The sword rises

Chapter 216 Brat!

Chapter 216 Brat!
Chapter 210 Six Brats!
"Wait, what did you just say? Marriage proposal?"

Before Gu Youmo could reply, Mr. Gu stood up directly from the main seat, staring at Gu Hengsheng with surprise and surprise, and asked anxiously.

Mo Miaoling and Gu Youmo were also taken aback, and immediately looked at Gu Hengsheng, their eyes full of astonishment and complicated rippling thoughts.

"Yeah." Gu Hengsheng nodded lightly, then sat on the chair and said seriously: "But since the second uncle has spoken, let's go to propose marriage when you have time! Let me talk about my experience of going to Moyang Country first!"

"What the hell! Hurry up and go to the Li family to propose marriage!" Mr. Gu waved his hand and swears, his face full of anticipation and joy.

Both Gu Youmo and Mo Miaoling showed a strong look of surprise. They also hoped to see the scene of Gu Hengsheng marrying Li Qiurou back home, and they were very excited.

"No, let's talk about the marriage proposal when you have time in the future! Now that the second uncle has spoken, let's talk about the West Prince's Mansion in Moyang Country Town."

Gu Hengsheng sighed pretending to be sad, glanced at Gu Youmo, and said slowly.

For a moment, the entire Gu family hall was filled with a strange atmosphere.Both Mr. Gu and Mo Miaoling turned their gazes to Gu Youmo's body, their expressions were a little unclear.

"Hang Seng, don't listen to your second uncle. There is plenty of time to talk about those trivial matters. The main purpose now is to marry Qiu Rou back home." Mo Miaoling gave Gu Youmo a hard look, which made the Marshal Zhen Guo, who was intimidating thousands of troops, look at him. Gu Youmo couldn't help shrinking his head.

"Auntie, forget it! We'll talk about the marriage proposal later, let's talk about the affairs of Moyang Kingdom first." Gu Hengsheng said with a blank expression on his face.

"Don't talk about it, get out of here immediately, and bring a gift to Li's house to formally propose marriage." Gu Youmo couldn't bear it anymore, and stood up and shouted loudly.How could he not see that Gu Hengsheng was deliberately embarrassing him?I feel a little helpless.

"Second Uncle, didn't you ask me to stay here?" Gu Hengsheng asked suspiciously, pretending to be innocent on purpose.

"You..." Gu Youmo pointed at Gu Hengsheng, a strong aggrieved feeling rose up in his chest, but he didn't know how to express it, it was extremely uncomfortable.

"Gu Youmo! If you want to talk too much, Hang Seng has finally found a home, and you insist on messing around. Are you satisfied now!"

Regardless of her reserved appearance, Mo Miaoling immediately got up, put her bare hands on her hips, stared at Gu Youmo coldly and said, "If you delay the wedding of Hang Seng and Qiu Rou, you will never get into it again." room, just lie down and sleep by the door.”

"Hmph!" Old Master Gu glared at Gu Youmo, and snorted coldly pretending to be angry.

"I..." Gu Youmo's face turned red, and he covered his forehead helplessly, not knowing what to say.

Even in the face of millions of troops and countless powerful enemies, he is not afraid and his face does not change.However, now there is a strong sense of powerlessness rising from the depths of my heart, which is extremely uncomfortable.

"You little bastard, get out of here quickly, and go to Li's house to formally propose marriage immediately. If you're messing around, I'll break your leg directly."

Gu Youmo really had no choice but to put on an aggressive look and stare at Gu Hengsheng.

"Marshal Zhen Guo's general power is so powerful! You want to break Heng Sheng's leg, so try it." Mo Miaoling was not happy, and directly in front of Mr. Gu and Gu Hengsheng, her bare hands were tightly locked in the depths. Twisted Gu Youmo's waist.

In an instant, Gu Youmo felt a pain in his waist and held his breath tightly.Although his cultivation had reached the middle stage of the Earth Profound Realm, he didn't dare to use his profound energy to resist this plain hand, and let Mo Miaoling twist tightly.

"Miao Ling, this brat committed crimes in the past, and I'm always like this." Gu Youmo looked down at Mo Miaoling beside him, and said in a soft voice affectionately.

"I don't care about what happened before, but now Hang Seng is my nephew, and I'm his aunt." Mo Miaoling said in a crisp and sharp voice, murmuring her red lips.She muttered silently in her heart: "Who told you to be so stupid, just bear it!"

Gu Youmo was speechless and looked at Mo Miaoling silently.

Mr. Gu didn't seem to see this scene, so he just stared at Gu Hengsheng quietly, thinking with joy in his heart: Maybe next year he will be able to hold his grandson and great-grandson, and life is boundless joy.

"It's still better, Auntie."

Gu Hengsheng looked at this scene, said with a chuckle, and couldn't help feeling a warm current in his heart.

"Well, Hang Seng, go quickly! Auntie will pick an auspicious day for you later, and bring Qiu Rou back as soon as possible." Mo Miaoling smiled charmingly with her red lips pursed.

"Okay, then thank you, auntie." Gu Hengsheng had long recognized Mo Miaoling from the bottom of his heart, and said respectfully.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng turned his head to look at Gu Youmo again, pretending to ask for instructions: "Second Uncle, do you really have nothing to ask me? Would you like me to tell you about my specific experience in Moyang Country? "

"Fuck off!"

Gu Youmo glared at Gu Hengsheng fiercely, gritted his teeth and said.

Then, Mr. Gu finally spoke, and said to Yi Bo who was at the side: "Old Yi, immediately choose a gift from the storeroom, and accompany Hang Seng to the Li family to formally propose marriage."

"Yes, master." Yi Bo's old face was full of excitement and joy, and he immediately turned around and went to the storeroom to prepare the heavy gifts needed to propose marriage.

The hall of the Gu family was full of joy and Gu Youmo's helpless gaze.

"In this case, then I'll go first." Gu Hengsheng stopped teasing Gu Youmo, bowed slightly to the crowd, and then walked towards the gate.

When Gu Hengsheng's back was getting further and further away, Mo Miaoling sent the plain hand tightly twisted around Gu Youmo's waist, and couldn't help but give him another look.

"Hahaha..." Mr. Gu couldn't keep his calm in the end, he raised his head and laughed ecstatically.

Seeing this, both Gu Youmo and Mo Miaoling shook their heads and laughed.

"This brat..." Gu Youmo cast a helpless glance at Gu Hengsheng's leaving back, cursed in a low voice, and then looked at the token of Zhenxi Palace in his hand.

Yi Bo paid great attention to the selection in the storeroom for a long time, and prepared a lot of important gifts, so that all the servants carefully carried the official marriage gifts into the luxurious carriage.

At the same time, Gu Hengsheng had already stepped out of the gate of the Gu mansion first, heading towards the Li family.

More than two months ago, the day Gu Hengsheng left Tianfeng Country for Moyang Country, he gave Li Qiurou a letter.It shows that when I come back, it will be the day when the two officially get married.

Now, of course, Gu Hengsheng will not procrastinate any longer, because Li Qiurou's tender and gentle figure has been deeply rooted in Gu Hengsheng's heart, and he can't get rid of it.

(End of this chapter)

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