The sword rises

Chapter 221 Big Wedding Ceremony

Chapter 221 Big Wedding Ceremony
Chapter 220: Big Wedding Ceremony
Gu Hengsheng slowly took Li Qiurou's crystal clear hand, and walked slowly towards the hall of the Gu family under the gaze of everyone.

The two festive and bright red figures are so conspicuous among the crowd, and they are extremely dazzling under the attention of everyone.

"Tian Yuhou and Miss Li's family are really a match made in heaven." In the crowd, someone secretly admired, but couldn't take his eyes off Li Qiurou's charming and soft body.

So, when Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou slowly stepped into the lobby, Mr. Gu, Junshang Mo Xiuyang and others sat down one by one, with joy on their faces.

Today, Mo Xiuyang didn't wear a dragon robe, but a brocade long robe. He sat in the upper seat and watched the scene quietly.

Mr. Gu and Mr. Li Tianyuan sat at the main seats, looking at the envoys from the imperial court and all the civil and military officials, they were both very proud and gratified.

"All distinguished guests, please take your seats!" Yi Bo, as the butler of the Gu family, presided over the wedding ceremony. He stood between the front yard and the hall, and said loudly with a long breath.

Immediately, everyone took their seats one after another. Hundreds of people sat down in the front yard and hall of Gu Mansion, but it didn't seem crowded at all.

"Please prepare the two newcomers, and worship the heavens and the earth!"

Yi Bo's old face was filled with deep joy. He watched Gu Hengsheng from a baby until he grew up, and now he was able to witness this scene, and he felt very relieved from the bottom of his heart.

Under the gaze and witness of everyone, Gu Hengsheng pulled Li Qiurou and looked at each other with a smile on his face.Li Qiurou's soft and delicate body bowed to the sky and earth, but Gu Hengsheng just held her plain hand and watched quietly.

Seeing this, everyone was very surprised. They didn't know what Gu Hengsheng meant.

However, everyone didn't want to spoil the wonderful and festive atmosphere, so they didn't speak.

"Second respect to the elders!"

When Yi Bo saw that Gu Hengsheng didn't bow to the world, he couldn't help but a look of doubt flashed in his eyes, he quickly realized it, and then said loudly.

This time, both Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou turned around and bowed towards Old Master Gu, Li Tianyuan and the others.

Heaven and earth, Gu Hengsheng does not want to worship lightly, he only respects old man Gu, Gu Youmo and other elders.For the rest, he doesn't care at all.What's more, the world is ruthless, how can it bear Gu Hengsheng's bow and salute?
"Bye husband and wife!"

Yi Bo hurriedly shouted.

Hearing this, Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou slowly let go, stepped back half a step each, bowed down and bowed to each other with a smile.

Everyone watched this scene quietly, forgetting about Gu Hengsheng's refusal to pray to heaven and earth just now, and a smile appeared on the corner of their mouths.


Yi Bo thought to himself, to be able to watch that runny-nosed kid grow up and get married with his own eyes, and he would have no regrets in this life.

Soon, two beautiful maids came to Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou with two glasses of fine wine.

Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou picked up a glass of fine wine each, walked up to Mr. Gu, Li Tianyuan and the others, and saluted and toasted together.

"Grandpa." Gu Hengsheng handed the wine to Mr. Gu who was sitting in the main seat, and smiled lightly with his thin lips.

At the same time, Li Qiurou also handed the fine wine to Mr. Li Tianyuan.

"Okay!" Old Master Gu and Li Tianyuan glanced at each other, and drank it down in a gulp of relief.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou held fine wine and toasted it to the current emperor, Mo Xiuyang.In Gu Hengsheng's heart, Mo Xiuyang is a person worthy of admiration, at least he has not failed the Gu family, and deserves a toast.

"Hahaha, I've been looking forward to the wedding ceremony of Marquis Tianyu and Qiurou for a long time." Mo Xiuyang said with a big laugh as he drank all the wine that Gu Hengsheng had offered to them.

Back then, Mr. Gu and Li Tianyuan met Junshang Mo Xiuyang together, hoping to allow Gu Hengsheng to join the Li family.In this regard, Mo Xiuyang knew the deep meaning of old man Gu, wishing to let the future Gu Hengsheng have a safe place, so he agreed to this matter.

Unexpectedly, what happened later was extremely unbelievable. Gu Hengsheng directly persuaded Mr. Li Tianyuan to change the matter of marriage into marriage, which puzzled the world.

Afterwards, during the Battle of Yanxingguan, a shocking news spread. Gu Hengsheng joined the army under the pseudonym Gu Yun.

Since then, the world has changed their views on Gu Hengsheng, and they also understand why the Li family suddenly agreed to let Li Qiurou marry into the Gu family.

The first battle of Yanxingguan shocked thousands of troops and became famous in one battle; in the capital, he stunned Tianjiao with one kick, and was extremely overbearing; Nanyuan and his party, with a small sword will, angrily killed Nanyuan general with a single sword; the Northern Expedition, fully demonstrated Out of the wind of a general.

He, Gu Hengsheng, is the person who takes care of the family in Tianfeng Country.

So far, no one in the world knows you!

Who dares to say that the third son of the Gu family is a useless waste?Who dares to take half a step on the frontier of Tianfeng Country?
"Mr. Li still has foresight! I'm short-sighted, and I can't reach it." Among the civil and military officials, many people looked at Gu Hengsheng's slender figure, and sighed secretly regretfully from the bottom of their hearts.

He is the arrogance of the world, and no one in a hundred countries can compare him.

She is a picturesque fairy, even if she cannot speak, she is not comparable to women in the world.

Today, he and she will officially get married under the witness of various forces from all over the world!

"Qiurou, the salute is over. From today on, you will be the daughter-in-law of my Gu family. If Hang Seng bullies you and makes you unhappy, you can come to grandpa. Grandpa will definitely make decisions for you."

Seeing Li Qiurou's alluring and delicate appearance, old man Gu stroked his beard with a hearty laugh.

Li Qiurou glanced at Gu Hengsheng who was beside him, pursed her red lips and smiled sweetly, and bowed slightly to Mr. Gu to express her respect.

"Hang Seng, you have to change your mind today!" Mr. Li Tianyuan stared at Gu Hengsheng, and said with a smile: "In the past, you used to say something about Mr. Li, but it made me a little helpless."

"Hahaha..." All of a sudden, Mr. Gu, Mo Xiuyang and others burst into laughter.

Gu Hengsheng smiled lightly, walked slowly in front of Mr. Li Tianyuan, bowed slightly and said, "Master."

The old man's voice directly pushed the atmosphere of the big wedding to an extreme, causing everyone to laugh and laugh.

"That's all, let's call him the old man! He's also kinder than Mr. Li." Li Tianyuan could feel Gu Hengsheng's aloofness, and he didn't force it. He shook his head with a wry smile.

Gu Hengsheng just smiled, not defending himself.

Li Qiurou stood by Gu Hengsheng's side, gently raised her plain hand to cover the smirk at the corner of her mouth, and the cinnabar between her brows revealed her extreme charm.

Just when everyone was smiling, Li Qiurou's delicate body suddenly trembled, wanting to fall over.

"Qiu Rou!"

Seeing this, Gu Hengsheng immediately reacted, and supported Li Qiurou's willow waist, the expression of joy on his face changed instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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