The sword rises

Chapter 2031 Give up the fairy position, the world is in sorrow

Chapter 2031 Give up the fairy position, the world is in sorrow

Chapter 31 Abandoning the fairy position, the world is in sorrow

Looking back suddenly, everything is in the mortal world.

My way started from the mortal world, and it should return to the mortal world.

Waiting for me to make up for the wound in my Dao heart, how difficult is it to become a fairy with just one thought.

Bai Yixian's body was illusory and transparent from the beginning, his white clothes were elegant, and the breeze blew his long hair into disorder.

Gu Hengsheng stretched out his hand towards Bai Yixian and found that his hand had penetrated Bai Yixian's body.

Ding Dong!

The flagon in Bai Yixian's hand fell to the ground, and his body was blown away by the breeze.From all sides in the fairy world, only the words of Bai Yixian kept echoing: "When we meet again in the next year, I hope you are still safe."

Bai Yixian gave up his fairy position, and condensed a Tao with his life's efforts, wishing to reincarnate and rebuild, just to complete the Tao heart.


It started to rain in the Immortal Realm, the sound of the Dao was buzzing, and the heavens wept and the earth mourned, as if sending each other off.

There was also a change in the human world, without any signs, and the light rain was pattering.This rain lasted for several years, and floods occurred in many places, but there were monks who took action, but no disaster was caused.

It's just that the world doesn't understand.

Why did it start to rain in the fourteen states of the world, and the laws of heaven did not have any signs or manifestations. Everything seemed so strange, which is worth thinking about.

Only those who have reached the level of the Great Emperor can perceive some unusual things, feel a little uneasy in their hearts, and unconsciously feel a little sadness.

Gu Hengsheng, you are my opponent as well as my friend.

If there is a destiny, we will see you in the world.

Gu Hengsheng's right hand trembled slightly, and his lips turned white.After an unknown amount of time, Gu Hengsheng said hoarsely: "You are the first emperor of the human race, but people in later generations don't know you. Without you, the human race would still be enslaved by all races."

Bai Yixian once created a myth that pushed the human race to the top of all races and became the ruler of the world.

Gu Hengsheng couldn't help but feel a bit of chill with the breeze blowing on his face: "May you be well, and when we meet again in the next year, we will have a happy chat with you and laugh about the world of mortals."

The biting cold wind made Gu Hengsheng feel a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Everything that Bai Yixian has experienced is also what Gu Hengsheng is about to face.Gu Hengsheng, who is outside the chessboard of the great world, can step into the immortal way at any time and live forever.

But what about Gu Hengsheng's relatives and friends?

Even if Gu Hengsheng brought relatives and friends into the fairy world and increased his lifespan, it still couldn't change the fundamental problem.

Standing in the ancient pavilion, Gu Hengsheng looked at every scene in the fairyland, as if he saw the picture of Bai Yixian's remorse and grief in the fairyland.One day in the future, Gu Hengsheng will also face this problem. What should Gu Hengsheng do then?
Gu Hengsheng stood in the ancient pavilion for a whole year before his mood stabilized.

Then, Gu Hengsheng returned to Dashi Zhongzhou.

The gates of the fairy world are closed, and the ancient race is huddled in a corner of the world, not daring to invade the human race.

After returning to the Tomb of Floating Life, Gu Hengsheng first met with all the generals under his command.


All the generals stood in front of Gu Hengsheng and saluted respectfully.

There were a total of 12 generals, [-] of whom proved to be emperors, and [-] of them failed and were seriously injured.

Gu Hengsheng looked at the five generals who dared not raise their heads, and said solemnly, "Raise your heads."

"We are ashamed of the emperor's cultivation."

The five warriors knelt down on one knee and said in grief.

They didn't dare to face Gu Hengsheng, they were extremely ashamed.

"What? Do you all want to die?"

Gu Hengsheng questioned.

The five generals didn't say a word, so it's a tacit agreement!
Seeing this, Gu Hengsheng's heart was particularly painful, and he said bluntly: "If the foundation is damaged, I can find the world's elixir to repair it for you. If your blood is withered, I can also create a perfect body for you. However, If there is a crack in your Dao Heart, what should I do?"

Dao heart is damaged, which cannot be repaired by panacea.

Stronger than a white-clothed fairy, because of the lack of Dao heart, it is still difficult to make further progress even after entering the fairy world.There is nothing in the world of natural materials and earthly treasures that can complement Dao Xin.

Gu Hengsheng was disappointed, really disappointed.

He was not disappointed that the five generals failed to prove the Dao, but that they didn't have the courage to face their own failures and wanted to die.

"Do you think that death can solve the problem? Do you think that death can solve everything?"

Gu Hengsheng stood with his hands behind his back, and said in a deep voice, "You guys have gone through so much suffering with me, have you completely lost your fighting spirit because of one failure?"

"Dijun, what should I do?"

Under Gu Hengsheng's words, the five generals finally raised their heads, their faces were full of grief and shame.

"Cultivate the Tao, first cultivate your heart. When your Tao heart is complete, it will not be difficult to prove the Tao."

Gu Hengsheng's majesty and solemnity made all the generals dare not question him.

"I will understand at the end."

The five warriors clasped their fists together and said.

"Go down the mountain! When will you find yourself, regain the Taoist heart of your youth, and when will you come back?"

Gu Hengsheng waved his hand, he was really tired.

"As ordered."

The five generals gritted their teeth and said.

Immediately, the five generals made preparations and planned to go down the mountain immediately.Before leaving, the five generals glanced at the grave of their dead brothers.

The twelve generals who proved to be emperors obeyed Gu Hengsheng's orders and were not proud of becoming emperors.They knew very well that the reason why they and others were able to come to this point was entirely because of Gu Hengsheng.

If it weren't for Gu Hengsheng's strong help, with their talents and foundations, they would have missed the throne at all.

"You all go to practice separately!"

Gu Hengsheng didn't arrange anything for the brothers.

"Emperor, this..."

The generals didn't understand Gu Hengsheng's words and looked at each other in blank dismay.

"The time has not come yet." Gu Hengsheng interrupted everyone's questions and only said this sentence.

"Yes, Emperor."

The generals will not question Gu Hengsheng's decision, and salute.

Then, all the generals left the Floating Tomb one by one, and began to concentrate on cultivation.

After finishing these matters, Gu Hengsheng came to Guyou Palace.After many years, Gu Hengsheng met Li Qiurou again, without attracting the attention of the disciples and elders of Guyou Palace.

"You came."

Seeing Gu Hengsheng who suddenly appeared in the room, Li Qiurou wept with joy and hugged each other tightly.

During this period of time, Gu Hengsheng has been staying in the ancient palace, and Li Qiurou is like glue.During the period, Gu Hengsheng took out the refined spirit liquid, which formed a perfect foundation for Li Qiurou, and strengthened Li Qiurou's physique and cultivation.

After being with Li Qiurou for decades, Gu Hengsheng reluctantly parted from Li Qiurou.

Decades have passed, and the world seems somewhat peaceful, with nothing major happening.During this period of time, the people in the world were still talking about Gu Hengsheng helping his generals to prove the way and become emperor, and it was very lively.

For the monks, this incident seems to have happened yesterday, it is vivid in his memory, and he will never forget it in this life.

Gu Hengsheng left Guyou Palace, turned around and returned to Fusheng Tomb.

The old man and uncle of the Gu family have long been taken to live in the floating tomb.With the pure aura from the Fusheng Tomb and the elixir assistance from the Fifth Senior Sister, the old man and the others naturally improved a lot in cultivation, and their lifespan was greatly increased.

But even so, the old man and others have lived for so many years, and many wrinkles have appeared on their faces, and their gray hair has begun to decline.

Gu Hengsheng, the old man and others were drunk and talked about the past, laughing about the past.However, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Gu Hengsheng was smiling on the surface, but he was very unhappy on the inside.

Everyone didn't point it out, it was still the same.

Gu Hengsheng spent several months with Shimen's relatives, standing on the top of the mountain, blowing the cold wind.

"Emperor Daxia, a generation of outstanding people, can't escape the erosion of time, and has become a handful of loess."

Gu Hengsheng once saw the Great Xia emperor sit down, and now he found that the years had left indelible marks on his relatives and friends, and he began to feel a little flustered.

Everyone in the world talks about longevity, but is it really a good thing for one person to live forever?

"What are you thinking about?"

A voice interrupted Gu Hengsheng's wild thoughts.

Gu Hengsheng turned his head and smiled: "Senior Brother Six."

Zhu Zhentian walked to Gu Hengsheng's side, and together they faced the icy cold wind.

"Brother, what should I do if I am the only one left in this world?"

Although Gu Hengsheng stood on the top of the world and could become a fairy in one step, he still maintained his original respect for his elder brother.

Zhu Zhentian sat on the ground, not caring about his own image: "Are you scared?"

Gu Hengsheng was silent for a long time, then nodded slightly: "Yes."

Gu Hengsheng is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of seeing the people he cares about leave him one by one.

"It's good to be afraid, it proves that you are still alone."

Zhu Zhentian laughed.

Gu Hengsheng also let out a laugh: "What does this mean?"

"After living for a long time, the emotions in the world gradually fade, and eventually become dispensable. If you are afraid, at least it means that you still have pursuit."

Zhu Zhentian said: "If you are afraid, then work hard!"

"Work hard?" Gu Hengsheng was puzzled, and looked down at Zhu Zhentian's profile.

"The rules of this world have always been made by the strong. Since you are afraid, then break the most original rules of this world and create your own world and rules."

Zhu Zhentian said the most outrageous words in the most flat tone.

Hearing this, Gu Hengsheng's heart trembled slightly.

Create my own rules.

Gu Hengsheng fell into deep thought.

Sixth senior brother Zhu Zhentian has always been like this, he can't use common sense to speculate.However, Zhu Zhentian's words are not without reason.

"I see." Gu Hengsheng pondered for a long time, looking at the sea of ​​stars.

Zhu Zhentian opened his eyes, revealing a pair of eye sockets without eyeballs, as dark as an abyss.

"By the way, the sword master came to you decades ago. You were in the ancient You Palace at that time, so you were not notified."

Li Qiurou undertook a lot of pressure for Gu Hengsheng, silently supporting Gu Hengsheng alone.This time Li Qiurou finally stayed with Gu Hengsheng for a while, so Zhu Zhentian naturally didn't bother.

"What is Dugu Shang looking for from me?"

Gu Hengsheng turned his head and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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