The sword rises

Chapter 2148 Finale, goodbye, gentlemen

Chapter 2148 Finale, goodbye, gentlemen

Chapter 140 The finale, goodbye, gentlemen

Gu Hengsheng saved the young man, didn't bother to pay attention to the crowd, and left as soon as his faith moved.

The people in the city were still thinking about the words Gu Hengsheng left just now.

The Gu family in Tianfeng City, Gu Hengsheng!
The creatures in the world have never heard of the name Gu Hengsheng, but they are very fond of the Gu family.The monks in Qingming Mountain were pale, knowing that they had provoked an irresistible existence, they fled immediately.

Only some great monks who had read ancient books knew the meaning of Gu Hengsheng's name, and they were instantly petrified, their faces full of horror.

In a land of a hundred kingdoms, within a certain peach grove.

Gu Hengsheng, Gu Lingwei, Li Qiurou, and that young man.

Gu Lingwei let go of Gu Hengsheng's embrace, and slowly walked in front of the young man.

The young man kept his head down, clasping his chest with both hands, as if he was hiding something.By chance, the young man got a Lingbao, which may allow him to see a higher path of cultivation.Because of this treasure, the young man was chased all the way and almost died.

"You... for you to eat."

Gu Lingwei looked at the candied haws in her hand, then at the very poor young man, and passed the candied haws over.

Slowly, the boy raised his head, looked at the little girl and candied haws in front of him, and felt the warmth of the world for the first time.The boy is about 15 years old, his cultivation is only at the Spirit Profound Realm, ordinary and impermanent.

Looking at Gu Lingwei's sincere eyes, the young man subconsciously reached out and grabbed the candied haws.

Seeing the boy accept her kindness, Gu Lingwei showed a happy smile like a crescent moon: "My name is Gu Lingwei, what's your name?"

The boy was a little cautious, and seemed unwilling to say his name.But after hesitating for a while, the boy looked at the candied haws in his hand and whispered, " name is Qin Zimo."

"Nice to meet you."

Gu Lingwei left the Floating Tomb. This was the first time she met a stranger, and she was very happy.

Looking at Gu Lingwei's smile, the young boy was a little dazed.

At this time, Gu Hengsheng came over and hugged Gu Lingwei: "Lingwei, it's time for us to go home."

There are so many difficult and miserable people in the world, as long as there are living beings in the world, it is absolutely inevitable.Therefore, Gu Hengsheng has no sympathy for the young man, it's all fate, and it's all cause and effect.

It wasn't until Gu Hengsheng and others left that the young man withdrew his gaze reluctantly.Then, the boy looked at the candied haws in his hand, couldn't help but tasted it, and said in his heart: "It's so sweet."

The land of a hundred countries, in the clouds.

Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou glanced at the boy below, then at Gu Lingwei who was asleep in his arms.

"This child has the same name as the Holy Lord of Yuliu Mountain."

Li Qiurou said curiously.

"There are too many people with the same name in the world."

Gu Hengsheng was not impressed by this, but was a little puzzled: "Lingwei has always been a little afraid of strangers, but this time it is strange that she took the initiative to say hello to others."

"Maybe it's fate!"

Li Qiurou smiled slightly.

Gu Hengsheng snorted lightly, very unhappy.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng and others returned to the Immortal Realm.

During this period, Gu Hengsheng went to the mortal world and found Bei Gongxin.

Bei Gongxin was fishing as usual.

One morning, Gu Hengsheng walked up to Bei Gongxin.

"I'm here to buy fish."

Gu Hengsheng looked at Bei Gongxin and said.

"What fish to buy and how much?"

Bei Gongxin and Gu Hengsheng looked at each other.

"As many as you want."

Gu Hengsheng said.

"Give me the money first." Bei Gongxin started to tidy up her fishing net without raising her head.

"I have no money." Gu Hengsheng shook his head.

"What kind of fish do you buy without money?" Bei Gongxin asked rhetorically.

"Although I have no money, I can exchange it with other things."

Just as Gu Hengsheng finished speaking, he flipped his left hand, and a sword appeared in his hand.

Bei Gongxin's body trembled slightly at this moment, she slowly put down the fishing net, stood up and looked at the three-foot Qingfeng in Gu Hengsheng's hand with complicated eyes.

The name of this sword is Qinghong, and it is Bei Gongxin's saber.In the Wangu chess game back then, Bei Gongxin hoped that Emperor Liu would erase his memory, and later Bei Gongxin forgot everything.

Emperor Liu put away the Qinghong Sword and handed it to Gu Hengsheng not long ago, asking Gu Hengsheng to hand over the Qinghong Sword to Bei Gongxin.

"I just want to live a stable life for a few days, can't I?"

Bei Gongxin looked at Gu Hengsheng with a cold tone.

Obviously, Bei Gongxin has already recovered her memory and found her true self.It's just that Bei Gongxin is greedy for the ordinary life and doesn't want to take that step forward.

"It's beyond your control."

The corner of Gu Hengsheng's mouth slightly raised.

"Xin'er, my sister is always here and won't be leaving."

Ye Yingxue walked over holding an oiled paper umbrella, talking softly.

Bei Gongxin and Ye Yingxue looked at each other, completely revealing their respective identities and not hiding them anymore.This time, Bei Gongxin didn't run away, she smiled slightly and nodded: "Yes, sister."

Qinghong Sword seemed to feel the joy in the master's heart, and let out bursts of pleasant sword chant.

Gu Hengsheng handed the Qinghong sword to Bei Gongxin, and said before leaving: "You owe me a lot of fish, don't forget."

"Get lost." Bei Gongxin was not used to Gu Hengsheng.

The Qinghong Sword is originally my property, if you use my property to buy my fish, you, Gu Hengsheng, are dreaming!
But the next moment, Bei Gongxin still said sincerely: "Thank you."

Gu Hengsheng smiled and left with ease.

On this day, Gu Hengsheng stood on the top of the Fusheng Tomb, with a lot of wine glasses in front of him, paying homage to his fallen general and his former opponent.

"Invincible forever, Emperor Feixuan, Murongxuan!"

Gu Hengsheng raised his glass and drank, recalling the past.

In order to find the traces of the immortal way, Emperor Feixuan never stopped in his life.With one blow, he smashed Yunjie Mountain and buried his bones at the bottom of Yunjie Mountain. He can be called a hero of all ages!
"Respect to you!"

Gu Hengsheng drank another cup, and Xiao Qianmo, the former master of the black bamboo forest, appeared in front of his eyes.

An ancient spirit crocodile with extreme physical skills.Xiao Qianmo and Emperor Feixuan were born in the same era, it is an honor, but also a tragedy!

Xiao Qianmo's lifelong obsession is to be recognized by Emperor Feixuan.In the eternal chess game, after Xiao Qianmo's death, he finally got his wish and let go of his obsession.

The air-loving emperor returned to the sea for nine lives, a pioneer who explored the taboos and secrets of the ancient times, and proved the way by killing, he is unparalleled in the world.

In the ancient times, the Nine Monarchs fought with Bei Gongxin for [-] rounds, but in the end they were defeated and fell into ruin.

Wuyou Taoist Ancestor and Ancient Burning Buddha Ancestor are all amazing powerhouses through the ages.

The four great families in ancient times, as well as the Great Xia Emperor, all turned into a wisp of smoke from the past in the long river of time.

At the time of the emperor's war, Emperor Qing, Emperor You, Emperor Shaoqing, Emperor Lin and others all showed up with mortal obsessions and were unparalleled in style.

Asked how worried you can be, just like a river of spring water flowing eastward.

In the past, Emperor Fulong used a carp to prove the Tao and suppressed the heavens.

There is Emperor Qing who holds a spear in his hand and is invincible throughout his life. Who among his peers can fight?

In the ages, who would dare to use the name of longevity?
Liu Changsheng!
In ancient times, the human race was weak and reduced to the meat and playthings of hundreds of races.A man was born out of nowhere, dressed in white, pointed at the void, and said: "From today onwards, our human race must not be bullied!"

Later, the era was disrupted, and all living beings in the world don't know why the human race can become the leader of a hundred races.It wasn't until this era that the common people in the world understood that the fairy in white was the Emperor of All Ages!

Among the evildoers of the same generation, Xu Wentian, the sword emperor, frightened the heavens, cutting through life and death with a single blow.Later, Xu Wentian inherited the will of the sword bearer and died on the road to enlightenment.

There is also Wang Chiya, the treasured body of the Dao, who also fell on the road to enlightenment.If Wang Chiya was only hundreds of thousands of years later, and the times had changed drastically, he would definitely be able to prove the Tao, what a pity!

There is also Liu Yunxiao of the Golden Crow Clan, who was born in the same era as monsters like Gu Hengsheng and Jian Zun, and eventually lost his fighting spirit, became the patriarch of the Golden Crow Clan, became a witness, and his life span was approaching.

Yuan Lin of the Black Phoenix Clan is also an extremely powerful evildoer. He once fought hundreds of moves with Gu Hengsheng without losing the wind. He is a born king.

Many monsters from the ancient and imperial clans flashed before Gu Hengsheng's eyes one by one.

"It's a blessing to be able to compete with you all in the world!"

Gu Hengsheng laughed out loud and drank several glasses of fine wine.

For Ajie, he can let go of everything and sacrifice the sword with his life.Although there were many twists and turns, Bei Gongxin still got his wish.

Gentlemen, do you still remember that little Taoist priest many years ago?
The little Taoist claimed to be the last disciple of Dust Dao Sect, and shouldered the important task of revitalizing Dust Dao Sect.There are thousands of difficulties and dangers, the little Taoist has never given up, and only he himself knows the difficulties.

Later, the little Taoist priest succeeded and became a very famous Taoist ancestor in the heavens and myriad worlds!

Daozu, Bailichen!

"My life is worth it."

Gu Hengsheng murmured.

If you want to talk about the characters of this era, who is the most topical is the third Mr. Zhuge Haokong from the Tomb of Floating Life.

Zhuge Haokong once said: "I want to use the heavens and worlds as a chessboard, and all living beings in the world as chess pieces, to find the truth and break taboos."

The sword master, the Buddha, the little princess of the dragon carp clan, and others are all unrivaled monsters that are rare to see in 10 years.Eternal monsters gathered in the same era, it really is a painting of an extremely bright and magnificent scene!
From today onwards, the little monk is the only Buddha in the world, named Tathagata!

The Buddha used the merits and virtues of saving all sentient beings for a lifetime, just in exchange for that person's well-being and peace, and his heart is satisfied.

I am the sharpest sword in the world!
The sword master once used his own strength to challenge his peers from all sects to prove his swordsmanship.

"Nine chaotic worlds, seven of them collapsed, leaving only two. The story of this world has not yet come to an end!"

After Gu Hengsheng finished drinking the fine wine, he leaned under a tree and talked to himself.

At this time, Zhuge Haokong walked over and sat beside Gu Hengsheng: "Junior brother, time flies so fast! I still remember that year, when you just entered the tomb of floating life, you were immature, and I still vividly remember it. "

"Brother, thank you."

Gu Hengsheng suddenly became very serious.

Zhuge Haokong patted Gu Hengsheng on the head, and cursed with a smile: "You stupid boy."

Seeing that Zhuge Haokong was smiling, Gu Hengsheng also smiled.

"Don't relax, perhaps an even more terrifying era will come soon."

Zhuge Haokong has been deducing it all these years.

"I know." Gu Hengsheng looked into the distance.

Except for the three feet of snow on your body, who in the world can wear white clothes.

One person, Su Lingchen, the eternal emperor.There is one more person, the only Gu Hengsheng from ancient times!

A red dress can cross the river of time, who can match it?Who doesn't call him Mr. One Sentence?
"Look at the world with a smile, and watch the vicissitudes of life quietly."

Zhuge Haokong was dressed in red, and a jade slip appeared in his left hand. He pointed his finger at the mortal world, and the jade slip fell into the mortal world and disappeared without a trace.

Then, Zhuge Haokong turned his head and smiled: "Masters, if we are destined, we will meet again in millions of years."

One day in the future, the situation will rise again!

(End of this chapter)

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