The sword rises

Chapter 2078

Chapter 2078
Chapter 78 Daoist Master
Inside the Eternal Chess Game, Bailichen was alone in an empty space, enduring many oppressive forces.

He who lived millions of years ago had never heard of the name of Dust Dao Sect, so he didn't care.However, the hero of millions of years showed a look of admiration.


A series of black figures surrounded Bailichen, and they walked out from the depths of nothingness, like the masters of one side of the world, their coercion tore apart the space around them.

A hero approached Bailichen uncontrollably, intending to suppress Bailichen.Only one person who enters the game will die.

Bailichen is very talented, but his understanding of the Tao cannot be compared with that of the outstanding people since ancient times.Therefore, just facing the coercive aura of many outstanding people, Bailichen's whole body froze, and his heart was under tremendous pressure, as if it would explode in the next moment.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps sounded like the ground was cracking, and the dozens of Jie who were about to suppress Bailichen were stunned.

"Disciple of Dust Dao Sect, don't bully!"

A phantom manifested, and there seemed to be the sound of a dragon's roar, which shocked the nine heavens.

Who is this person?

The ancestor of the Dragon Carp Clan, Emperor Fulong.

Emperor Fulong's strength is not top-notch, but his perseverance is extremely high. He used an ordinary carp demon to prove his way to the emperor, deterring an era.Because of this, the deceased Emperor Fulong was naturally engraved in the long river of time, and he was eligible to become a pawn in the eternal chess game, leaving a trace of his own.

Not long after Emperor Fulong appeared, the sound of footsteps still did not dissipate, and men in Taoist robes appeared here one by one.

One of them was rich and handsome, and he stood out among the dozen or so men in Taoist robes.He took a deep look at Bailichen, and said first, "You are indeed a disciple of the Daoist sect, with the rhyme of the Daoist sect engraved on your body. you know Ruan Xinyan?"

"I've seen you seniors." Bailichen stared at the dozen or so Taoist-robed men in front of him, and bowed.A look of disappointment flashed in Bailichen's eyes, because he didn't see his master.

Hearing the name "Ruan Xinyan", Bailichen immediately said: "The Ruan Xinyan mentioned by the ancestors should be a senior aunt of my Taoist sect."

"She... is she okay?"

When the Fengshen handsome Taoist robe man said these words, his body trembled slightly, as if he was very afraid of hearing bad news.

"Master and Aunt have already sat down."

Bailichen said bluntly.

The handsome Taoist robed man's expression dimmed instantly, with no hope, he lowered his eyebrows and murmured: "I'm sorry for her."

Ruan Xinyan is the ancestor of Dust Dao Sect, the world calls her a Taoist aunt, she is the sister of Chu Xiaoyao, the seventh disciple of Fusheng Tomb, and Gu Hengsheng, the ninth disciple.

In the past, when the Taoist nun sat down, Chu Xiaoyao and Gu Hengsheng were heartbroken and saddened.

"Could it be that the ancestor was the one who belonged to the aunt..."

Bailichen hesitated to speak, but the meaning of the words was already clear.

"En." The man nodded slowly, his phantom figure flickering, his expression sad.

4 years ago, Dust Dao Sect had not completely declined.A Daoist disciple and a young woman accidentally met, fell in love, and fell in love.When the two of them were about to get married, the disciples of the Taoist sect received an imperial order from the sect and had to abandon the woman.

The woman once said: "Do you have to go?"

The Taoist disciple replied: "As a Taoist disciple, this is my responsibility and my destiny."

The woman asked, "What about me?"

Daoist disciple: "If I am destined to return, I will marry you. If I do not return, I hope you can find a lover."

Looking at the back of the Taoist disciple leaving, the woman burst into tears and said, "I hate you! I will never forgive you in my life."

Everything in the world is so cruel.When it was thriving one moment, it will become a tragedy in the world the next moment, and the soul wants to be torn apart.

The woman waited for the Taoist disciple for many years, but never saw the Taoist disciple return.In the end, the woman entered the Emperor's Road alone, and stood in a valley for seven days and seven nights, her head full of black hair, and her charming red dress turned into a white dress.

So far, that valley has been called by the world——Valley of Burying Hearts.


Uncontrollably, all the outstanding people from all over the world want to fight Bailichen and kill him.

At this time, more than a dozen heroes of Dust Dao Sect drew their swords one after another, and with their swords flying across the sky, they pierced through the ages: "If you want to fight, fight with us!"

All the past suzerains of Dust Dao Sect were not mediocre, they were all outstanding!
This is Zhuge Haokong's praise to Dust Dao Sect, and he admires it extremely.


One of the Daoist ancestors erupted with terrifying coercion, temporarily frightening the figure of a puppet-like figure to one side.

"Don't worry, the ancestors, the ancestors were very peaceful when they left, and they didn't suffer any pain."

Bai Lichen said to the ancestor in front of him.

"Is she just one person all her life?"

the patriarch asked.

"My aunt was a lonely family all my life, and I worked hard for the Daoist sect, and I never complained."

Bailichen nodded heavily.

All the outstanding figures of Dust Dao Sect were in awe and sighed.Such a woman, how many people are there in the world?
"Does she hate me?"

The illusory figure of the ancestor began to tremble.

"It used to be, but later I slowly understood the choice of our ancestors back then, and never said a word of blame." Bailichen couldn't help but think of what Taoist nun said when he was sitting in the funeral: "Master, aunt, sitting in the funeral At that moment, she once said that she didn't marry that person when she was alive, and she didn't know if she could meet him again after she died. If there is a hell in the world, will that person wait at the bridge of Naihe all the time?"

Taoist nun finally said: I am so ugly now, if that person sees me, will he dislike me?
At that time, Gu Hengsheng replied in tears: No, if that person dares to bully my sister.I will definitely not let him go, and neither will the martyrs of the Daoist Sect.

If there is no Taoist nun, there will be no Dust Dao Sect in this life!
The evaluation and respect of Zhuge Haokong and all the powerful people in the world to the Taoist nun.

It was said that the ancestor of Dust Dao Sect seemed to have been petrified, two lines of tears fell down, his throat was sore, and he couldn't say anything.

After a long time, the ancestor closed his eyes and said to himself: "I have betrayed her in this life. If there is another life, I will do everything in my power to love her."

All the ancestors of the Taoist sect showed respect, but did not say a word.

The Taoist nun's talent can only be called excellent, but it is difficult to reach the level of evildoer.The Taoist aunt lived for tens of thousands of years, exhausting her own vitality, in order to see the prosperity of the Dust Dao Sect one day.

Dust Dao Sect regained its glory, and the Taoist nun was completely resigned, and she did not enter the eternal chess game.


Although the outstanding talents of Dust Dao Sect are very talented, they have not proved the Tao during their lifetime, so naturally they cannot stop the trend of the game for too long.

(End of this chapter)

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