The sword rises

Chapter 2064 The Horror Existence of Demonstration by Killing

Chapter 2064 The Horror Existence of Demonstration by Killing

Chapter 64 The Terrifying Existence of Demonstration by Killing

Gu Hengsheng and Liu Changsheng entered the game, and both started a big battle.

On the chessboard are all heroes from the past. Their understanding of the Dao has been preserved in the long river of time forever, turning into chess pieces and surrounding Gu Hengsheng and Liu Changsheng.

"Who dares to say longevity?"

Suddenly a black shadow appeared directly in front of Liu Changsheng.Liu Changsheng was surrounded by the terrifying power of dao rhyme law. This is the power of time and the power of longevity.

The true figure of this black shadow must have walked the same way as Liu Changsheng during his lifetime, and his understanding of the way is not shallow.

"Why don't you dare?"

Facing this black shadow, Liu Changsheng unleashed his Dao of Longevity to fight against it.

In all directions, groups of phantoms also erupted with powerful law power, which was bound to engulf Liu Changsheng into nothingness.If it dies on the chessboard, it will become a trace of the years, and the body will die and the path will disappear.

On the other side, Gu Hengsheng encountered a strong opponent who also held a three-foot sword.

"What is the sword?"

The swordsman and Gu Hengsheng looked at each other, and the three-foot sharp edge in their hands shone with dazzling light.

"For me, the sword is a partner and an indispensable part of my life."

Gu Hengsheng glanced at the Sword of Everlasting Hate, and said bluntly.

"The sword is a killing weapon, it can cut everything in the world."

The swordsman phantom burst out with murderous intent, and the sword intent swept all directions, and the other chess pieces that were phantom of years were also shaken back.

Gu Hengsheng has the body shield of the sword world, and he is completely motionless.However, the killing intent erupted by the swordsman phantom just now contains an extremely terrifying sword intent, which transcends immortality and can be called eternal.

"I don't know your name?"

A swordsman who can deduce the way of the sword to the eternal realm must not be an ordinary person.

Looking at the ages, including the innate creatures born at the beginning of the creation of the world, the number of people who can cultivate the eternal sword intent will never exceed the number of two palms.

"Take Jian as the surname and Qi as the name."

The swordsman regarded Gu Hengsheng as his archenemy, declared his name, and respected Gu Hengsheng.

"Sword Seven..." Gu Hengsheng lowered his eyebrows in deep thought and repeated it several times.

Immediately, a record appeared in Gu Hengsheng's mind.

"In the ancient times, there were thirteen sons of the Jianzong sect, all of whom took Jian as their surname, and they could be called Wushuang evildoers. The seven masters are world-class, and they cut the sky with swords, and ascended to eternity."

Since the re-advent of the ancient times, there have been many buried ancient books in the great world.Gu Hengsheng memorized all the ancient books he had read over the years, and he remembered them all at once.

There are so many monstrous characters in the ancient times, and they are all extraordinary people who can be recorded in ancient books.

"Your swordsmanship is full of killing intent."

Gu Hengsheng didn't agree with Jian Qi's eternal way, and the sword cultivator who was shrouded in killing thoughts must have lost his Taoism.


Jian Qi didn't want to talk about kendo with Gu Hengsheng, he just wanted to kill Gu Hengsheng.

Only strength can last forever.

It doesn't matter if the killing intent is too strong, as long as you can become stronger, everything is worth it.

Gu Hengsheng immediately raised his sword to fight, and would not underestimate Jian Qi, his opponent.

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

The phantoms around him exuded a terrifying aura of law, and slowly surrounded Gu Hengsheng.

"If you dare to intervene in the battle between me and him, die!"

Before Gu Hengsheng could make a move, Jian Qi had already cut out a beam of sword light, which cut off the void, and did not allow anyone to intervene in the battle between sword repairers.

These phantoms on the chessboard did not move for the time being, and let Jian Qi do it.

As a powerful sword cultivator, he naturally disdained others to help him.This is not a simple battle of life and death, but their own understanding of the Tao and whether the path they are taking is correct.

Although Jian Qi has long since died, the traces left in the years are still indelible, and he firmly believes that his eternal swordsmanship is correct and without flaws.

"I have observed your eternal sword intent, and almost fell into the path of the devil. Your path of swordsmanship is not the path I want to take."

Gu Hengsheng recalled the time when he enlightened himself.

In that year, Gu Hengsheng had the opportunity to unite the three generations into one, and he could deduce the world of mortals to the realm of great success.However, in order to pursue his own way of swordsmanship, Gu Hengsheng sacrificed his two lifetimes of Taoism, just in exchange for the opportunity to comprehend the way of eternal swordsmanship.

But some people still remember that day, the Great Xia Emperor who was in Luotianyuan took the opportunity to snatch Gu Hengsheng's chance and cut off Gu Hengsheng's chance.Later, Emperor Da Xia naturally repaid the cause and effect of that time, and settled the old feud with Gu Hengsheng.

That smear of eternal sword intent was a trace left over from the years, which was spotted by Gu Hengsheng.In order to pursue the eternal sword intent, Bei Gongxin wanted to destroy the world and use it to sacrifice the sword to enlighten the Tao.

Both Bei Gongxin and Gu Hengsheng had seen the eternal mark sword intent full of killing intent in the years.Bei Gongxin took this path, but Gu Hengsheng gave up and was willing to explore alone.

It wasn't until this moment that Gu Hengsheng realized that the shard of eternal sword intent from back then came from Jian Qi.

"My swordsmanship is invincible in the world."

Jian Qi slashed out with a sword, directly cutting Gu Hengsheng's sword world in half, and the suffocating killing intent constantly filled Gu Hengsheng's surroundings.

"There is no invincible Tao, only invincible people."

Gu Hengsheng and Jian Qi started a life-and-death struggle, and it is difficult to distinguish who is who.

Gu Hengsheng still hasn't really set foot on the eternal way, because he is still waiting, hoping that once he attains the way, he will be invincible in the world.

Jian Qi discovered Gu Hengsheng's special situation, and was extremely surprised: "It's really strange that the sword world has achieved great success without entering eternity."

According to common sense, only by stepping on the eternal sword path can one comprehend the sword world.Gu Hengsheng is a different kind, the last step has never crossed the threshold of the eternal sword, it seems to be forcibly suppressed.

Two different sword intents confront each other in the empty space, each with its own merits.Endless killing intent emanated from Jian Qi's body, and a pair of demon-like eyes appeared on the blurred face, blood red to the extreme.

"Prove by killing, you have lost yourself at the end of eternity."

Gu Hengsheng saw something wrong with Jian Qi at a glance, and said in a deep voice.

"I am eternity."

Jian Qi roared like a wild beast, and Gu Hengsheng couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle with the roaring murderous intent, almost falling into it.

Kill all the people in the world, just to prove the eternal way of swordsmanship.This is the way of Jian Qi. At the end, it is not clear whether it is the person who controls the sword or the sword controls the person.

"With all due respect, you are not worthy of calling it eternity!"

Gu Hengsheng sneered, holding the sword to break through Jian Qi's murderous intent, and the empty space was destroyed countless times.

Jian Qi and Gu Hengsheng fought for hundreds of rounds, and gradually, Jian Qi began to lose the upper hand.Even if Gu Hengsheng's sword world is cut to pieces, it will be restored at the same time without any damage.

"Kill all the people in the world, including myself, and you will have eternity."

This time, the three-foot green blade in Jian Qi's hand did not face Gu Hengsheng, but slashed at himself.

That's right, it was himself!

Without any hesitation, Jian Qi pierced his heart with a three-foot green blade.

Seeing this scene, Gu Hengsheng was stunned.


Gu Hengsheng was stunned, and it took him a long time before he said, "So ruthless!"

For the sake of eternal kendo, Jian Qi killed himself.

If not, how could such a strong character like Jian Qi die?A person like him, who has truly stood on the eternity to see the way of the sword, is fully qualified to aspire to the immortal way. Even if the law of the great way is imprisoned, he still has a great chance.

However, Jian Qi died in his own hands for the truly invincible eternal sword intent.Experience a death in person, just to realize the Tao.

"So you died like this, no wonder there is no record of your whereabouts in the ancient books."

Only then did Gu Hengsheng understand how ruthless Jian Qi was.

In the ancient times, Jian Qi committed suicide to preach the Tao, and the result is self-evident.Jian Qi failed, otherwise Jian Qi would not appear on the chessboard.

Here, Jian Qi once again imitated his previous actions.


The entire chessboard began to tremble, Zhuge Haokong and the master of the fairy court all watched the movements on the chessboard.

"What an incredible character!"

Zhuge Haokong spied the phantom of Jian Qi's death, murmured solemnly.

The lord of the Immortal Court also seemed to be paying attention, and whispered: "If this person succeeds in life, the Eternal Sword Dao will be complete, and he may be able to fight against me."

It's a pity that Jian Qi failed when he was alive, and he can only show an unprecedented style on this illusory chessboard.

The entire Great World Chessboard shook violently as if it had been hit hard by a boulder.

In an instant, the void where Jian Qi was located began to distort, and the pitch-black three-foot green blade began to tremble.Jian Qi's body was devoured by the three-foot Qingfeng, leaving no flesh and blood.

At this moment, Jian Qi is this sword, proving the way of eternity.


The sword directly pierced layers of void, and appeared ten meters in front of Gu Hengsheng.The extremely terrifying sword intent was tearing apart Gu Hengsheng's sword world, trying to pierce Gu Hengsheng's eyebrows to prove that his sword skills are the strongest.


Gu Hengsheng didn't have time to think, and held the Sword of Eternal Hatred in front of him, colliding with Jian Qi who had turned into a three-foot green blade.Gu Hengsheng controlled his Dacheng Sword Realm, and condensed countless terrifying sword intents.

"I killed the twelve sons of the same family to prove immortality. I killed the creatures of the ten realms to enter eternity. In the end, I beheaded myself..."

Jian Qi hated that he didn't have a second chance when he was alive, otherwise he would definitely be able to prove the supreme and eternal way and be invincible in the world.

"Your so-called eternal kendo is a joke in my opinion."

Gu Hengsheng used to think that Jian Qi was proving the way by killing, but he didn't expect that Jian Qi was so frantic that he could kill even his relatives.

Is it really worth it to pursue the great way?
"You do not understand."

Jian Qi has no feelings.

"I really don't understand, and I don't need to understand."

Gu Hengsheng tightly held the Sword of Everlasting Regret in his hand, and shouted, "Because I will definitely prove you wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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