The sword rises

Chapter 2120 Cutting Chaos With One Knife

Chapter 2120 Slashing Chaos With One Knife
Chapter 120 Slashing Chaos With One Knife
Gu Hengsheng and Zhuge Haokong glanced at the thirty or so immortals around them, and then turned their attention to the master and the master of the fairy court who were fighting.

This battle is unprecedented in the world.Ordinary immortals stared directly at the battle, their eyes would be extremely painful, and there would be endless bloodshot eyes.

"Who are you?"

A fairy asked.

All the immortals stared at Gu Hengsheng and Zhuge Haokong as intruders.

Only Tuoba Yun had the most expressive expression, full of panic.

Tuobayun recognized Zhuge Haokong, who was the terrifying existence in the other side of the chaotic world, and even the master of the fairy court called him Mr.

"Wait!" Tuoba Yun saw that a fairy was about to make a move, and immediately stopped him.

Unfortunately, Tuoba Yun was a step behind.

I saw an immortal gentleman grabbing Gu Hengsheng and Zhuge Haokong's hands, and said coldly: "Arrest these two people first, and then ask about the situation of the other party's chaotic world."

Xianjun slapped Gu Hengsheng and Zhuge Haokong with this palm, without killing intent, but simply wanted to suppress them.

"Break!" Gu Hengsheng whispered, and pointed at Cheng Jian.


A sword light flashed across, directly cutting off the right hand of the fairy.


The palm broke, and the precious blood of the fairy gushed out, and was instantly swallowed by the power of chaos: "Ah..."

As an existence in the realm of immortality, the hardness of the body must definitely exceed that of the emperor's soldiers, and he will live forever.Gu Hengsheng's light sword cut off the palm of a fairy king, and the sword light could even wander in the chaotic space without being suppressed.

"If you dare to attack again, die!"

Gu Hengsheng turned his head and glanced at Xianjun who had just made a move, his tone was cold, but no one dared to have the slightest doubt.

The fairy regretted so much that he immediately stopped his bleeding wound.Injured by Gu Hengsheng's sword intent, it would take a long time for this fairy to reattach his palms.

"What a terrifying sword!"

At this time, more than thirty immortals changed their colors one after another, their hearts trembling violently.

Even the strongest of these immortal monarchs was not sure of catching the sword light that Gu Hengsheng had cut out just now.What frightened all the immortals was that the sword just now was obviously just a warning, and they did not use their real strength.

Once Gu Hengsheng made a full attack, none of the more than thirty immortals could be his opponent.If all the immortals work together, they probably won't last long.

"Tuoba Yun, come here."

Zhuge Haokong remembered Tuobayun's name, and turned to look at Tuobayun.

Suddenly being named by Zhuge Haokong, Tuoba Yun shivered as if he had fallen into the deepest part of the ice.Tuoba Yun, who was hundreds of feet tall, walked tremblingly in front of Zhuge Haokong, sweating all over his body: "I have met you, sir."

The lord of the Immortal Court addressed the man in red as Mr. Tuoba Yun imitated him, not daring to show any disrespect.

"Tuoba Yun, you are an immortal general under the lord's seat, how can you be so humble?"

"We are all innate beings, born to be protected by heaven and earth. How can you be so afraid of a mortal who doesn't even seem to have the realm of a great emperor?"

"Tuobayun is a smooth boy, he actually lost his dignity in front of us, there must be something strange about it. Does this man in red have a lot of background?"

More than thirty immortals watched Tuoba Yun's actions, some of them were very puzzled, while others were extremely angry.However, for the time being, no one dared to make a move, because they were all intimidated by Gu Hengsheng.

How could another chaotic world be able to bear so many terrifying existences?
All the immortals were frightened and very uneasy.Once this white-clothed man joins the battlefield, the lord is likely to be attacked from both sides and will definitely be at a disadvantage.When it really comes to that time, every immortal monarch will not back down half a step even at the cost of death.

Tuoba Yun didn't care about the contempt and accusations of his colleagues at all, with a smile on his face, he bent and knelt towards Zhuge Haokong and Gu Hengsheng.

"Who is that?"

Zhuge Haokong asked, pointing at the lord who was in the bloody battle.

"He is our lord, ruling all worlds."

Tuoba Yun replied immediately.

"Do you know his name?"

Zhuge Haokong continued to ask.

"This..." Tuoba Yun did not dare to call the Lord by his name directly, this was a big taboo.Just like ordinary people in the secular world, they dare not call the emperor by his name directly.

"Huh?" Gu Hengsheng glanced at Tuoba Yun.

Being stared at suddenly by Gu Hengsheng, Tuoba Yun subconsciously glanced at his companion who had lost a hand, his body trembled, and he said falteringly: "The master's name is Xiao Wenxian."

Tuoba Yun, you are courting death!
After countless years, the immortals were shocked when they heard this name again.

"Xiao Wenxian." Zhuge Haokong repeated it several times, trying to catch a hint of opportunity from this name, and then deduce some secrets from it.

Since the Lord has ruled the heavens and the world, no one dares to call him by his name.Tuobayun suddenly said this name, which directly attracted the attention of the lord who was fighting.

The lord's eyes pierced through the endless chaotic space and landed on Tuoba Yun.

Tuoba Yun directly called the lord by his name, as if a mortal had trampled on the dignity of the emperor.

"My lord, please forgive me!"

Just the coercion in the Lord's eyes made Tuoba Yun a little unbearable, and he knelt down on one knee and shouted loudly.

The lord did not show mercy, and the coercion in his eyes condensed his own ultimate Taoism, intending to suppress Tuoba Yun and maintain his own majesty.


Gu Hengsheng unhurriedly waved his sleeves forward.


The master's coercive Taoism was blocked by Gu Hengsheng, and Tuoba Yun could breathe a sigh of relief for the time being, sweating profusely.At that moment just now, Tuoba Yun thought that his immortal bones were about to burst and he was on the verge of death.

"Thank you for your help."

Tuoba Yun immediately thanked Gu Hengsheng, and at the same time was extremely frightened.It's unbelievable that the white-clothed man in front of him can actually block the lord's full blow.

The immortals on the side were dumbfounded and their souls trembled.In the endless years before, the lord was an invincible existence in their eyes, and no one could challenge the majesty of the lord.

But this time the channel of the chaotic world was opened, and there appeared one after another terrifying figures who could compete with the lord, which really shocked the immortals.

The master's attack was blocked, which made him extremely surprised.Immediately, the lord took a look at Gu Hengsheng, and found that Gu Hengsheng had actually entered the back-to-nature realm of immortality, and was on the same level as himself.

"Brother, did you find anything?"

Gu Hengsheng knew that Zhuge Haokong was deducing just now, so he asked softly.

"Nothing." Zhuge Haokong shook his head.

In the depths of the chaotic space, the Lord who was fighting was injured because of his distraction just now.

The lord of the fairy garden pierced the lord's left shoulder with a finger, and said flatly: "It's too arrogant to dare to be distracted in a fight with me."

"It's not a matter of victory or defeat, don't be too happy."

The lord held the black pole knife in his hand, and once again slashed at the lord of the fairy court.

The lord concentrated on dealing with the lord of the fairy garden, as for the other people, we will talk about it later.

This battle continued like this. Several years have passed, and the Lord and the Lord of the Immortal Court are in a relatively balanced state, and it seems that no one can win the other.

After such a long battle, dozens of bloodshot knife marks appeared on the body of the Lord of the Immortal Court: "It's really a sharp knife!"

"I will chop off your head with this knife!"

The lord held the Heiji knife tightly in both hands, and seemed to have decided to use the trick of pressing the bottom of the box.

"If you can really do it, wish for it."

The words of the Lord of the Immortal Court are really not a sarcasm, but a luxury.

If someone can chop off the head of the Lord of the Immortal Court, it will make the Lord of the Immortal Court truly taste the threat of death.

What the Lord of the Immortal Court lacks in this life is the suffering between life and death. As long as he has the opportunity to feel the threat of death, he may be able to reach a higher level and break the shackles between heaven and earth.

The radiance from the Heiji Knife actually made the entire chaotic space tremble. The Lord cut his palm and merged his blood essence into the Heiji Knife, his eyes were blood red.

"Forbidden technique." The lord of the fairy court noticed that the lord's strength has become much stronger, and the pressure has increased a little.Then, the lord of the fairy court noticed the black pole knife in the lord's hand, and said to himself: "It has reached the level of a fairy weapon."

Because the lord used the forbidden technique created by himself, not only his own strength has been improved, but even the Heiji knife in his hand has the power of a fairy weapon in a short period of time.

If a weapon wants to reach the level of an immortal, it is infinitely more difficult than the cultivation of a living being.In the huge chaotic world, there is not a single fairy artifact in the true sense.

Even the invincible lord of a chaotic world did not forge the Heiji Saber in his hand into a fairy weapon after exhausting all his resources.It can be seen from this that the fairy weapon is not so easy to achieve.

"The weapon of immortals can cut everything in the world and walk among the chaos."

The lord whispered and roared like a wild beast, and the dao rhyme of the Heiji knife slowly affected the chaotic space.

Immediately afterwards, strands of chaotic power wandering in all directions in the space began to move towards Heijidao, becoming part of the power of Heijidao.

"That's what makes it interesting!"

The eyes of the Lord of the Immortal Court finally revealed a dignified look, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter and brighter.


The lord threw all his strength and slashed at the lord of the fairy court.

This time, the Lord of the Immortal Court did not force himself to carry it with his physical body, and instantly displayed his own Taoist supernatural power: "Come!"


The Heiji knife slashed at the lord of the fairy court, the chaotic space it passed was divided into two, and the whole space began to violently turbulent.

All the immortals who were watching from the corner were all injured by the aftermath and flew upside down for countless miles.

Gu Hengsheng immediately made a move to protect himself and Zhuge Haokong.As for Tuoba Yun, he was lucky to be protected.

(End of this chapter)

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