The sword rises

Chapter 2073 It's lucky to have a battle with Jun

Chapter 2073 It's lucky to fight with you
Chapter 73 A battle with Jun, fortunately
In this world, nothing is impossible, only what can be done and what cannot be done.

The saber-bearer did not set foot on practice deliberately, but insisted on his faith, and walked all over the world with an ordinary mortal sword on his back.So far, the first swordsman was born.

In the outside world, Zhuge Haokong had seen the scene of the complete destruction of the True Dragon Clan with his own eyes before, and he was very surprised at that time.

A 20-year-old mortal held a hatchet and waved it lightly at the two real dragons in the sky. With two "plops", the two dragon heads rolled to the ground, creating two huge deep pits.

It was as if an ant bit an elephant lightly, causing the elephant to bleed and die instantly.This kind of thing is impossible to happen, because the rules of everything have already been set and cannot be changed.

However, the man with the sword changed the law of all things, and mortals slayed dragons.

"He is the real opponent of the younger brother."

Even Zhuge Haokong didn't care about the congenital creatures from the ancient times, thinking that Gu Hengsheng had a way to deal with them.However, Zhuge Haokong was particularly afraid and worried only about the man with the sword.

Zhuge Haokong has seen half-step true immortals in the ancient times. Although they are extraordinary monsters and their strength is extremely terrifying, with Gu Hengsheng's talent and understanding, he can definitely prove himself in the eternal chess game.

Only the man with the sword on his back made Zhuge Haokong somewhat puzzled.Even today, Zhuge Haokong still can't understand the belief held by the sword bearer.

"A very interesting little doll."

The master of the Immemorial Immortal Court noticed the sword-bearer and gave him a compliment.

Because, the Lord of the Immortal Court found that he could not control the sword-bearer, just like Xiao Qianmo not long ago.Only when a kind of obsession and belief transcends everything can it affect the trend of the eternal chess game.

"It's the first time I've heard of mortals slaying dragons."

Gu Hengsheng didn't know about that period of the past, and there was no record in the ancient books of later generations.In today's great world, the so-called dragons and phoenixes are all races with thin blood. The real dragons in ancient times had the terrifying combat power to fight against the emperor.

"To be precise, it was not done by me alone, but by hundreds of millions of creatures."

The sword bearer shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

Gu Hengsheng seemed to understand but not understand.

"The dead and the living feel unwilling and regretful about their unfair fate. I can feel their emotions and hear their inner cries."

The man with the sword said slowly.

Gu Hengsheng has been thinking about it, there is no need for a person with a knife to lie, so why is the Dao thousands of years ago still intact?

It stands to reason that the man with the sword slaying the dragon with a mortal body will definitely affect the order and rules of the avenue.However, the appearance of the sword bearer did not break the rules of the avenue.

It wasn't until the appearance of Hentian Sword Immortal that Dao had a trace of flaws.

"Mind power!"

Gu Hengsheng asked suspiciously.

"I call it the power of faith."

The sword bearer didn't hide anything, and said bluntly.

At that time, two real dragons fought, and tens of thousands of mortals died tragically, including the family members of the sword-bearer.At that moment, the sword-bearer heard the screams and howls of countless undead, and touched wisps of mortal power that was like white smoke and was about to dissipate.

The sword-bearer subconsciously condensed the power of countless mortals, and beheaded two real dragons with one sword.

"Some people pray to gods and worship Buddha, while others ask immortals. In the end, how many people can really get what they want? Only by relying on their own strength can everything be realized."

The man with the sword is like a carrier condensed by the will of the worldly spirits, possessing the power to transcend the rules.

"Can the avenue be tolerated?"

Worlds, full of wonders.This was the first time Gu Hengsheng encountered such a situation, and he was shocked by the man carrying the sword.

"The power of hundreds of millions of souls is not the power of me alone, why is the Dao not allowed?"

The knife-bearer asked back.

Gu Hengsheng vaguely understood the Tao carried by the sword bearer, and looked at the sword bearer without saying a word.

After a long time, Gu Hengsheng condensed a long knife again: "I am not an enemy of you alone, but an enemy of hundreds of millions of mortal beings who died in the past, right?"

"you can say it this way."

The sword-bearer murmured.

"Fight again!"

Gu Hengsheng held the saber in both hands, forgetting all the supernatural powers of the saber, and only had one thought in his heart, which was to defeat the man who carried the saber.


In the confrontation with one move after another, although the knife in Gu Hengsheng's hand had cracks, it no longer collapsed instantly like before.This also means that Gu Hengsheng's comprehension of the Dao of the Sword has been greatly improved.

Many outstanding people from all ages continued to attack, fighting with Gu Hengsheng's incarnations one after another.

Dozens of hundreds of knife marks appeared on Gu Hengsheng's body. The old wounds had not completely healed, and new wounds appeared again.

In this way, Gu Hengsheng fought hundreds of rounds with the sword bearer, but he was always at a disadvantage.But fortunately, Gu Hengsheng has been able to use the long knife in his hand to fight head-on with the person carrying the knife for a period of time.

Dozens of years have passed in the outside world, and thousands or even ten thousand years have passed in the Wangu chess game.Gu Hengsheng and the sword bearer have been fighting all the time, but they never survived.

During this period of time, most of the ancient heroes who attacked Gu Hengsheng were defeated by Gu Hengsheng's theory and completely turned into nothingness.

Gu Hengsheng has mastered a lot of Taoism and reached a very high level.

In the chess game, Emperor Qing was injured and almost fell.At the critical moment, Zhuge Hao took a shot to separate Qingdi from Wangu chess game.When Emperor Qing reappeared in the great world, he was already old, with gray hair and wrinkled face.

"The strength is not enough, I can only do this one step."

Qingdi blocked a part of the power of the chess game for Gu Hengsheng, held on for a while, exhausted and seriously injured.

"Thank you."

Zhuge Haokong stood side by side with Emperor Qing and thanked him.

Decades ago, Emperor Qing was a vigorous young man.Now he has stepped out of the chess game, like a bad old man who is about to fall.

In the chess game, Liu Changsheng and Bei Gongxin also began to lose their hold.However, they still gritted their teeth and persisted, hoping that the battle between Gu Hengsheng and the sword bearer would end as soon as possible.

"You carry the thoughts of the worldly spirit, I can't feel it, I can't understand it. However, I understand your Dao of the Sword."

Gu Hengsheng and the sword bearer have been fighting in the chess game for countless years, and whenever Gu Hengsheng was in danger, he was always able to save the day and improve his strength further.

After comprehending the way of death, Gu Hengsheng believed that he could fight in the boundary between life and death and get more gains.

"It's a good thing to fight with you."

After fighting for countless rounds, the long knife that Gu Hengsheng condensed broke off countless times.However, Gu Hengsheng couldn't make a crack appear in the knife in the hand of the knife bearer.

This time, Gu Hengsheng used his hand as a knife, and slashed at the man carrying the knife with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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