The sword rises

Chapter 2082 Who dares to bully my Taoist disciple

Chapter 2082 Who dares to bully my Taoist disciple

Chapter 82 Who dares to bully my Taoist disciple

Gu Hengsheng pointed at the heroes with his sword, and the seemingly immortal and eternal sword intent enveloped the entire boundless battlefield.

Smiling at the outstanding people of all ages, the sword is proud of the heavens and the world.

Gu Hengsheng fought with the ancient strong men, and the edge of the sword became stronger and stronger. One after another, the sword intent pierced through the eternal chess game, overflowing directly, and the sword was frosty and cold for fourteen states.

"What exactly happened?"

The common people in the world don't know what an eternal chess game is. They only know that the world is changing and the rules fluctuate extremely violently.

"He has become even stronger. If he survives, only the legendary one can compete with him."

The emperors were able to see a trace of the chess game's momentum, and through this trace of sword power overflowing from the chess game, it can be confirmed that Gu Hengsheng's strength is much stronger than before he entered the game.

"Still a long way to go."

The Lord of the Primordial Immortal Court overlooked the Wangu chess game. Although he had changed his view of Gu Hengsheng and paid more attention to it, he still did not regard Gu Hengsheng as an evenly matched opponent.

The current Gu Hengsheng does not have this qualification.

The Lord of the Primordial Immortal Court noticed that Zhuge Haokong's figure was slowly dissipating, and said without sadness or joy, "Sir, can you still hold on?"

"Naturally." Zhuge Haokong's will was rather vague, flickering.

In order to let Zhuge Haokong's will reappear in the mortal world, Mr. Zhu Zhentian exhausted his whole life of Taoism, and almost died.All of this is to let Gu Hengsheng enter the game and pave the way for Gu Hengsheng.

If Zhuge Haokong can't hold on at this time, the entire Wangu chess game will collapse, and Gu Hengsheng, Liu Changsheng and others will all be trapped in the game and return to nothingness.

Therefore, no matter what the price is, Zhuge Haokong will hold on, waiting for the moment when Gu Hengsheng breaks the game.

"Beyond the avenue, there is chaos. How did you survive?"

The master of the Immemorial Immortal Court was particularly curious about Zhuge Haokong's methods.

For endless years, the lord of the fairy garden has also explored the chaotic space, but unfortunately found nothing, and there is nothing strange about it.Over time, the Lord of the Immortal Court didn't have much thought about Chaos.

Until this time, Zhuge Haokong was actually in the chaos, and he borrowed Zhu Zhentian's extraordinary power to lay out the heavens and ten thousand worlds, and brought an incarnation to the world.

"The mountain people have their own tricks." Zhuge Haokong said with a chuckle: "If I lose this game, I will definitely tell the fairy everything I know."

"I've waited for endless epochs, and it's not too late."

The lord of the fairy court always thought that he would not lose, because there were not only outstanding people from all ages in the chess game.The most important thing is that the significance represented by the Wangu chess game is extraordinary, which is equivalent to the law of the great way formed at the beginning of the creation of the world, the perfect way.

Even if Gu Hengsheng defeats a master of the world, can he really break the eternal chess game and come out swaggeringly?

If it was really that simple, the innate beings who had been trapped in the ancient battlefield for hundreds of millions of years would have tried every means to break out of the situation.

The foundation of the eternal chess game is the perfect law of the great way, which was conceived by the heaven and the earth.The Lord of the Immortal Court thought that it was impossible for him to lose, and he just had to wait quietly for Gu Heng to die within the chess game, so as to get news about Chaos.

However, the Lord of the Immortal Court also thought of a variable.If Gu Hengsheng really rebelled against the eternal years and broke the law of the great way.Then Gu Hengsheng's strength must have grown to an extremely high level, enough for the Lord of the Immortal Court to make a move.

The lord of the Immortal Court has been alone for endless years, and finally has an opponent worthy of his expectations, and can display his true strength.

In the eternal chess game, the sword master Dugu Shang fought with a sword repairer for thousands of rounds, and achieved a breakthrough between life and death, defeating the enemy with a single sword.

"Your talent is truly terrifying!"

The sword cultivator who was defeated by Dugu Shang had no resentment or unwillingness, only deep admiration and gratification.


Dugu Shang nodded neither humble nor overbearing.

"Although I have already perished in the past years, this trace of the years is about to disappear. However, I still want to know your name. In my life, I have experienced more than [-] battles, big and small, without a single defeat. No I am lucky to meet someone as strong as you after death."

The sword cultivator's figure was slowly disappearing, his plain eyes fixed on Dugu Shang.

Dugu Shang was defeated in holding the sword ceremony, then held the sword by his side, and said in a deep voice: "My surname is Dugu again, and my single name is Shang. The three-foot sword in my hand is called Luoxian."

"Dugu Shang, the Falling Immortal Sword, I will remember."


Jianxiu let out a burst of hearty laughter, and his figure finally disappeared into darkness, never to appear again.

Not long after, another swordsman manifested in front of Dugu Shang.On the surface, this swordsman looks ordinary, but his eyes contain monstrous sword power, as if a single look can cut the sky and split the earth.

"Only the winner is qualified to stand on the pinnacle of swordsmanship and look down on the eternity."

The swordsman said something coldly, then drew out the long sword in his hand, and stabbed Dugu Shang with it.

Dugu Shang immediately faced the battle, the blood in his body was continuously boiling, and his sword intent soared to the sky, unrivaled in all ages.

In the battle between real sword repairers, the rest of the ancient heroes did not intervene.Because this is the dignity of a sword cultivator, and no one is allowed to interfere.If someone dares to affect the fair battle, he will definitely be besieged by many sword cultivators.

Those who can be engraved in the eternal chess game by the power of time are all outstanding people from all ages, and they know this well.

On the other side, Taoist Bailichen is fighting with Wuyou Taoist.

To be precise, it was Wuyou Daozu who taught Bailichen to practice.Dozens of outstanding people from all over the world waited and watched, all quietly watching the changes, without any action.

One is the reverence for Wuyou Daozu, and the other is that Wuyou Daozu is indeed fighting Bailichen, and he has not violated the rules of the Wangu chess game.

"Son, how much have you comprehended from the Shangqing Immortal Scripture?"

Wuyou Daozu looked at Bailichen who was cultivating and enlightening, and asked softly.

"The disciple still doesn't understand."

Bailichen thought for a moment, then frowned.

"It's okay, take your time."

Wuyou Daozu said patiently, the relief in his eyes was undisguised.

Through Bailichen's self-report just now, Wuyou Daozu and the ancestors of Daozong all knew the current situation of Dust Daozong, and they were very pleased with Bailichen, and lamented that there are successors.

Bailichen said that he avoided a lot of risky things, but everyone in the Taoist sect knew that Bailichen must have suffered a lot.

In the huge Dust Dao Sect, only a six-year-old child remained in the end.If it wasn't for Baili Chen's willingness to endure hardships, he would have starved to death long ago, let alone reshaping the glory of Daoist Dao Sect, which has developed to where it is today.

For the sake of the common people, the outstanding figures of the Daozong dynasties endured endless suffering without any complaints, and never showed off their achievements to the world.Today, they have to show some selfishness to defend the way of Bailichen with the little traces they left in the past.

"How much do you understand?"

After another period of time, Wuyou Daozu asked.

"Just a little!"

Bailichen replied.


Wuyou Daozu made another move, manifesting the true profound meaning of the Shangqing Immortal Scripture.

After a hundred years in the chess game, Daozu Wuyou saw a bit of supernatural law condensed from Bailichen's body, and said, "What about now?"

"A little bit."

Bailichen shook his head and said.

"Very good."

Wuyou Daozu praised.

Thousands of years are fleeting, and the outside world may only have passed a few days, but earth-shaking changes have taken place inside the Wangu chess game.

On this day, the figure of Wuyou Daozu began to become illusory and distorted: "My child, what's the matter?"

"Disciple Bailichen, thank you Daozu for preaching."

Bailichen suddenly opened his eyes, and a pattern of yin and yang and gossip appeared under his feet, spreading in all directions, and strands of Taoist rhymes from the Shangqing Immortal Scripture permeated his body, and the ancient Taoist patterns were engraved on Bailichen's body. above the clothes.

"In just four thousand years, you have mastered the Shangqing Immortal Scriptures and entered the realm of great accomplishment. My child, your talent is very good, and your future achievements will definitely not be weaker than those of the old Taoist."

The conversation between Wuyou Daozu and Bailichen was not to let Bailichen get an introduction to the Shangqing Immortal Scripture, but to achieve the state of Dacheng.

On that day, Bai Lichen received the Dharma transmission from Wuyou Daozu, and within three days he had introduced the Shangqing Immortal Scripture, and within ten years he had entered the realm of Xiaocheng.Regarding Bailichen's talent, Wuyou Daozu was shocked and felt ashamed.

"Daozu, you..."

Bailichen hesitated to speak, he saw the figure of Wuyou Daozu disappearing rapidly.

"The old Taoist has long since died. I never thought that I would have the opportunity to see the outstanding descendants of my Taoist sect. This life is enough."

Over the years, Wuyou Daozu has been resisting the power of the laws of the Wangu chess game, and by taking the opportunity of fighting with Bailichen, he is actually preaching and protecting Bailichen.

Therefore, Wuyou Daozu saw that Bailichen had comprehended the method of the Shangqing Immortal Scripture, and left without any regrets, returning to the darkness of nothingness again, becoming a trace of the past.

The outstanding figures of Daozong did not speak, but bowed deeply in the direction of Wuyou Daozu's disappearance, with deep respect.


Dao Ancestor had already dispersed, and the surrounding heroes slowly approached Bailichen, full of fighting spirit.

Bailichen has comprehended the Shangqing Immortal Sutra and has reached the state of Dacheng.Even Bailichen is only one step away from reaching the consummation state, which is the level of the Taoist ancestor.Now Bailichen's strength, he himself does not know.

If it is only about understanding the law, Bailichen thinks that he will not be weaker than these outstanding people from all ages.

"Since everyone wants to fight, let's fight!"

Bailichen was not afraid at first, let alone now.

At this time, a figure slowly came out from the pitch-black vortex.This person carried a long sword on his back and wore a simple Taoist robe with a few patches sewn on it.

"Who dares to bully my Taoist disciple?"

The man came slowly, the long sword was out of the sheath, and the sword intent was compelling.

Bai Lichen looked at this simple Taoist, his eyes turned red instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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