The sword rises

Chapter 224 Polishing the Sword Body

Chapter 224 Polishing the Sword Body
Chapter 220: Polishing the Sword Body
In the west wing courtyard, Mr. Gu and Li Tianyuan were really worried about Li Qiurou's condition, so they asked Dr. Gu a few words.However, Dr. Gu was helpless, because Li Qiurou's pulse was very peaceful, and it seemed that nothing happened.

"Since Hang Seng explained so, there must be his deep meaning, let's do what he said! Qiurou thinks nothing will happen."

Li Tianyuan had no choice but to speak softly to comfort himself and everyone else.In fact, he was more anxious than anyone else in his heart, but when this happened suddenly, he could only believe what Gu Hengsheng said.

"That's the only way." Old Master Gu nodded heavily.

Therefore, everyone arranged for a few maids to wait in the courtyard in the west wing day and night, to take good care of Li Qiurou.

At the same time, Gu Hengsheng ran straight out of the capital, heading towards the deep forest in the valley ten miles outside the city.

When Gu Hengsheng's figure appeared in the deep valley, Yan Chenge and the others put down everything in their hands and waited respectfully.

"My lord!" Yan Chenge and the others bowed.

"My lord." Gong Xinyue, Shangguan Hai and the others had completely lost their immature faces, and everyone was well-cultivated and talented.

"Chenge, come here." Gu Hengsheng glanced casually at everyone, then stared at Yan Chenge with his hands behind his back, and said in a deep voice.

Afterwards, Yan Chenge and Gu Hengsheng walked to a deserted place, waiting for what Gu Hengsheng would say next.

Gu Hengsheng's right hand was slowly raised and suspended in the air, strands of mysterious energy were rolling in the palm of his hand, forming virtual images one after another.

"This is Mo Gua stone, collect it for me as quickly as possible, the more the better." The mysterious energy in Gu Hengsheng's palm instantly formed the appearance of a dark stone, and he said solemnly: "No matter what the price is, you must get."

Immediately afterwards, Gu Hengsheng took out a token from his pocket and handed it to Yan Chenge: "This is the general order of my Gu family. If you encounter obstacles, you can use it. Remember, you must not relax in this matter. You There's only a month or so to collect."

"Let everyone in Jianyu Pavilion do it, don't slack off, do you understand?" Gu Hengsheng's expression on his brows became extremely serious, and he said in an irresistible tone.

"Yes, this subordinate understands!"

Since following Gu Hengsheng's side, Yan Chenge had never seen Gu Hengsheng give such unquestionable orders.Therefore, Yan Chenge was very aware of the importance of this matter, and solemnly reported back.

"Well, I will leave this matter to you, don't let me down." Gu Hengsheng nodded slowly and said.

After explaining the matter, Gu Hengsheng didn't linger any longer, he stepped out of the deep valley and walked quickly towards the north.

It's only been a month. When Gu Hengsheng was investigating Li Qiurou's soul just now, he found that the blood-red imprint of heaven in the depths of her soul was getting bigger and bigger. It might only take about a month to completely swallow it up. Li Qiurou's natal soul.

Therefore, Gu Hengsheng is now racing against time, hoping to deal with this matter in time.

It was late at night, but countless people could hardly sleep peacefully.

Originally, the marriage between the Gu family and the Li family was so festive, but it ended under Li Qiurou's unexpected situation.

The envoys from all over the world and the civil and military officials all left the Gu family with their own thoughts, and spread the news to every corner, causing countless people to sigh and regret.

Tonight was supposed to be Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou's wedding night, but the wedding room was empty and extremely silent.

Li Qiurou was lying in the west wing of the Gu family's courtyard. Although her face slowly returned to blush, she showed no sign of waking up.She was still wearing the long red dress that caused the world's admiration to lose her soul, and she lay quietly on the bed.

The much-anticipated groom, Gu Hengsheng, did not accompany Li Qiurou to take care of him, but walked under a waterfall lined with boulders in the dark.

This waterfall is about fifteen miles away from the capital, and there is no one around, except for the sound of the waterfall rolling in, there is no other sound.

"I thought I had plenty of time, but in the end, it was unexpected after all."

The moon and stars were sparse, and Gu Hengsheng's figure in a dark red wedding gown slowly appeared beside the waterfall, his stern eyebrows burst into a sharp light, and he muttered to himself.

"I didn't want to go this way, but you forced me to do it." Gu Hengsheng looked up at the sky, and the majestic aura slowly swept through the world: "You want to judge her, but can you judge her?" asked me?"

Half a year ago, when Gu Hengsheng learned that Li Qiurou was an outcast, he was shocked for a long time before he could keep calm.

At the beginning, Gu Hengsheng thought that he would wait for him to achieve success in cultivation, slowly find the treasure of genius, and use the elixir to eliminate the imprint of the judgment of heaven in the depths of Li Qiurou's soul.

However, it was precisely because of Gu Hengsheng's investigation half a year ago that the Imprint of Heaven's Way became aware of Gu Hengsheng's existence, and began to gradually engulf Li Qiurou's natal soul to prevent accidents.

"In my previous life, some people said that I was ruthless and bloodthirsty. However, the people I killed all had their own way of death, and my ruthless heart was forced out by this vast avenue."

Gu Hengsheng walked towards the waterfall step by step, his crimson clothes were slowly splashed wet by the water.

"In this life, I just want to walk safely, and I don't want to be an enemy of this Dao. But why do you want to persecute me?"

Gu Hengsheng stepped in the huge boulder stream, and his body was covered by countless turbulent streams. He walked steadily and unmoved, and walked towards the waterfall in front of him in the water.

"I don't want to be an enemy of Dao, but do you really think I'm afraid?"

Gu Hengsheng raised his head suddenly, piercing through the layers of black mist with sharp eyes, and went straight to the top of the sky, and said in a low voice, "I have crossed thousands of miles of blood rivers, stepped through ten ancient countries, and suppressed hundreds of millions of souls. Three thousand The great way of karma, I am all contaminated, so why be afraid of your mere way of barbarians from a hundred countries!"

Before he knew it, Gu Hengsheng had stepped under the waterfall.His long hair was messed up by the gust of wind that was blown by the countless tons of rushing water that fell.

Ever since he went to Sanqianli Sword Market to polish his sword body, Gu Hengsheng has not focused on body cultivation.And tonight, Gu Hengsheng will rely on the waterfall that he ran wildly and fell, and then practice the art of sword body.

"Blood Chen Sword Body Jue" is the method of body art practiced by Gu Hengsheng.

At the beginning of the sword body, one can forcibly withstand the offensive of the early and middle stages of the Spirit Profound Realm; at the middle level of the sword body, one can forcibly defeat the strong at the early stage of the Earth Profound Realm by relying on physical skills; ; As for the state of perfection...

Martial arts are divided into grades, grades, grades, and grades, so naturally there are differences in exercises.Human level, spiritual level, earth level, heaven level, the higher the level of the kung fu, the more profound and powerful the method.

"Xuechen Sword Body Art" is an extremely rare high-level earth-level exercise, which was obtained by Gu Hengsheng through painstaking efforts.

"Today, I will use the momentum of the waterfall to polish the body of the sword."

Gu Hengsheng's expression froze, and he walked fearlessly under the rolling waterfall.

(End of this chapter)

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