The sword rises

Chapter 233 Step 1 of the Earth Profound Realm

Chapter 233 One Step to the Earth Profound Realm
Chapter 230 Three Steps to the Earth Profound Realm
He was wearing a coarse white shirt, with jet-black long hair floating, and holding a cold sword in his hand, pointing directly at the sky, and he was extremely domineering.

Everyone's eyes gradually became astonished, and what they saw next will be kept in their hearts forever, and they will never forget it.

Yan Chenge stood motionless in the corner of the west wing like a stone, but the expression on his face was extremely complicated. He seemed to recall the scene when he saw Gu Hengsheng for the first time in the Sword Market.He once again felt Gu Hengsheng's aura of looking down on the world.

The profound energy in Gu Hengsheng's body slowly surged, and his cultivation in the late stage of the Lingxuan Realm was exposed to everyone's eyes.However, Gu Hengsheng's aura and aura are not comparable to those in the Spirit Profound Realm.

Stepping down again, Gu Hengsheng stared at the sky indifferently, and roared in a hoarse voice: "In this life, I didn't want to have karma with you, but you insisted on forcing me to take this path. You, really thought I was Is it insulting?"


All of a sudden, the sky, which was originally clear and clear, was filled with thunderous thunder, which seemed to knock down the entire silence.

Old man Gu and the others felt the atmosphere getting heavier and heavier, their clenched fists were filled with cold sweat, and they held their breath.

"I have had karma with Sanqian Dao, and I have grievances and grudges. I have accumulated various Dao seals in the depths of my soul, and it is difficult to tell. In this life, I have avoided everywhere, and I have not violated the order of heaven and earth on this side. I just want to practice quietly. .”

"However, this does not mean that I am afraid of you. In the final analysis, you are just a dispensable incarnation of the Dao. Even if you are tainted with karma and become your enemy, so what?"

Gu Hengsheng took another step, and the aura of the void poured into his body like waves.That pair of eyes looking down at all living beings was as empty and silent as an eternal abyss, which shocked the reclusive powerhouses from all over the world to wake up.

In the blink of an eye, with one step, Gu Hengsheng stepped into the peak of the Spirit Profound Realm, and his momentum became more and more majestic and oppressive.

At this moment, the hundreds of millions of living beings in the entire capital city and even the Tianfeng Kingdom felt an unprecedented power rising continuously, and they all turned their eyes to the Gu family.

"What happened? What's going on?" Many people tremblingly looked at Gu's direction, muttering in cold sweat.

"With this momentum, I feel like my soul is about to crawl down."

"It seems to come from the Gu family. Could it be that the peerless powerhouse who sits in the Gu family is making the move? Otherwise, in the huge Tianfeng Kingdom, who else can explode with such a menacing momentum?"

Countless people were watching, and various discussions spread from the streets and alleys to all directions.

Whether it was the imperial palace or the big families, everyone in them put down all the matters in their hands and focused their attention on the position of the Gu family. The atmosphere was extremely dignified and oppressive.

Gu Mansion, West Wing Courtyard.

Gu Hengsheng's cultivation had reached the peak of the Lingxuan Realm in the blink of an eye, making Mr. Gu and the others pale and shocked to the extreme.

However, Gu Hengsheng didn't have the energy to pay attention to the changes in everyone's expressions and thoughts.His footsteps did not stop, and he took another step.


The endless spiritual energy in the void poured into the meridians and dantian of Gu Hengsheng's body like a small stream.

The barriers of the Earth Profound Realm suddenly collapsed under the surge of spiritual energy.

Gu Hengsheng's cultivation has surprisingly reached the early stage of the Earth Profound Realm!
"What!" Elder Gu and the others were stunned in astonishment. Gu Hengsheng actually stepped from the peak of the Spirit Profound Realm to the early stage of the Earth Profound Realm in just one breath.

The realm that countless people are struggling to pursue, and the Earth Profound Realm that has blocked many arrogances, was so easily passed by Gu Hengsheng?

Puzzled, shocked, surprised...

Various emotions arose in everyone's heart, and they stared blankly at Gu Hengsheng's back.

"In my previous life, I rose up at the end of the century. After thousands of years, I climbed to the top of the Profound Sky, overlooking the ancient kingdoms in ten directions and hundreds of millions of living beings. When I was angry, the world was horrified, and the world fell. Why are you afraid of a hundred kingdoms?"

Gu Hengsheng muttered in his mouth, his star-like pupils shone fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Hengsheng raised his steps again, stepped down with one step, and stepped on the void.

Now, his cultivation has reached the early stage of the Earth Profound Realm, and he can walk in the air.At this moment, Gu Hengsheng was like a majestic mountain, imprinted in everyone's eyes.


Everyone was stunned and silent. They felt that they could no longer see through Gu Hengsheng, and could only look up.

Gu Hengsheng stared at the sky with his eternally empty eyes, and the aura on his body was once again majestic.

A realm in the middle stage of the Earth Profound Realm!
Gu Hengsheng was using his soul power from his previous life to forcibly raise his cultivation base.

He has cultivated the sword body to great success, just for this moment, so that his body can bear this majestic power of cultivation and soul.

"Ah..." Mr. Gu and the others were stunned, unable to say a word at all, only deep shock and various complex expressions flowed in their hearts.

In the middle of the West Wing Courtyard, Li Qiurou's delicate figure was wearing a long red dress, still suspended in the air, sleeping, graceful and youthful, peerless.

After a while, Gu Hengsheng was already standing above the void, and everyone in the capital could see his figure.

"That' seems to be Marquis Tianyu!" A martial artist in the capital's military camp looked at Gu Hengsheng who stood like a black spot in the void, and said in amazement.

"Look! That seems to be Master Hou! Why is Master Hou there? What does he want to do?" A group of people who were closer to the Gu family looked up and shouted in doubt.

"Gu Hengsheng, how can he fly in the sky? Although he has amazing combat power, doesn't he only have the cultivation of the Lingxuan Realm?" In the depths of the palace, Junshang Mo Xiuyang and countless others frowned and stared at him. Looking at Gu Hengsheng standing in the sky.

The Gu family, Gu Hengsheng slowly lowered his head and glanced at Li Qiurou who was floating and sleeping in the middle of the West Wing courtyard, a soft look flashed deep in his eyes.

Then, Gu Hengsheng squeezed out a Judgment with his left hand, which penetrated directly into Li Qiurou's delicate body and soul: "The mark of judgment, I will destroy it today!"

click -

A vague and crisp sound came from the depths of Li Qiurou's soul, and the bloody imprint in her soul quietly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

For a moment, when Gu Hengsheng destroyed the bloody imprint of heaven in the depths of Li Qiurou's soul, the entire sky and earth fell into silence.

Slowly, the originally clear sky became darker and darker.On the top of the clouds in the sky, there seemed to be a blood-red mark rolling, about to fall from the sky.


A thunderous sound that made the earth tremble came from the sky, causing countless people in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms to shudder, feeling their whole bodies being filled with a dense aura.

(End of this chapter)

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