The sword rises

Chapter 2044 You have become shameless

Chapter 2044 You have become shameless
Chapter 44 You Have Become Shameless
Nangong Emperor looked into the distance, as if he saw Gu Hengsheng who had just walked out of the Land of Hundred Kingdoms.God knows how regretful Nangong Great is, at that time Gu Hengsheng should have been given a severe lesson, hung from a tree and beaten violently.

It's a pity that even if Emperor Nangong had such thoughts, he couldn't do anything to Gu Hengsheng.

"what are you thinking about?"

Gu Hengsheng patted Emperor Nangong on the shoulder, always feeling that there was something wrong with Emperor Nangong's eyes.

Emperor Nangong turned his head slowly, and said bluntly: "Gu really wants to beat you up now."

"..." Gu Hengsheng was stunned for a moment, and said very seriously: "You can't beat me, and if I want to, I can suppress you with one finger."

"I know."

Emperor Nangong took a deep breath, but he still couldn't hold it back and nodded heavily.

"Come on, I believe in you."

Gu Hengsheng gave Emperor Nangong a sincere and trusting look.

Emperor Nangong snorted softly, but he had nothing to do with Gu Hengsheng.In today's world, there are many great emperors of the human race, such as Gu Hengsheng, Gu Yougong Li Qiurou, senior brother Dongfang Mo, second senior sister Meng Xiaoxiao, Beigu Great Emperor Dugu Shang and others.

Gu Hengsheng thought for a long time, and the person who can carry out the legislation of the great world is none other than Emperor Nangong.Because Emperor Nangong used to be the emperor of the world, he was very familiar with law-making, and it was difficult for other emperors to take up this task, and it was difficult to formulate laws between monks and mortals.

"Get out." Nangong Great waved his hand impatiently.

"Dijun Nangong, I'm sorry."

Gu Hengsheng bowed deeply to Emperor Nangong.

Nangong Emperor rolled his eyes at Gu Hengsheng, then looked at Gu Hengsheng's leaving back, and whispered, "What a bastard."

In fact, according to the previous era, only Emperor Nangong is the orthodox emperor of this era, and the destiny belongs to him.It is a pity that this life is destined to be extraordinary, and Emperor Nangong can only be reduced to a supporting role.

"Emperor, what are your orders?"

General Yulong already has a few strands of gray hair, and his strength is gradually declining.

"Go and invite a few great Confucians to come over and work with Gu to formulate the law of the human race."

Emperor Nangong ordered.

"Yes." General Yulong went to do it immediately.

In terms of the heart of heroes throughout the ages, few people can match Nangong Emperor.

Only Emperor Nangong would let the evildoers of this world grow up. Even if his position was shaken, he did not have any killing intent, on the contrary, he had expectations.

"When there is something good to do, don't look for Gu, and leave these messes to Gu. Gu Hengsheng is really too much."

Nangong Great stood with his hands behind his back, and laughed while talking.

Half an hour later, a general walked in, cupped his fists at Emperor Nangong and said, "Dijun, Emperor Fusheng left something just now, and I asked the general to give it to you."


Emperor Nangong turned his head and asked.

The warrior held a jade bottle in both hands: "This is it."

Emperor Nangong grabbed the jade bottle and opened it.When Emperor Nangong saw what was in the bottle, his towering body trembled slightly: "This kid still has a bit of conscience."

As if finding a treasure, Nangong Great immediately put away the jade bottle.

There are hundreds of drops of clear liquid in the jade bottle, without any impurities, all of which have been refined by Gu Hengsheng to remove the laws of the fairy world, without any danger.

Wasn't it just that Emperor Nangong was still arranging Gu Hengsheng, but in a blink of an eye, he was sure that Gu Hengsheng was pleasing to the eye everywhere, and decided to personally implement the law of the human race to every corner of the world, and he must not slack off.

In the great Xizhou, the Taoist Bailichen sat and drank tea with the Buddha.

If Bailichen hadn't forced the Buddha to sit down and rest for a while, the Buddha would definitely continue to save sentient beings and would not stop.

"Why do you always follow the poor monk?"

For many years, Bailichen has been following the Buddha, never leaving.To be honest, the Buddha disliked his little friend a little bit.

"I'm alone and helpless, if I don't follow you, who will I follow?"

Bailichen said pitifully.

"Benefactor Baili, you have changed."

Buddha said seriously.

"Where have I changed? Have I become more handsome?"

Bai Lichen took out a mirror, took a look at his handsome face, and was very satisfied.

"..." The Buddha's eyes gradually became a little resentful: "You have become more shameless, you are really shameless."

"Aren't I handsome?"

Bailichen asked back.

"Is that the point?"

The Buddha found out how he had been misled by Bailichen. It was obviously not the issue that was discussed just now.

"Didn't you say I've become handsome?" Bailichen pretended to be confused.

"The poor monk does not talk to you, Amitabha."

The Buddha simply remained silent.

"Hahaha..." Bailichen laughed heartily.

After living for so many years, Bailichen finally re-established the Daoist Sect, and let the Daoist Sect stand on the top of the world, living up to his predecessors.

Now, Bailichen has let go of his knots, and can live for himself happily.If he hadn't been worried about Daoist Sect in his heart, Bailichen had already taken the most critical step.

But it's not too late now, Bailichen is working hard to make his Dao heart stronger.As long as the time comes, it will be the moment when Bailichen stands above the Nine Heavens.

"Brother Baili, to be honest, you really have changed."

Suddenly there was a gust of breeze, and Gu Hengsheng, who was wearing a white shirt, landed in front of Buddha and Bailichen, and sat down directly.

There were no accidents between Buddha and Bailichen, and it seemed that they had already agreed to meet each other.The two of them sat here, waiting for Gu Hengsheng's arrival.

"What changed?"

Bailichen looked at Gu Hengsheng with a smile on his face.

"Become more free and unrestrained, the heart is settled, and you can go to the road."

Gu Hengsheng's words revealed Bailichen's current situation.

"Actually, until now, I don't know what people live for. But if they want to die, they are extremely unwilling. They always want to go to a higher position and see a more beautiful scenery."

Bailichen took a sip of tea and said softly.

"The meaning of life is different."

Gu Hengsheng said with a low eyebrow.

"What about you? What is it?"

Bailichen asked directly.

"To fight the world's best, to protect the people I care about."

Gu Hengsheng said.

"It's a good ideal, I hope you don't lose too badly." Bailichen already knew that there were many secrets hidden in this world, and he also knew how terrifying the Lord of the Immemorial Court was.

"In your eyes, am I that unbearable?"

Gu Hengsheng's tone was helpless.

"As a brother, I naturally hope that you can win in the future. But this world is very cruel. It must be extremely terrifying for such an existence to survive from the beginning of the creation of the world to the present."

Bailichen's expression gradually became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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