The sword rises

Chapter 2150 Extra Story 2 Bei Gongxin met a nobleman when he was young

Chapter 2150 Extra Story 2 Bei Gongxin met a nobleman when he was young

Chapter 150 Extra Story 2: Bei Gongxin met a nobleman when he was young

Somewhere in the world, a remote courtyard.

A boy about 17 years old walked out of the courtyard covered in blood, dying.Although he looked particularly embarrassed, his eyes were extremely clear and determined.

The boy's name was Bei Gongxin, and he was born with a waste body.

Not long after Bei Gongxin was born, her biological mother died.And his father, because he is a useless person, doesn't want to see him at all, and let him fend for himself.

Perhaps it was because they were afraid of driving Beigong Xin out and tarnishing the Beigong family's reputation, so the Beigong family arranged Beigong Xin in a corner of the family, and asked the servants to give him some dross to feed his hunger on weekdays.

When she was a child, Bei Gongxin lost hope in life, her eyes were dull, and she didn't know how long she could live.

One day, a girl broke into Bei Gongxin's life.

The girl claimed to be Bei Gongxin's older sister, and brought delicious meals to Bei Gongxin, making him know for the first time what it feels like to have a full meal.

The elder sister gave Bei Gongxin warmth and dispelled the darkness.Slowly, my sister also moved into this dilapidated yard, to take care of Bei Gongxin for convenience.

The sewing and cooking are contracted by my sister, and she has given Bei Gongxin enough care.Bei Gongxin made up her mind that when she grows up, she must work hard to earn money so that her sister can live a good life.

However, the good times did not last long.

The elder sister was arranged by the elders of the family to marry a powerful practitioner as a concubine.Only in this way, the family can establish a relationship with the big monk and get enough benefits.

The elder sister was very reluctant, and begged hard, but no one in the clan forgiven her.In the end, the girl was forcibly sent to Huaqiao.

When Bei Gongxin learned about this, it was already too late.I heard that my sister committed suicide because she couldn't bear the humiliation on the night of her wedding.

The big monk threw his sister's body back to Beigong's house, saying it was bad luck.In order not to offend the big monk, the family directly threw the body of the elder sister into the wilderness, and did not enter the ancestral hall.

Bei Gongxin climbed over the wall and went out. On a rainy night, she finally found her sister's body, which was unsightly.


Beigong Xinruan lay beside her sister's body, crying unceasingly.

I don't know how long it took before Bei Gongxin got up and gained strength.It took a whole night for Bei Gongxin to bury her sister in the ground. Her hands were bloody and her whole body was covered in mud.

Bei Gongxin didn't seem to feel the pain anymore, only the desire for revenge was in his eyes.

Recalling the past, the 17-year-old Bei Gongxin immediately gritted her teeth and did not let herself pass out.Moreover, there was light in Bei Gongxin's eyes.

Because just now, Bei Gongxin tried hundreds of times to reconnect the broken pulse, and finally successfully introduced a ray of spiritual energy into the body, and he can start to practice.

The pain in it is unimaginable.

Looking at the heavens and the world, there is probably only Bei Gongxin who can withstand the pain of heart and soul with a mortal body.

"I can't die."

Bei Gongxin was holding on all the time, his eyes were dizzy and his stomach was rumbling.

Bei Gongxin has been hungry for many days, and just wants to find a place to eat to replenish her vitality.However, Bei Gongxin had no money on him, and when others saw Bei Gongxin's bloody appearance, they wanted to hide away, so how could they step forward to take care of her.

Passing through this remote courtyard, Bei Gongxin was just about to stagger, but suddenly heard a voice calling: "Brother Tai Liubu, have you been robbed by gangsters?"

A young son came out from the courtyard, he was very handsome, elegant and elegant: "I am invincible."

Bei Gongxin glanced at Ren Wulun, didn't say a word, and continued walking at a snail's speed.

"Brother seems to be injured, why don't you go to the humble house to rest for a while!"

Ren Wuyou couldn't bear it, so he stepped forward directly, wanting to help Bei Gongxin.

Pedestrians passing by on the street pointed and said kindly: "Mr. Ren, this person may be a fugitive. I advise you not to meddle in your own business."

"I think this brother has a very good face, so he is definitely not a bad guy."

Ren Wulun replied.

"This kid is really blessed, that is, a kind person like Mr. Ren is willing to help."

Ren Wulun is a kind-hearted person with a small reputation in the neighborhood.

Bei Gongxin didn't want to accept Ren Wulun's kindness, and he had to guard against his heart.

Seeing that Bei Gongxin refused to stop and rest, Ren Wulun was a little anxious: "You will die like this."

Bei Gongxin was pale, bleeding profusely, unable to speak.

"excuse me!"

Ren Wulun clasped his fists and said.

As soon as the words were finished, Ren Wulun lightly slapped Bei Gongxin on the back of the head, knocking him out.

Immediately afterwards, Ren Wulun carried Bei Gongxin back to the courtyard and took good care of her.

Bei Gongxin slept for three full days and three nights before slowly waking up.If Ren Wulun hadn't been taking care of him all the time and using spiritual techniques, even if Bei Gongxin didn't die, his body would suffer countless problems.

When Ren Wulun changed Bei Gongxin's clothes and treated his injuries, he saw the wounds on Bei Gongxin's body.It was densely packed with threads, and the meridians all over his body were broken countless times.

"It's incredible that you are still alive with such an injury."

Ren Wulun was shocked for a long time before he came back to his senses, the way he looked at Bei Gongxin changed dramatically.

The first thing Bei Gongxin did after waking up was not to thank her, but to leave here.In a strange place, Bei Gongxin didn't have the slightest sense of security.

"Step aside."

Bei Gongxin wanted to leave, but Ren Wulun disagreed.

"Brother, you can't exercise vigorously now. If you hold on, you will die."

Ren Wulun warned.

"It's none of your business."

Bei Gongxin is used to the dangers in the world, so she doesn't believe that someone with good intentions would save her, and must have a plan.

But Bei Gongxin didn't recognize himself, now he has nothing, what can others plan?
plot against your body?
cough cough.

"I'm a doctor, so I can't ignore death."

Ren Wulun has been practicing since he was a child, and Bei Gongxin, who can draw Qi into his body now, is not his opponent.

Bei Gongxin was directly pressured by Ren Wulun, and lay down obediently to rest.

Just like that, Ren Wulun boiled the medicine and porridge himself, and asked Bei Gongxin to drink it.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye, and Bei Gongxin's injury improved.

Bei Gongxin got acquainted with Ren Wulun a little bit, and felt that Ren Wulun was not a bad person, he really just wanted to help himself.Therefore, Bei Gongxin somewhat had a good face towards Ren Wulun, and could talk normally.

"Who caused your injury? It's crazy."

The two sides got acquainted a little bit, Ren Wulun asked.


Bei Gongxin said seriously.

Hearing this, Ren Wulun was stunned: "Really? Are you crazy!"

Bei Gongxin remained silent.

Because of his health, Bei Gongxin couldn't leave here.Ren Wulun said very seriously that if Bei Gongxin left without heeding the advice and the injury recurred, his life would be in jeopardy.

Bei Gongxin didn't dare to gamble, he finally succeeded in introducing spiritual energy into his body, and he absolutely couldn't die.

Thus, Bei Gongxin became a handyman in the courtyard, not wanting to take advantage of Ren Wulun.

Time flies like a white horse, and half a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Bei Gongxin's injury had almost recovered, and he bid farewell.

Ren Wulun was extremely reluctant, he felt sorry for Bei Gongxin, and regarded Bei Gongxin as his good friend.

"I'm cooking today, let's have a drink."

Ren Wulun didn't keep him because he knew Bei Gongxin's future didn't belong here.

"Okay." This time, Bei Gongxin agreed to Ren Wulun for the first time.

Maybe in Bei Gongxin's heart, he already regarded Ren Wulun as a very good friend!

After drinking for three rounds, Bei Gongxin told the reason why she had to harm herself, and also talked about her childhood experience.

Ren Wulun who heard this story secretly wiped away the tears from his eyes, his throat was sore.

Ren Wulun suddenly remembered something, rushed directly into the house, and took out a sword box.

"Here." Ren Wulun put the box in front of Bei Gongxin.

"what is this?"

Bei Gongxin was taken aback.

"Open it and see."

Ren Wulun is mysterious.

Bei Gongxin opened the box, and found that inside was a simple three-foot green sword, a decent Taoist tool: "This..."

"This sword is called Qinghong, and it is the treasure of my Ren family. It has been hidden and buried since it was passed down to my generation. I know that you have great wisdom in your heart, so I gave this sword to Brother Beigong , may you hold this sword and ascend to the Nine Heavens Tower."

Ren Wulun stood up and clasped his fists, solemnly.

"No, this is your heirloom."

Bei Gongxin didn't want to accept it, so she pushed three times and resisted four times.

"Brother Beigong." Ren Wulun said seriously: "I'm not good at fighting and killing, and it's useless to keep this sword with me. You and I met once, and I will give you the three-foot sword as a token of my heart. In the future, if you You can really become famous and honorable."

After Ren Wulun's many words and gifts, Bei Gongxin accepted it, with mixed feelings in his heart.

The next day, Ren Wulun watched Bei Gongxin leave.Until Bei Gongxin left for a long time, Ren Wulun didn't look back.

Ren Wulun never imagined that one day in the future, Bei Gongxin would climb to the top of the cloud, prove the Tao and become emperor with a waste body, and overwhelm the world.Similarly, Ren Wulun didn't know that the Qinghong Sword he gave away would one day become an imperial weapon, and the sword would crush the heavens.

(End of this chapter)

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