The sword rises

Chapter 2067 When you enter the game, regardless of life or death

Chapter 2067 When you enter the game, regardless of life or death

Chapter 67 Since entering the game, regardless of life or death

The clothed man was startled, and the way he looked at Liu Changsheng changed dramatically.

If it was respect for Liu Changsheng just now, it is reverence now.

That's right, awe!
Countless years ago, the commoner man once saw Time Returns to Ruins.A piece of willow branch, named Suiyueguixu, opened the road of the long river of time in the era of Wuque Dao, spying on countless taboo things.

For later generations, Liu Changsheng was the first person to spy on the immortal.As a practitioner of the Tao of Longevity, the commoner man had sensed being spied on many times when he was alive, and tried various methods to find the source of this feeling, but unfortunately found nothing.

In the end, it wasn't until the commoner man became successful that he understood the reason for that feeling, which came from later generations.Before he died, the commoner man was very regretful: "It's a pity that I can't meet you."

It is inconceivable that the people of later generations can slightly affect the era that has happened in the past.

"How did you come?"

Liu Changsheng stretched out his hand to caress the ruins of the years, and asked in a low voice.

Suiyueguixu hovered over Liu Changsheng's hands, as if apologizing to Liu Changsheng.At the same time, Years Return to the Market illustrates the situation in Hades.

Then, Liu Changsheng looked up at the clothed man and smiled slightly: "It looks like I won't die today."

The commoner man kept staring at Liu Changsheng and remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, the clothed man said with a complicated expression: "God has treated me well, let me know of your existence after death."

Liu Changsheng had already recognized the identity of the commoner man, but he didn't point it out.In the past, Liu Changsheng had witnessed the birth and fall of countless powerful people, and finally saw the fairy.

Liu Changsheng was gentle and refined, smiling without saying a word.

Afterwards, the clothed man said bluntly: "Liu Changsheng, let me see your real strength!"

"As you wish."

In order to show respect, Liu Changsheng will not show mercy.


Years Returning to the Ruins carried Liu Changsheng's Dao, and strands of Dao meaning contained terrifying power, heading towards the commoner man.

Liu Changsheng borrowed the Tao of Longevity to create the Years Returning to the Market.It can be said that Time Returns to the Ruins is a part of Liu Changsheng's body, and it is Liu Changsheng's real means.

Half an hour later, a distorted space appeared in the Wangu chess game.

I saw two figures walking out of the void and distorted space. One was wearing a black gown with a stern face. It was Xiao Qianmo, who had the blood of an ancient crocodile, and a practitioner with extreme physical skills.

There is another person who is the supreme Emperor Feixuan. Although he is not a fairy, his every move seems to contain the might of a fairy.It can only be said that Emperor Feixuan was born in the wrong era. If there is a lack of avenues, or in the current era, if he touches the position of immortality, he must have a place.

Who's winning?
Gu Hengsheng looked at the two people in front of him, curious about this.However, Gu Hengsheng didn't ask.

After a while, Xiao Qianmo's figure began to dissipate, and his eyes never left Emperor Feixuan.

"In this life, you are the only opponent."

Emperor Feixuan looked at Xiao Qianmo who was gradually disappearing, stood with his hands behind his back, and said seriously.

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Qianmo seemed to have a smile on his mouth, but he didn't say a word.Because, Xiao Qianmo has already got what he wanted, and his obsession has disappeared.

For Xiao Qianmo, at first it was really just to win over Emperor Feixuan, but later he slowly changed his mind, in fact, he only wanted to get a word of approval from Emperor Feixuan.

It's a pity that Emperor Feixuan refused to enter the forbidden area of ​​Emperor's Road to live in that year, bluntly speaking that he disdained to be with Xiao Qianmo.From then on, Xiao Qianmo's inner demons began to thrive, out of control.

The approval of Emperor Feixuan is better than becoming an immortal.

Xiao Qianmo's life is enough.

Seeing Xiao Qianmo's complete annihilation, Emperor Feixuan and Gu Hengsheng felt an unspeakable respect.

"He still loses."

Gu Hengsheng regretted.

"No, he won."

Emperor Feixuan shook his head lightly and said with emotion.

Gu Hengsheng's body trembled, and it was difficult to understand what Emperor Feixuan said at first, but he understood it in the next moment.A character like Emperor Feixuan would not admit defeat out of pity, that would only embarrass the opponent even more.

The obsession of the whole life has affected the trend of the eternal chess game.This alone has already explained the depth of Xiao Qianmo's obsession.If Xiao Qianmo was not born in the same life as Emperor Feixuan, there would definitely be infinite possibilities.

In this regard, Emperor Feixuan was ashamed of himself, and he was convinced of the defeat.

"He's a rare opponent."

At first, Gu Hengsheng hated Xiao Qianmo very much, and even wanted to crush Xiao Qianmo to ashes.Later, I gradually understood Xiao Qianmo's past, I was able to understand it, and I especially admired it.

"It's also a tough opponent."

Emperor Feixuan joked.


Gu Hengsheng and Emperor Feixuan looked at each other and smiled.

After that, Gu Hengsheng and Emperor Feixuan formed a barrier of spiritual energy, and they began to compete with each other to test their strength.

Since he wanted to integrate the Three Thousand Ways, Gu Hengsheng naturally hid his swordsmanship and competed with Emperor Feixuan for the same great way.

Emperor Feixuan has an imperial weapon, which is a mirror.It's just that the strongest thing about Emperor Feixuan is not relying on the power of the emperor's weapon, but the palm technique.

Don't forget that Emperor Feixuan once broke the shackles of the bridge between the world and the fairyland with one palm in the era of Wuque Dao - Yunjie Mountain.

"Be careful, don't die."

Emperor Feixuan had no choice but to fight Gu Hengsheng with all his might.

Xiao Qianmo can forcefully change his situation, and after his death, he will have to fight Emperor Feixuan to prove himself.For this reason, those who hold chess can't help but be moved and amazed.

"The emperor please take action!"

Gu Hengsheng had already made preparations and began to deduce the supernatural powers of palming.


Emperor Feixuan's light palm sent Gu Hengsheng flying for thousands of miles, and even made the blood in Gu Hengsheng's body want to roll out.Gu Hengsheng sealed his kendo and only relied on the palm technique he had just practiced for a short time to deal with it.

If there is a slight mistake, Gu Hengsheng will die in the hands of Emperor Feixuan.However, Gu Hengsheng did not shrink back, he only wanted to be able to comprehend the essence of the Dao Palm Technique as soon as possible under this pressure, to integrate the Dao of Emperor Feixuan, and finally become his own Dao.

In the chess game, Liu Changsheng used the power of the years to return to the ruins, and with just a few moves, he broke the way of the commoner man, suppressed him, and was unable to move.

The clothed man stood in front of Liu Changsheng, bent slightly, unable to stand upright, and was under unimaginable pressure.

"It is my honor to lose to you."

The commoner man was not restless because of the failure, but was able to face it calmly, talking and laughing happily.

"excuse me."

Liu Changsheng said something, and urged the years to return to the ruins.


Immediately afterwards, the figure of the clothed man began to dissipate, and Dao Yun also began to shatter.This scene meant that the civilian man had truly lost to Liu Changsheng, and the situation on the chessboard began to change.

Outside of the chess game, Zhuge Haokong seemed to have expected such a scene a long time ago, without any surprise, and he didn't even blink his eyelids.

Years Returning to the Market will enter the game at a critical moment, Zhuge Haokong seems to have known it long ago, and his mind is calm.Xiao Qianmo changed the situation just now, which surprised Zhuge Haokong, that's all.

"It's not enough to shake the eternal situation just by the two of them."

The master of the Immemorial Immortal Court was astonished, but he still believed that Gu Hengsheng and Liu Changsheng could not change the facts.After all, there are still many terrifying existences in the eternal chess game, including the innate creatures from the ancient times.

"Don't worry, Immortal, who wins and loses in this game of chess has not yet been decided."

Zhuge Haokong found that the whole chess game started to turn black, perhaps many existences in the chess game planned to kill Gu Hengsheng directly.With Liu Changsheng's ability, he can only block part of it temporarily, but it is difficult to suppress the entire chess game.

Gu Hengsheng was discussing the Dao with Emperor Feixuan, trying his best to comprehend the way of boxing.If he was disturbed by the outside world at this time, it would definitely affect Gu Hengsheng's footsteps.

Gu Hengsheng will not allow Gu Hengsheng to practice slowly.As soon as he enters this game, Gu Hengsheng will be the opponent of an outstanding man from all ages.

"I hope sir will not disappoint me."

The Lord of the Primordial Immortal Courtyard has been lonely for endless epochs, and finally got a little interest, so naturally he doesn't want it to end so soon.Otherwise, the Lord of the Immortal Court will definitely be very disappointed, and maybe he will do some bad things.


Zhuge Haokong smiled deeply.

Afterwards, Zhuge Haokong looked towards a certain corner of Zhongzhou Dashi.

The location of that corner is impressively the location of the imperial clan's Qing family.

"Please enter the game, I wonder if it is possible?"

Zhuge Haokong looked at the Qing Family of the Imperial Clan and nodded.


For a moment, the world was shaken, and countless people looked at the Qing family of the imperial clan.

Everyone in the Qing family was shocked, they couldn't figure out the meaning of Zhuge Haokong's words at all, and they were terrified.The Qing Clan has long since declined, and relying on the remaining prestige of their ancestors to become a member of the Imperial Clan, they have not been squeezed out or oppressed.

With this kind of general situation, how can the Qing family have the ability to enter the game?
"Sir, I invite you to join the battle, regardless of life or death."

Suddenly, a heroic speech came from a secret room in the Qing family.

"Young patriarch!"

In an instant, the Qing family shook up and down.

But there are still people who remember that the Qing family gave birth to a proud son of heaven many years ago, who was born to a woman from the Qing family.It was rumored that this girl did not leave the cabinet, she was still a virgin, but she became pregnant for some reason, and the Qing family regarded it as an unknown and a shame, and dared not publicize it.

Later, she gave birth to a child, and the eternal blue lotus lined the sky, and the vision turned into the sky.It wasn't until that moment that the Qing family knew that this was a monster, and they carefully cultivated it.

Thousands of years have passed, and this son has become a great cultivator of the Nine Realms and the young patriarch of the Qing family.

Its name is Qingmengyuan.

"For the matter of the contract between the three emperors, the master allowed me to be reborn in this life. In this life, I should repay the kindness of the master."

Qingmengyuan breaks through the gate, and the eternal green lotus blooms on the top of the sky, starting from the Qing family and ending with the eternal chess game.

(End of this chapter)

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