scriptures!"

The Buddha walked a few steps towards the heroes of the world, his voice was loud and majestic.

"The ancient scriptures left by the ancient burning Buddha, we are naturally looking forward to seeing them."

someone answered.

"We know that Ancient Burning Buddha is the founder of Leiyao Buddhist Sect, so this thing logically belongs to Leiyao Buddhist Sect."

The Leiyao Buddhist sect has been passed down for millions of years, and it has a longer history than many imperial and ancient clans, with a profound heritage.

"Dare to ask Buddha, what is recorded in this volume of ancient scriptures?"

An old antique from a certain forbidden area raised his voice and asked.

Three Zen masters and twenty golden arhats sat beside them, giving great pressure to the world.Under such circumstances, anyone who dared to attack Buddha would really be courting death.

The Buddha slowly opened the ancient scriptures in his hands, and looked up at the crowd: "Why not spread the ancient scriptures left by the Buddha to the world?"

When the Buddha's words came out, everyone was stunned.

Gu Hengsheng was slightly taken aback, and looked at the Buddha quietly.

"Buddha, no."

The three Zen masters immediately stopped them. This matter is related to the inheritance of Buddhism, how can they be easily shown to others?What's more, is it preaching to the world?
"In the past, the Buddha saved all sentient beings and preached to the world. If this thing is placed in my Buddhist sect, how can I promote my Buddha's Dharma?"

The Buddha and the three Zen masters looked at each other without any timidity, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Buddha, there are some things that the old monk and others can rely on you, but this is not the case."

An old Zen master spoke eloquently and strongly opposed it.

This is related to the interests of Lei Yao Buddhist Sect, and it cannot be done by the temperament of the Buddha.

"I would like to ask you Zen masters, the Buddha said that all sentient beings can be saved, how can we save them?"

The Buddha stepped on the desert barefoot and said softly.

"Educate the world to chant scriptures and chant Buddha, put down the butcher's knife."

The Zen master replied.

"If the Dharma is not taught, how can we persuade the world to put down the butcher's knife?"

Buddha continued to ask.

"My Buddhist sect has ten scriptures such as the Diamond Sutra, the Lotus Sutra of the Miaofa, and the Sutra of Infinite Life, all of which are spread all over the world, which is enough to teach the world to be good and take refuge in my Buddha."

Another Zen master stepped forward and said.

"Since ancient times, the top ten Buddhist scriptures have been spread all over the world. Has there been any change?"

Buddha asked.

For millions of years, killing has always existed, not only has it not been stopped, but it has gradually become serious.

The Zen master didn't say a word, and looked at the Buddha silently.

"Admonish people to be kind and put down the butcher's knife. The first thing to do is to make your mind clear and free from dust. Zen masters, is your original intention of welcoming back the ancient scriptures of the Buddha really to promote Buddhism?"

The Buddha's point is not broken.

"Buddhas speak carefully."

The faces of several Zen masters instantly turned livid.

"Don't do any evil, do all good, and purify your mind, that's all Buddhism." The Buddha lowered his eyebrows and said: "Let go of the greed in your heart, and you will be able to see my Buddha forever."

Several Zen masters were silent, how could they not know the meaning of the Buddhist scriptures.However, in this muddy world like a quagmire, they have no choice.

"The poor monk is solely responsible for this matter, and has nothing to do with the Zen masters."

The Buddha has made up his mind that he wants to spread the things recorded in the ancient scriptures to the world.

"Amitabha." At that moment, the three old Zen masters wanted to imprison the Buddha, but they immediately suppressed this thought.

The old Buddha Lord once said that the Buddha was born knowing it, and with the Buddha's light coming to the world, he must be the leader of the Buddhist sect in the future.No matter what decision the Buddha makes, don't deliberately block it, just protect the Buddha comprehensively.

Because of this, Buddha's status can be called No. 1 under the Buddha, even the nine great Zen masters are short of Buddha.

Forget it, since it is the Buddha's decision, let him go!
Afterwards, the Buddha sat cross-legged in the void, pointing his index finger towards the cloud.

Words containing the true meaning of Buddhism appeared in the sea of ​​clouds one by one, as if they were recorded in the ancient scriptures.

"Sitting is as much meditation as walking, one flower is one world, one leaf is one Tathagata..."

The Buddha engraved every word on the ancient scriptures on the sea of ​​clouds, which caught everyone's eyes.

The people of the world immediately remembered these words in their hearts, and some even copied them directly.

After a long time, the Buddha withdrew his hand and slowly closed the ancient scriptures.

"Thank you Buddha."

Everyone bowed and bowed in admiration.

An old man was silent and his mood was extremely complicated.No one can think of the Buddha's move.

"Buddhist sect, there really is a remarkable person."

Perhaps, only a small number of strong people understand what opportunity the Buddha got.

Undefiled Buddha Heart!

In the future, if the Buddha will not die, he must prove the Buddha way.Even, it can be compared to the ancient burning Buddha millions of years ago.

Several Zen masters were very excited when they saw the gentle Buddha light radiating from the Buddha's body.Because of this action, the Buddha has attained the mind of a pure Buddha, and will have the opportunity to prove the Buddha in the future.


The three Zen masters and twenty golden arhats all performed Buddhist rituals to the Buddha.

The Buddha returned the salute and handed over the ancient scriptures to the Zen master.

After doing this, the Buddha got a great opportunity to have a pure heart without any dust.

One drink and one peck, it will be determined by the gods.

"Congratulations." Gu Hengsheng couldn't help admiring the Buddha. He thought that it would be impossible for him to spread the contents of the ancient scriptures to the world.

"Benefactor Gu, do you bring wine?"

The Buddha smiled and walked barefoot.

"Bring it, enough."

Gu Hengsheng laughed loudly, and talked with Buddha while drinking in front of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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