The sword rises

Chapter 239 The Ancient Emperor

Chapter 239 Eternal Emperor
Chapter 230 IX The Eternal Emperor
Under the violent suppression of the sword rain, the blood wolf and tiger beast collapsed into a blood mist in the void, drifted between the heaven and the earth, and reflected in the eyes of hundreds of millions of creatures.

This sword seemed to cut through the void, sliced ​​through a space, and twisted directly.

Countless Earth Profound Realm powerhouses looked at this scene, and they all prostrated themselves, forever remembering this young man in a white gown and carrying a Senhan sharp knife.

Hundreds of millions of living beings cannot forget this shocking scene, and it has become a nightmare in their hearts, which is difficult to eliminate.

The man in the white shirt, with a sharp sword in his hand, killed a strange beast with the aura of the Profound Sky Realm.If that sword fell on the ground, I am afraid that the whole ground will be cut in half, and the sky will collapse.

" the real peerless powerhouse..." A grey-white old man was in the depths of a certain dynasty, crouching on the ground with his body bent, his eyes filled with horror.

"Hang he Hang Seng...?" Mr. Gu and the others looked at Gu Hengsheng standing in the sky in the West Wing courtyard, they were all stunned, they couldn't believe that the handsome young man in the past would become so terrifying.

Perhaps, after today, there will be a legend circulating in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms.A white-clothed man with a sharp sword in his hand leveled the void for nearly a hundred miles, beheading the strange beasts in the Profound Sky Realm that had been transformed by the Dao of Heaven.

While the world was still in a state of deep fear and shock, Gu Hengsheng in the void did not relax at all.Because he knows that as a side of heaven, the power it possesses is definitely not like this.

God, he's still testing Gu Hengsheng!

It wants to test how much ability Gu Hengsheng still has, and Gu Hengsheng is not testing this side of heaven.

"Eternal sinking is just a glimpse of vicissitudes. The road is vast, but it is just a wisp of dust and smoke."

Gu Hengsheng held the extremely sharp Jinghong Sword and stepped towards the top of the void step by step. The aura on his body became stronger and stronger like rolling waves, and his deep and hoarse voice seemed to reach the sky: "In this life, the person I protect , no one can move! Even if you pay for this great opportunity, you will not hesitate!"

When Gu Hengsheng decided to use the power deep in his soul to temporarily and quickly increase his own strength, it was already doomed that his future path would be extremely difficult, even untouchable forever.

However, he does not regret it!This is the decision he made and the Tao in his heart!

The sea of ​​thunder in the dark sky is still rolling, as if roaring angrily, venting the wrath of heaven.

The bursts of thunder and rolling sound spread from the sky to every corner of the Hundred Kingdoms, stirring up endless fear.The whole earth seemed to be silent, and countless creatures were looking at the sky from the corner of their eyes, not daring to look directly.


After taking a few steps in the air, Gu Hengsheng swept across the sky with the sword in his right hand.

With a sound of "shua", a gigantic sword with a length of one thousand meters rose from the startling sword in Gu Hengsheng's hand, and with a coercion as vast as stars, it slashed towards the looming blood-red mark of judgment in the sky.

Suddenly, when this thousand-meter cold light was about to cut towards the sky, there was a sound of slow and steady steps on the golden road in the depths of the sky.

The steady sound of footsteps was not intentionally intimidating, but it could attack everyone's heart, making them feel suffocated and fearful in their hearts.

The thousand-meter sword light slashed away, but was blocked by a black sharp sword before it got close to the sky.

This dark sharp sword is only three feet long, and it appears extremely insignificant under the thousand-meter sword light.However, it blocked the thousand-meter sword light that was so powerful that it could slash across the earth, which can be called extremely terrifying.


Gu Hengsheng looked at the black ink sword, his palms couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and the seriousness between his brows sank a bit.

Da da da……

The golden color from the sky splashed into the void, and the sound of footsteps spread loudly to everyone's ears. It seemed that the only sound of footsteps was left in the entire hundred kingdoms.

The sea of ​​thunder that was rolling and roaring was silent, as if not daring to disturb some kind of existence coming from the sky.

"Gu, I judge you guilty!"

Suddenly, a hoarse voice mixed with endless imperial power came from the depths of the golden avenue, and spread to all directions in the world, shaking everyone's heart.

Hearing this, Gu Hengsheng immediately held his breath, clenched the sharp sword in his hand, and stared indifferently at the golden road falling from the sky.

"That's..." In the depths of the Hundred Kingdoms, an ancient existence heard this voice, felt the fierce imperial power coming from the sky, and trembled with terrified eyes.

After a while, a middle-aged man in a dragon robe came slowly along with the hoarse voice mixed with imperial prestige.

The man is tall and tall, his eyes are shining like stars, his face is handsome and cold as frost, and his sword eyebrows are sharp.What shocked hundreds of millions of living beings the most was that he was wearing a golden dragon robe. The ferocious dragon head and dragon claws on the dragon robe showed his royal power and aura.

call out!
With a light lift of his right hand, the man blocked Gu Hengsheng's thousand-meter sword glow and shattered it.Then the ink sword turned into a streamer and returned to the man's hand.


The man held a dark three-foot green blade, and faced Gu Hengsheng from a distance, confronting and arrogating: "Gu, betraying you, death penalty!"


As soon as the man said this, every corner of the land of a hundred kingdoms was blown up by yellow sand and wind, as if echoing his judgment.Jinkou Yuyan, nothing more than the case.

"This dragon robe, this ink sword. He...could he be..." A monarch of a certain dynasty looked up at the dragon robe figure on the golden road, and murmured tremblingly.

"Emperor! How is it possible? Absolutely impossible, he is already a legend, how could he still be alive?" Facing the man who came from the depths of the sky, all the emperors in the land of a hundred kingdoms felt ashamed. On its 01:30 star Huangwei.

As soon as the man said it, it directly set off a hurricane in all countries, and no resistance was allowed.This is the vast majesty that the emperor should have, and no emperor in the land of a hundred countries can match one thousandth of it.

"I see, he is... the Emperor Nangong 3000 years ago! The emperor who unified the entire hundred kingdoms!" A white-haired old man stood in the distance, looking at the man in the dragon robe deep in the sky, and couldn't bear it. He knelt down on his knees and roared in horror.

When the figure of the man in the dragon robe appeared above the sky, all the powerhouses in the land of a hundred kingdoms trembled once again. head.

Perhaps, in the entire hundred countries, only Gu Hengsheng could maintain a stern and indifferent expression.Even in the face of the menacing imperial aura, Gu Hengsheng did not panic or fear, but was a little dignified.

"You are far from qualified to judge me!"

Gu Hengsheng pointed his sword at the man in the dragon robe and shouted directly in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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