The sword rises

Chapter 205 Ice Coffin

Chapter 205 Ice Coffin
Chapter [-] Ice Coffin
"Open the magic circle, I want to go in and have a look."

Gu Hengsheng slowly turned his head to look at Bai Haoxia, and said calmly with an irresistible momentum.

"This..." Bai Haoxia hesitated, he didn't want anyone to disturb his sleeping aunt, but Gu Hengsheng gave him an extremely dangerous feeling and he couldn't be his enemy.

"Don't worry, I admire your aunt very much, and I won't do anything disrespectful to your aunt. This time I visited Zhenxi Palace, I just wanted to find Yan Chenge, so I had to go in and find out."

Gu Hengsheng spoke solemnly, reassuring the hesitant Bai Haoxia.

"Okay! I hope Marquis Tian Yu can keep his word and not disturb my aunt, otherwise, even if we pay all the price, my Zhenxi Palace will not give up with you."

Bai Haoxia glanced at the crazy old man who was drinking, and nodded to Gu Hengsheng in a low voice.

"En." Gu Hengsheng responded, then turned to stare at the crazy old man on the side, and warned: "Qingfeng, you stay here first, don't wander around, I'll be back in a while."

"Oh." The crazy old man replied casually, continued to drink fine wine, and was too lazy to say a word.

"Let's go!" Gu Hengsheng explained to the crazy old man, then shifted his gaze to Bai Haoxia: "Go in and have a look."

"Okay." Bai Haoxia said with a stern face, "Please!"

Then, under the guidance of Bai Haoxia, Gu Hengsheng got closer and closer to the iceberg ahead.

Bai Haoxia used his advanced cultivation to open a hole in the magic circle outside the iceberg.After Gu Hengsheng and he both stepped into the formation together, they turned the formation into motion again, so as not to leak out too much of the iceberg's chill.

"Come with me! Here." Bai Haoxia strode, stuck to the side of the iceberg, and then turned the mechanism to open a heavy ice door.

Around the iceberg, the chill was thick, and Gu Hengsheng's white gown was slightly floating when the wind blew.

Gu Hengsheng followed Bai Haoxia, stepped into the door opened at the foot of the iceberg, and went deep into the iceberg.

Wisps of chilly air fluttered inside and outside the iceberg. If ordinary people were here, they would definitely become ice sculptures in a short while.

Behind this ice door is a relatively narrow road, stepping on the smooth ice ground, Gu Hengsheng gradually felt the breath of Yan Chenge.

"In front is an ice room, where my aunt's ice coffin is placed, and Yan Chenge is also inside." Bai Haoxia pointed to a door deep in the ice passage, and whispered to Gu Hengsheng.

"Yes." Gu Hengsheng replied.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng and Bai Haoxia walked to the end of the ice road.

Bai Haoxia exercised her cultivation, and slowly pushed open the ice door deep in the ice passage with all her strength.

click -

The ice door opened wide, and an ice room appeared in Gu Hengsheng's eyes.

In the center of the ice room, a crystal clear ice coffin was placed there, wisps of chill emanated from the ice coffin, and a looming figure of a woman was sleeping in the ice coffin.

However, what surprised Gu Hengsheng was not the ice coffin, but the unconscious Yan Chenge next to the ice coffin!

Beside the ice coffin, Yan Chenge curled up beside him, his wrists were covered with bright red blood, and this line of blood spread to the bottom of the ice coffin.In this frozen iceberg, the blood had already congealed into blood clots.

This frozen blood thread seemed to connect Yan Chenge and the ice coffin together.

"Auntie! What is he doing?" Seeing this scene, Bai Haoxia stared angrily.In his opinion, Yan Chenge was blaspheming his aunt, and he definitely couldn't keep calm.

"Wait." Gu Hengsheng stretched out his left hand, interrupting Bai Haoxia who was about to curse again, his face gradually became serious.

Under Gu Hengsheng's stop, Bai Haoxia could only grit his teeth and remain silent.Thinking of the awe-inspiring aura bursting out from Gu Hengsheng's eyes just now, he felt apprehensive and terrified.

Gu Hengsheng walked a few steps closer, seeing Yan Chenge falling into a coma and a line of blood on the ground, the expression in his eyes slowly sank, and he cursed in a low voice, "You idiot!"

"What?" Bai Haoxia didn't understand Gu Hengsheng's scolding, and looked at the scene with frowns.

Gu Hengsheng walked slowly to Yan Chenge's side, feeling his faint breath, and felt a little angry.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng passed the strand of Yan Chenge's natal soul in his body to his fingertips, and tapped it on the center of Yan Chenge's eyebrows.

Slowly, Gu Hengsheng used his mind to transfer this ray of soul back to Yan Chenge's mind, and overlapped it with Yan Chenge's body.

"Hurry up and wake up!" Gu Hengsheng ruthlessly tapped Yan Chenge's celestial spirit cover, and transferred his own profound energy to Yan Chenge, awakening Yan Chenge who had fallen into a deep sleep and coma.

After a long time, Yan Chenge's frozen body regained a little bit of heat, and Gu Hengsheng returned the ray of natal soul to him, making the crumbling soul in his body stable.

"Cough..." Following Yan Chenge's finger movements, he slowly opened his eyes and coughed out a weak sound.

As Gu Hengsheng imparted more and more profound energy to Yan Chenge, his own face turned slightly pale.Yan Chenge, who was originally filled with the cold, also gradually recovered, and his complexion gradually became rosy.

"Master." When Yan Chenge opened his eyes, he saw Gu Hengsheng in front of him, and whispered.

Seeing that Yan Chenge had regained consciousness, Gu Hengsheng slowly withdrew his finger on the center of his eyebrows, then got up and stood in front of him, and said in a deep voice with a slightly angry face: "Idiot! It’s really stupid to try to wake her up by using the blood sacrifice ghost way without starting to walk steadily!”

At this moment, Gu Hengsheng knew why Yan Chenge's soul almost shattered. It turned out that he planned to sacrifice the method of ghosts, and wanted to save the woman in the ice coffin with his own blood.

It's a pity that Yan Chenge has just stepped into the road of ghosts, and his own road is not stable, so he wants to use the secret method of ghosts to wake up the woman in the coffin.

In the end, Yan Chenge not only failed to wake up the woman in the coffin, but also allowed himself to be backlashed by the secret method, and his soul almost collapsed and died.

"My lord, Chen Ge begs you to wake up Hua Chang, her breath is so weak, maybe she really fell asleep right there."

Yan Chenge didn't think about why Gu Hengsheng appeared here, he was all tied to the woman in the ice coffin, then staggered up from the ground, and begged Gu Hengsheng on his knees and kowtow.


Bai Haoxia's eyes froze for a moment, and he was secretly amazed in his heart: Although he didn't know why the Tianjiao who was famous in Moyang Kingdom a hundred years ago was only at the early stage of the Earth Profound Realm, but with his arrogance back then, how could he Willingly submit to others?
Strong doubts arose in Bai Haoxia's heart, he watched this scene in silence, and looked at his aunt Bai Huashang sleeping in the ice coffin with some grief.

(End of this chapter)

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