The sword rises

Chapter 1990 Blue Underworld Fire, Desolate Land

Chapter 1990 Blue Underworld Fire, Desolate Land

Chapter [-] Youlan Minghuo, a barren land

Gu Hengsheng let go of Xue Bai, the master of the Haunting Palace, and did not kill him.In any case, although Xue Bai is guilty, he is not guilty of death.Gu Hengsheng is not a bloodthirsty person, a lesson is enough.

Gu Hengsheng threw the portrait of the Lord of the Underworld back into Fengdu City, and began to go to the No Man's Land of the Underworld.Those places are taboo places that cannot be touched by the order of heaven, and the high-level officials of the underworld dare not go easily.

Gu Hengsheng walked in the realm of the underworld, like a god coming to the world, all the ghosts retreated, and he dared not stop him.

Hundreds of millions of ghosts are aware of Gu Hengsheng's horror, even the master of the Underworld was easily suppressed by Gu Hengsheng, these ghosts naturally have no guts to provoke them.

"The realm of the underworld is vast and boundless, no less than the great world."

Wherever Gu Hengsheng passed by, ghosts retreated, and the wind could not stand.

At first, Gu Hengsheng first came to the depths of Hades, and saw a ball of bewitching flames burning.Strands of faint blue light illuminate the Hades, deterring countless ghosts.

Looking at Youlan Minghuo, Gu Hengsheng paused, feeling the endless power of law.

"Youlan Minghuo, the will of heaven."

With Gu Hengsheng's current strength, he can already see many things clearly.

The reason why the Youlan Minghuo can exist in the underworld for hundreds of millions of years without being extinguished is all because of the laws of heaven.

The seed of the Youlan Minghuo in the hands of the emperor Gu Xiujie is because of the evolution of the will of heaven, Gu Xiujie was appointed as the next master of the underworld.

"I want my orphaned son to become a pawn of heaven, wishful thinking."

Gu Hengsheng stared at the blazing blue fire and whispered.

When there is a chance in the future, Gu Hengsheng will definitely erase the mark of heaven on Gu Xiujie.The Lord of the Underworld seems to be aloof, controlling the six realms of reincarnation.In fact, the entire underworld is a huge cage, where the master of the underworld is imprisoned.

What's the point of promising everything to the Dao of Heaven, just in exchange for the supreme status and strength?

Leaving the place where Youlan Minghuo was, Gu Hengsheng saw the scenery beside the Wangchuan River, where many dead souls walked across the Naihe Bridge, forgetting their past and present lives, and were ready to accept the sanction and judgment of the underworld.

Some resentful souls refused to enter Fengdu because they were converted by eminent monks.All the eminent monks who have attained the Tao make great wishes after death, willing to fall into Avici Hell after death, and save the souls of the world.

Not long after, Gu Hengsheng came to a land of endless darkness. This is the barren land of the underworld, and the laws of the underworld cannot interfere.For countless years, there have been many powerful ghosts who did not want to be controlled by the Hades, so they took the opportunity to get rid of the forces of the Hades and escaped to this dark and barren land.

In these places, the light of the Youlan Minghuo cannot reach here, so these powerful ghosts have a place of refuge.


The sound of howling ghosts and wolves came from the depths of the darkness. Although it couldn't do any harm to Gu Hengsheng, it made Gu Hengsheng very upset.


Gu Hengsheng said something flat.

In an instant, the sound of the barren land boundary disappeared.Those ghosts did not dare to continue howling, trembling uneasy.

Such existences cannot be suppressed by the laws of the underworld, let alone the dead souls hiding in the dark.

Gu Hengsheng stepped into the dark space step by step, he couldn't see his fingers.In the barren land, darkness enveloped everything, and Gu Hengsheng seemed to see pairs of blue eyes in the depths of the darkness.

The temperature in the dark realm is extremely cold, not the kind of winter in the secular world, but the coldness that goes deep into the bone marrow and even the soul.If a monk from the secular world enters this place, his soul will freeze instantly and become a dead body.

Even a powerful Emperor character cannot survive in the dark realm of Hades.This place seems to be the most terrifying place in Hades, even more terrifying than Fengdu City.

"If you dare to spy again, don't blame Gu Gu for letting your soul fly away."

Gu Hengsheng snorted softly, and walked in all directions with a touch of majesty.

In an instant, those pairs of cold eyes disappeared, and he didn't have the courage to continue spying on Gu Hengsheng.These ghosts would rather endure endless suffering than be controlled by the six realms of reincarnation. Obviously they don't want their memories to be erased.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.If Gu Hengsheng could really use his tricks in the barren land, then these ghosts would be in big trouble.

Going deep into the barren land, Gu Hengsheng still failed to catch a trace of familiar aura.

"Isn't it here?"

Gu Hengsheng flicked his fingers towards the depths of the barren land.

For a moment, the dark realm that had been dark for endless years unexpectedly had a little white light, illuminating the land.

Many ghosts were hiding in the dark, not wanting to be discovered by Gu Hengsheng, trembling.

The higher-ups of Hades, who have been paying attention to the barren land, naturally discovered this white light, which shocked the world.

"I have been waiting in the underworld for so many years, but this is the first time I see light appearing in the barren land. Who is this person? He can actually resist the laws of the underworld, perhaps even more terrifying than that fairy back then."

All the upper echelons of Hades were alarmed, and their icy souls began to tremble violently.

The white-clothed fairy from thousands of years ago seems to be unable to do this!

"Thousands of years ago, this person was just a great emperor in the world. Why did he grow to such a degree in a short period of time?"

The upper echelons of Hades couldn't understand this matter, it was completely beyond common sense.

"This matter is beyond our scope, so don't meddle in other people's business and just wait and see."

Many beings in the underworld are well aware of Gu Hengsheng's horror, and dare not intervene.

Gu Hengsheng gradually penetrated into the desolate land.

A white light suddenly appeared, and Gu Hengsheng could see the surrounding situation clearly.The rugged mountain peaks are all black, without any living things.

This world is weird, even if Gu Hengsheng stepped off the chessboard, he couldn't use his divine sense.Only through this ray of white light can Gu Hengsheng see a glimpse of the barren land.

"Huh?" Gu Hengsheng glanced over and found a person, to be precise, a ray of soul.

Gu Hengsheng walked thousands of miles and came to a dark plain in the blink of an eye.

There is a bodhi tree growing here, about two meters high, the trunk and leaves are pitch black.

Under the Bodhi tree, there was a monk sitting cross-legged on the ground, with earlobes falling to his shoulders, white beard and closed eyes.

Gu Hengsheng could tell that this was a soul, not a body of flesh and blood.Moreover, this ray of soul seems to be swallowed by darkness at any time, like the last light on the wick, flickering.

"But Buddha?"

Gu Hengsheng rolled his eyes and clasped his hands together in respect.

After a long time, the monk slowly opened his empty eyes, which were extremely dark.

After taking a closer look, Gu Hengsheng knew that the monk's last ray of soul was already blind.

(End of this chapter)

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