The sword rises

Chapter 2133 Home!

Chapter 2133 Go Home!

Chapter 130: Go home!

The way is endless!

The immortals have seen this great battle, and also saw the cracks in the fusion of the chaotic worlds of the nine directions, and they have little enthusiasm for the power of one world.However, in order to prevent chaos in the world, the immortals still guard all sides and maintain the original state.

"In our hearts, there is only one Lord."

Even though Xiao Wenxian resigned and disappeared, all the immortals remained as usual.They believe that one day in the future, the Lord will definitely come back.

For hundreds of millions of years, although the lord has been extremely strict with the immortals, there are many rules.However, if it weren't for the lord, the immortals would definitely not be able to make it this far.

Be a minister for one day, be a minister for the rest of your life, never betray!

However, everything is an exception.

"Tuobayun, do you want to betray the lord?"

Seeing Tuoba Yun's actions, a powerful fairy asked.

"Don't talk nonsense, when did I betray the lord? I am entertaining distinguished guests for the lord, so don't think about it."

Tuoba Yun immediately retorted.

Afterwards, Tuoba Yun walked directly in front of Zhuge Haokong, flatteringly said: "Sir, if you don't mind, I will do some chores for you in the future, so that you don't have to do it yourself."

"You are too tall and will block my sight."

Zhuge Haokong glanced at Tuobayun, and said with disgust.

"..." Tuoba Yun smiled awkwardly, and immediately said: "Don't worry, sir, I will be smaller now, and I will definitely not block my eyes."

After finishing speaking, Tuoba Yun's Baizhang body shrunk visibly with the naked eye.Soon, Tuoba Yun's body was like an ordinary adult, and he was just half a head shorter than Zhuge Haokong.

"You..." Zhuge Haokong has seen too many ancient heroes in his life, but heroes and evildoers have their own pride and will not bow their heads easily.On the other hand, Tuoba Yun is an innate creature after all, a generation of immortals, but he is just like ordinary people in the market.

To be honest, this was the first time Zhuge Haokong encountered such a situation, so he couldn't laugh or cry.

"Sir, I can do everything except having children. Even if I don't, I can learn."

Tuoba Yun looked at Zhuge Haokong pleadingly, extremely humble.

Who wants you to have a baby!
Zhuge Hao thought about it for a while, and there are indeed many things in the future that it is inconvenient for him to do it himself, but he needs a helper: "Forget it, since you are like this, follow me from now on!"

"Thank you sir."

Tuoba Yun was ecstatic, and quickly thanked him.

Not far away, the immortals looked at Tuobayun's success, envied him, and wanted to beat him up.To be honest, it is really impossible for them to lower their stance like this.

As a generation of immortals, the pride that should be there should not be lost.

Tuobayun stood beside Zhuge Haokong, secretly turned his head to glance at the immortals behind him, and smiled.

"It seems to kill him!"

A fairy said.

"Hmm." All the immortals nodded one after another.

Zhuge Haokong is an existence respected by the lord and others. If you follow him, you will definitely get many benefits.It's a pity that all the immortals were not as thick-skinned as Tuobayun, and they all shook their heads and sighed.

In the chaos beyond the fairy world, Gu Hengsheng returned here.

With Gu Hengsheng's current strength, he soon spotted a struggling figure in the chaotic space.That figure was none other than Gu Xiujie.

"Xiu Jie, this is your own path. As a father, you won't interfere."

The battle just now took place in the chaotic space where the lord Xiao Wenxian lived, but this is the world where Gu Hengsheng lived, and the two are not in the same chaotic space.

If it is really the same Chaos, the battle between Gu Hengsheng and Jun Qingchen is enough to destroy everything, how can Gu Xiujie survive?
"Didn't Jun Qingchen come back?"

Gu Hengsheng's celestial sense scanned, but found no trace of Jun Qingchen, presumably Jun Qingchen went to a certain chaotic world that was shattered!
Then, Gu Hengsheng left his body in a certain corner of the chaotic space, and began to practice in seclusion.At the same time, Gu Hengsheng created an avatar, which was transformed by a drop of essence and blood from the main body, and his thoughts were clear.

"That's... Time Returns to the Ruins!"

In the boundary between the chaotic space and the fairy world, Gu Hengsheng saw a willow branch wandering, absorbing strands of free power of the law of chaos.

"If you let the years return to the ruins to grow, one day in the future, you will definitely be able to transform into a fairy weapon."

Once Time Returns to the Ruins becomes a fairy weapon, controlling time will be unpredictable.At that time, Years Returning to the Ruins will probably be more terrifying than the Sword of Everlasting Regret, and even be able to compete with Chuyang, the immortal weapon in Jun Qingchen's hands.

Don't forget that Suiyueguixu can grow infinitely, all that is lacking is time.

Gu Hengsheng didn't let the time return to the ruins to find out, and entered the fairyland without a sound.

In the starry sky deep in the fairyland, Gu Hengsheng saw two familiar figures.One is Emperor Liu, in the name of longevity, a real outstanding person from all ages.The other person is Gu Hengsheng's junior sister, Ye Yingxue.

Liu Changsheng and Ye Yingxue were practicing, and their bodies were covered with barriers.

Gu Hengsheng didn't bother, and went in.

Incarnated into the fairy world, Gu Hengsheng returned to the world!
In the fairy world, a high mountain stands above the endless spiritual sea, which is the tomb of floating life!
Wearing a white shirt, Gu Hengsheng stepped into the tomb of floating life and saw familiar figures, he was very happy.

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

On the mountaintop of the Fusheng Tomb, the big brother Dongfang Moling stood here, looking into the distance.Suddenly, a voice fell into Dongfang Mo's ears, causing his body and soul to tremble slightly.

"Junior brother!" Dongfang Mo immediately turned around, saw Gu Hengsheng standing not far behind, and called out with great joy.

"Long time no see, brother."

Gu Hengsheng stepped forward and hugged Dongfang Mo tightly, and the laughter spread to every corner of Fusheng's tomb along with the breeze.

"I'm still wondering when your kid will be able to come back."

If Gu Hengsheng hadn't spoken, Dongfangmo would never have found out.There is no way, even an incarnation of Gu Hengsheng is far more powerful than Dongfang Mo.

"Little brother, it's good that you are fine, just go home."

Second Senior Sister Meng Xiaoxiao has been worried about Gu Hengsheng all these years, just now she heard bursts of laughter, and immediately came over.When Meng Xiaoxiao saw Gu Hengsheng, tears filled her eyes.

After a few breaths, everyone appeared here.

Big Brother Dongfang Mo, Second Senior Sister Meng Xiaoxiao, Fourth Senior Brother Wen Muxuan, Fifth Senior Brother Xiang Ruyu, Sixth Senior Brother Zhu Zhentian, Seventh Senior Brother Chu Xiaoyao, Eighth Senior Brother Wukong Monk.There are also Gu Hengsheng's apprentices, Yu Huaze, Tianci, An Chusheng, and Fu Mengyao in order.

Of course, Bai Moli was among them.

"I am back."

Gu Hengsheng looked at the relatives of Shimen in front of him with a bright smile.At this moment, every corner of the Fusheng Tomb is full of flowers, and the fragrance is ten miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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